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  1. JB19

    2016 LL Classes and Rules

    Can't believe I spelled his name wrong, but yeah he is in outrageous physical condition. He's like some sort of cyborg. He's a little guy, but every ounce of him means serious business.
  2. JB19

    3 years ago

    Easy when you back your story up with actual proof.....You might get accused of taking things too serious.
  3. JB19

    2016 LL Classes and Rules

    You do know that the only change in the vet classes is in 45+ class right?
  4. JB19

    2016 LL Classes and Rules

    John Grewy says, " what's the big deal?" A former factory rider is easily competitive in the 35+ even at 49 years old. Grewy has been smoking the factory stars for years. You probably know he finished 3rd in the 35+ at 48 years old this year. I say those factory guys who have...
  5. JB19

    3 years ago

    I think the far end is the most fun. Has a small amount of elevation change and always forms technical ruts. Rode there at least 5 times and never got a flat. Nobody in our group has either that I know of.
  6. JB19

    New Series Name?

    The Midwest War. Or War of the Midwest. Leaves room for expansion. ;)
  7. JB19

    Rainy Day Thoughts From The Cliff

    In my opinion Red Bud has the most fair start. The slight left followed by the right gives nearly anyone a shot.
  8. JB19

    BC Battle round PW class issues

    I really would rather not argue about this again, but what I did was told people before practice that I'm going to break a rule....does anyone have an issue....if so I understand. There was no competitive advantage since I said I would disqualify him myself. Someone else asked if he had...
  9. JB19

    BC Battle round PW class issues

    I spoke to the fathers of number 209, 77-88, and I don't remember which other one before practice. 3 fathers. Asked them if they minded if he rode his old KTM with the new KTM's in the oil injected class for extra seat time on that bike. I said I would have my kid disqualified from the...
  10. JB19

    Battle series pros and cons

    I'm curious what event that picture is from. I've wondered what type of event could possibly fill that place, but I guess they do. It's too bad that you can't get more land there for the track because that place is built for large weekend races. Unbelievable facility.
  11. JB19

    BC Battle round PW class issues

    ...and as far I know, his kid and mine are completely unaware that there even was an issue, so you acting like everyone is running around slapping and yelling at their kids is ridiculous.
  12. JB19

    BC Battle round PW class issues

    My response to Hershey about smoking him was because he made a run at my kid saying I'm just mad because his kid was going to beat mine. I left the kids out of it and told him I don't care how MY kid does, but I'd smoke him on a big bike. ....and I don't yell and scream at my kid. lol...
  13. JB19

    BC Battle round PW class issues

    I came out of retirement last year to hit a few races. Had the pleasure of lining up with Gibson and Willy and get my ass kicked and had a great time. Hit a few more and raced the AQ at the Cliff this year and also had a great time. Everything I do is all the way. We prepare and go all...
  14. JB19

    BC Battle round PW class issues

    It was a Qualifier for Lorettas. People drove from half way across the country to be there. You follow the rules at those races. My kid has never cried on the track. If he did we wouldn't be there because that would tell me he isn't having fun. He tells me when he wants to race. I...
  15. JB19

    BC Battle round PW class issues

    Anytime I have been in a competitive environment they only thing I have hoped for is a level playing field and the same rules for everyone. Based on the responses here I guess I have a better idea of where the boundaries are for pw50 racers on the starting gate. I'm probably guilty of...
  16. JB19

    BC Battle round PW class issues

    I didn't complain to an official. Didn't plan on bringing it up on here until Hershey mentioned it. And like I said, I didn't start this thread. It was created by a moderator and appears that I did.
  17. JB19

    BC Battle round PW class issues

    But you have time to post in a thread about 50 riders. Like I said, the crazies are loose.
  18. JB19

    BC Battle round PW class issues

    If it doesn't matter then why do it to start with? And Hershey is the one who came up to me and did the big chest bump intimidation move and I kept my cool. He's also the one who yelled at me and asked if I was mad because his kid was going to beat mine? I wasnt willing to touch that...
  19. JB19

    BC Battle round PW class issues

    I didn't start this thread. Not sure why it was turned into a thread. I posted the video in the Briarcliff thread because the situation was brought up.
  20. JB19

    BC Battle Weekend Updates!

    Any reason the video I posted of Hershey pushing his kid off the starting line got deleted?