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  1. flyin polack

    Battle Practice!

    Thinking that 50+ might be the premier class of the weekend!
  2. flyin polack

    Kawasaki Grips

    Glue is way too messy and when you slide the grip on the glue gets moved down the tube leaving spots with out any glue. Use friction tape. Wrap the tape on the clean handle bar, starting on the inside and overlapping the tape 1/16" to keep from catching the edge with the grip and with the...
  3. flyin polack

    Battle 3 Moto Format at BC?

    Forgive me if I missed this...but has there been discussion of race order? I thought I remembered that being thrown out there but wondered how in the world that could be done proir to everyone being signed up... The reason I asked is that I am making the commute each day and the better half...
  4. flyin polack

    Battle Practice!

    I'm thinking 50+ too but wanna run 2 classes riding the 250 and 144, and not get beat up too bad (injured. Don't care about placing) Any suggestions?
  5. flyin polack

    Battle Practice!

    Gotta make cash to pay for parts. The price of tires is going through the roof!!! Cant the president do anything about that? lol Gotta have sharp edged sneekers for the battle...even if you're old and slow!
  6. flyin polack

    Battle Practice!

    Angry...working Friday!
  7. flyin polack

    Action Sports GP Saturday August 24

    We'll meet again.., lol Haven't decided yet if I'm doing the OMA rounds. Going to do the battle and see how that goes. Don't usually race, just practice. More bang for the buck. GP's are nice because I know when I race and don't spend the day there sitting around.
  8. flyin polack

    Action Sports GP Saturday August 24

    Made the trip Saturday. Track was slick and tight in the woods. Not what I expected. No need for bark busters. 250 2 stroke with rear tire in need of a changing was not the hot set up! Slick downhill off cambers were challenging. Watching numbers as they were around, noticed K0 and we...
  9. flyin polack

    13 rmz 450 oil service

    My 08 was similar. Once I took it apart and it wasn't dirty I changed to doing it every other oil change.