Search results

  1. GeorgiePorgie

    Stupid fees

    Shut up rich man. That’s only 50 riders at $30 a pop for your first open practice /s Off my sarcastic block: I didn’t race nearly as much as some of you. But the motor home slurps fuel. And I also buy vp cans with this Sam’s card. 5% cash back on fuel. Plus 3% back in club etc etc...
  2. GeorgiePorgie

    Stupid fees

    All they gotta do is lock the country down and everyone will buy up motorcycles and go racing.
  3. GeorgiePorgie

    Stupid fees

    I mean they do a lot. To plan all that is essentially rinse wash and repeat but they’re trying to make things bette for as much money as they pull in…..the mxsports Rigs are pretty clapped. Ha. And they could charge $100 and $200 for the AQ and rc qualifying fees. And people will still pay it...
  4. GeorgiePorgie


    They better frame that and hang it up before the Lawrence brothers start a new metric on brothers in the top 10.
  5. GeorgiePorgie

    Star and thrasher are blind

    No doubt he’s working hard at it. He’s well supported in the journey. It helps when you’re only job is to focus on your craft.
  6. GeorgiePorgie

    Stupid fees

    $60 to rent at a moto event. $10 to rent at a sprint enduro. Same transponder. for as much headache as I went through owning one….easier to rent. I suppose if I raced every weekend would be worth the hassle to warranty and send back and troubleshoot these shitboxes.
  7. GeorgiePorgie

    Star and thrasher are blind

    Amazing how 20th is the sweet spot for really getting smeared. Or Atleast it feels that way probably cuz that’s where I always end up.
  8. GeorgiePorgie

    Stupid fees

    Mini os ran out of sign up bags. Strange because I pre-entered. How do you Eff that up ?
  9. GeorgiePorgie

    Star and thrasher are blind

    I guess my point is you can’t mentally lose it with your own team mates. If you wanna blow a gasket target a different color.
  10. GeorgiePorgie

    Star and thrasher are blind

    I was more impressed with star sabotaging their own boys making mains …a la deegan and smith. That little 3 section barn burner was the spark to the dumpster-fire-trash of a night smith had. Deegan keeps that up the moto stars will surely align and park him. Think the tram manager suggests...
  11. GeorgiePorgie

    Cold weather riding

    Hey…easy. I take pride in being a pit-bitch. You’re not at that level yet. Need more experience. You’re getting close tho. Not everyone can get under bjs skin. Except maybe the 10-12 pit-bitches. Bj at beans will bestow that honor upon you if you’re worthy.
  12. GeorgiePorgie

    2023 MERP Grand-Prix Series

    Although my s**t was nice at the beginning of the day Vs end of day. 10 tests at around 10 minutes each. First one was so muddy and bad it took me 25 minutes. I came back mad as a hornet. Was packing up to leave and then they made announcement that like half the field didn’t complete the test...
  13. GeorgiePorgie

    2023 MERP Grand-Prix Series

    I did a mud fest sprint enduro. It didn’t destroy my bike. Was really fun. And I got a ton of seat time. Got faster with every test. Despite getting more exhausted. my brother did the nastiest gncc and finished. I’d like to do a couple.
  14. GeorgiePorgie

    Deegan Compound for sale

    I dunno bro you see inflation? 20 years ago I thought 4 million would set me for life. Now it buys a house with a dirtbike track and a pool.
  15. GeorgiePorgie

    Deegan Compound for sale

    Would cost $100,000 a year to maintain the place.
  16. GeorgiePorgie

    Vivek 2024....Ohio native running for Prez?

    Every ducking election cycle. It’s all the same. right attacks left Left attacks right Us vs them Them vs us. We just need a good ole bloody war on our soil to get people to forget about all the division. Not wishing for a war here. Federal politics can get ducked. Focus on your local...
  17. GeorgiePorgie

    New Blue Pig

    Da blue pihg.
  18. GeorgiePorgie

    What's your favorite tire combo?

    I like the starcross medium compounds. But the new dunlops I really like as well. I was having some wierd front end push issues with dunlops. Then found out the sidewalls are different and generally they need about 1-1.5 more lbs of air to feel right. PR2 told me that and made the adjustment...
  19. GeorgiePorgie

    Vivek 2024....Ohio native running for Prez?

    Will need carried by social media minions. Campaigning and debates won’t win this thing anymore.
  20. GeorgiePorgie

    Briarcliff Announcer

    Wes is a hustler. Marine. Loves moto. Up Before his competition. And asleep after his competition. He beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. for 10 years at mini os we always parked with him and his family when I was on 50s, 60s and 80s. He’s almost like a second dad to me. And it’s wierd...