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  1. JB19

    An Informal Look at AMA C Class (lengthy post)

    Is it time to combine the B and C class and make a beginner's class again? Would never happen, but seems logical at this point.
  2. JB19

    Rules not enforced. Do you know your rules?

    Not that it really matters, but I think on some tracks a supermini is actually an advantage. At Chicken Licks is may not matter.....At a big race like a national arenacross it could.
  3. JB19

    Cleveland CycleWerks?

    I think they may be the ones who sell these too.
  4. JB19

    It's Regional Time!

    Just because a track is a certain width doesn't mean it races that wide. One of the draw backs to Chilitown has been the the nature of the zig zagging sections where inside to inside to inside is the by far the fastest line. The guy taking the slower line never has a chance to pull ahead and...
  5. JB19

    It's Regional Time!

    My issue with the money isn't that I can't afford it....It's whether I view the expense as a good value. I'll give you an example. We took our side x side to an off-road park Saturday. Cost my wife 10$ and me 10$. Our two kids where free. Drove around on the trails and hung out with...
  6. JB19

    It's Regional Time!

    I think the issue with the track layout is due to the amount of space the fair board allows them to work with. I would imagine that b uilding a track on a long narrow strip of land is a tough task.
  7. JB19

    The Greatest Motorcycle Race on Earth

    The movie "Road", about the Dunlop family is definitely worth your time.
  8. JB19

    Regional Thread?

    It's gotta still be on the server somewhere.;) I miss 6 hours of pitracer and this happens?:p
  9. JB19

    VMD Update...

    Definitely a can't miss event. The best motorcycle event in the state for real motorcycle people.
  10. JB19

    Race Ohio Membership Cards

    I think requiring 3 memberships for one race is finally too far. Things like this make it easier all the time to ride harescrambles and just take my kids riding for the day and let them have low pressure fun.
  11. JB19

    Race Ohio Membership Cards

    I guess that would be great if you planned on shopping at Batavia or Middletown. Rocky Mountain cards are great, but a small dealership half way across the state from where some people live....not so much.
  12. JB19

    The Baker factory

    Reed ain't no Carmichael, Villopoto or Dungey
  13. JB19

    The Baker factory

    Hannah said one time that the guys who come in and race for titles and put absolutely everything into it are ok walking away and being done with it. The guys who hang on are the ones who feel like they left something on the table.
  14. JB19

    The Baker factory

    My point was that the guys who raced for titles for multiple years appear to get burnt out from the title stress and the Baker training, but the guys who aren't racing for titles appear to handle it better.
  15. JB19

    The Baker factory

    I think it's the stress of being a champion years in row AND training at that level....which seems to be a side effect for Baker's top guy. Anderson has been right beside Dungey for the past few years as well as Marvin, but they haven't had the stress of being the points leader for nearly 3...
  16. JB19

    Just to review

    How many laps did they race then? I remember they ran 5 laps in the late 80's.
  17. JB19

    Loretta Lynn Qualifier Schedule

    It wasn't Reeds. They ran night races there. I remember it. Knobby Hill was where the 1989 amateur regional was. Mitchell had the 1990 amateur regional. ......but I did dig this up.
  18. JB19

    Loretta Lynn Qualifier Schedule

    Mitchell Indiana....don't remember the name right now. Sunday was a mud fest there too. I remember I slid down an embankment in the 3rd moto of one of our classes and thought, " Jesus, I'm going to blow the whole weekend right here!" Remember at Red Bud in 93 I smoked my clutch in practice...
  19. JB19

    Loretta Lynn Qualifier Schedule

    I was there that year as well. Broke my leg at Casey Illinois in 91'. Regionals at Red Bud have always been gnar. Red Bud got my achilles in 15' when I felt like I did my homework for once. :mad:
  20. JB19

    Loretta Lynn Qualifier Schedule

    I think 1990 or so may have been the last year for the throw out moto. I know at the youth regional at Red Bud that year it was still in effect.