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  1. mblair

    Im in for the Cliff... with special requirements

    Dillon Lake has the Midwest Regatta for the High School rowing teams. There will be more than 20 High Schools from all over the eastern US there. Its on Friday and Saturday though and not running on Sunday. My son is on out High School rowing team and I will be there all day Friday and...
  2. mblair

    Hands down, We win for best looking bike of the year.

    Waiting for the seat cover to get here anyday now. as soon as that happens I will post up a pic.
  3. mblair

    Hands down, We win for best looking bike of the year.

    Looks good Knox!!
  4. mblair

    Who's This?

    Sean Borkenhagen or maybe Jake Marsack?
  5. mblair

    Who's This?

    so that means you both win
  6. mblair

    Who's This?

    OK this time you have to name all 3 riders in first, second and third.
  7. mblair

    Who's This?

    Taylor Futtrell from NC. Last I heard he was working for one of the training centers down south I think.
  8. mblair

    Who's This?

    yup Rodrick Thain. Good endure rider over in Euro-land now.
  9. mblair

    Who's This?

    Always loved the look of these bikes back in the day. Guy still races today too. Just not on an MX track anymore.
  10. mblair

    Who's This?

    Come on John, Shayne King was a 4 stroke pioneer and a pretty fast dude. Kids these days pffft!! :)
  11. mblair

    Who's This?

    Shayne King or maybe his brother Darryl??
  12. mblair

    Who's This?

    you oldman your up up something good.
  13. mblair

    Who's This?

    Tragic man...just tragic. he had some rough times after he quit racing. I hadn't seen him in a year or so before he died.
  14. mblair

    Who's This?

    OK, old school local from Mcarthur's track at the fair grounds. Name #17, #427, & #408. Bonus points for the fat guy with the holeshot! haha
  15. mblair

    Who's This?

    I am not sure on the practice thing...stab in the dark I will got with Guy Cooper or maybe Michael Craig??
  16. mblair

    Who's This?

    312 Chuck Reed and 72 Jimmy Eickel. Kenworthys is the track and I am guessing 92 maybe?? I think 159 is the late Kevin Crine too. I was there that year too.
  17. mblair

    Who's This?

    Lets see it Mosher.
  18. mblair

    Who's This?

    Rider and Track. Have a feeling this one will be easy but I always have looked up to this guy. Super humble and nicest guy you will ever meet in your life.
  19. mblair

    Who's This?

    JoJo Keller is the guy with the 490 YZ. King of all Big Fellas!!!
  20. mblair

    As a rider or spectator, what perks do you like to see at an indoor track?

    I remember that Beckley race Knox. Calling that a closet makes it sound too big actually!! Then the guy wouldn't pay us unless we can back the second night because we all told him to screw off!