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  1. barrington314

    Monster Energy Cup

    Fastest lap of the night went to JS. JS showed RV the fast way around the track, including a "how to" huck big sections. Oh and he remembered to take the joker lane all 3 times.
  2. barrington314

    Monster Energy Cup

    I thought it was crazy that RD could miss taking the joker lane but RV missing it was even worse IMO. Im wondering if he realized it as he was going around that 180 and that was enough to lose focus on that jump. Stewart rode amazing. Its too bad about the gate mix up in main 1. Looked like he...
  3. barrington314

    The new round of Nationals has been announced

    <iframe src="" width="780" height="440" frameborder="0"></iframe>
  4. barrington314

    Monster Energy Cup

    Livestream Live Qualifying Coverage Free Practice start at 12:00pm PT. Timed Qualifying starts at 1:05pm PT.
  5. barrington314

    Monster Energy Cup

    <object id="flashObj" width="640" height="360" classid="clsid<img src=" images="" smilies="" biggrin.png"="" border="0" alt="" title="Big Grin" smilieid="3" class="inlineimg">27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"...
  6. barrington314

    Monster Energy Cup

    Hey, did you guys hear that 450 semi qualifiers are back for 2014 sx? 2 heats, top 4 transfer. 2 semis, top 5 transfer. 1 lcq, top 4 transfer. Yes 22 rider mains as well.
  7. barrington314

    Monster Energy Cup

    Did Reed get a podium at all in 2013? I think there are more high power riders this year than the 1st 2 years of MEC. Especially the year RV won the million.
  8. barrington314

    2013 Motocross of Nations - Teutschenthal, Germany Alternate link. I think this one is a little less on the quality so it might not lag as bad. 1st post updated.
  9. barrington314

    2013 Motocross of Nations - Teutschenthal, Germany

    Bingo. Thought it would take you guys longer. I heard the rumors awhile ago, so I kind of cheated. Hope you guys saw the live stream link on that last page. I updated 1st post with it too.
  10. barrington314

    2013 Motocross of Nations - Teutschenthal, Germany

    Theres something strange in this photo, spy it?
  11. barrington314

    2013 Motocross of Nations - Teutschenthal, Germany <iframe width="640" height="480" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  12. barrington314

    2013 Motocross of Nations - Teutschenthal, Germany

    Live stream link. Qualifying races start at 8:30
  13. barrington314

    MX of Nations Actually Being Televised <---- LIVE
  14. barrington314

    2013 Motocross of Nations - Teutschenthal, Germany,37607/Teutschenthal-Track,70175/Jefro98,448
  15. barrington314

    2013 Motocross of Nations - Teutschenthal, Germany

    No ink, all good here. Nothing to see, move along please. :cool:
  16. barrington314

    2013 Motocross of Nations - Teutschenthal, Germany

    The Dung has made it! Love this entire kit
  17. barrington314

    Kelly Smith and Gavin Gracyk Lead Team Faith into Action for 2014 AMSOIL Arenacross Season

    Veterans Kelly Smith and Gavin Gracyk Lead Team Faith into Action for 2014 AMSOIL Arenacross Season AURORA, Ill. (September 26, 2013) – As one of the longest-running teams in AMSOIL Arenacross, featuring Ricky Carmichael’s Road to Supercross, Team Faith/FLY Racing KTM is always considered to be...
  18. barrington314

    Josh Hansen

    What if we were all the same? All looked the same, acted the same, spoke the same, wore the same clothes... damn that would be boring.