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  1. mastiffmom

    Smith Road 4-dark, bikes only

    The sun is shining it should be a wonderful night for practice : )
  2. mastiffmom

    Smith Road 4-dark, bikes only

    We will have our normal Wednesday evening practice 9-17, from 4-dark, bikes only.
  3. mastiffmom

    Smith Road Sunday 12-5 bikes only

    Daylight does seem to be dwindling fast this year, hoping to squeeze out a few more Wednesdays though. Glad to hear you enjoyed the track yesterday!
  4. mastiffmom

    Smith Road Sunday 12-5 bikes only

    It's absolutely gorgeous here, a perfect fall day : )
  5. mastiffmom

    Smith Road Sunday 12-5 bikes only

    We will be hosting a make-up practice sunday 12-5, bikes only
  6. mastiffmom

    Smith Road 4-dark, bikes only

    Yep, just getting on to post, Sunday (9-14-14) we will run 12-5 bikes only ; )
  7. mastiffmom

    Smith Road 4-dark, bikes only

    8:00 it was nearly dark at that point anyway
  8. mastiffmom

    Smith Road 4-dark, bikes only

    We got a light shower just enough to settle the dust, the track is looking great : ) here's a pic from 5:24pm
  9. mastiffmom

    Smith Road 4-dark, bikes only

    Its 3:38pm we have gotten no rain at all, we are opening at 4:00 as planned
  10. mastiffmom

    Smith Road 4-dark, bikes only

    Here's a pic 2:17 pm
  11. mastiffmom

    Smith Road 4-dark, bikes only

    We have gotten no rain , it's currently 2:12 pm and it's beautiful I'll keep you all posted. Just posted a pic on the FB page as well. They are prepping the track now, hopefully we have a nice evening : )
  12. mastiffmom

    Smith Road 4-dark, bikes only

    We will have out normal Wednesday evening practice 9-10-14 from 4-dark, bike only.
  13. mastiffmom

    Smith Road 4:00pm- dark, bikes only

    The forecast is calling for 79 and sunny all day, going to be a beautiful day!
  14. mastiffmom

    Smith Road 4:00pm- dark, bikes only

    We will have our normal Wednesday evening practice 4-dark.
  15. mastiffmom

    Smith Road Annual Labor Day Race

    Track update: We got some rain today, however the track was sealed so it is dry, we are good to go for tomorrow ; )
  16. mastiffmom

    Smith road pics?

    Gary Braun I believe
  17. mastiffmom

    Smith Road 4-dark, bikes only Track Preview for Labor Day Race

    We got some rain last night but the sun has been shining all today so the track should shape up really nice : )
  18. mastiffmom

    Smith Road Split Practice Sunday 12-6

    It may have been Gary Braun, I believe he was there.
  19. mastiffmom

    Smith Road 4-dark, bikes only Track Preview for Labor Day Race

    Lots of fun changes to the track, new jumps and turns to keep things interesting, c'mon out tomorrow and grab some practice before the race!
  20. mastiffmom

    Smith Road Annual Labor Day Race

    Lots of fun changes to the track, new jumps and turns to keep things interesting, c'mon out tomorrow and grab some practice before the race!