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  1. Crash-N-Burn

    2018 Schedule Release ETA's?

    The more I visit this forum the more I believe I'll spend my time and money at Race Ohio tracks.
  2. Crash-N-Burn

    2018 Schedule Release ETA's?

    Still anxiously awaiting...
  3. Crash-N-Burn

    The moto hot stove is heating up quickly.

    Wishing the majority was factual...
  4. Crash-N-Burn

    The moto hot stove is heating up quickly.

    Malvern, TV Land and Briarcliff
  5. Crash-N-Burn

    The moto hot stove is heating up quickly.

    Oh, ok well yeah that's I guess the simplified form. I'll check it out.
  6. Crash-N-Burn

    The moto hot stove is heating up quickly.

    What I'm seeing on the OMA website, is 2017.
  7. Crash-N-Burn

    The moto hot stove is heating up quickly.

    Refreshing in other tab each minute..
  8. Crash-N-Burn

    The moto hot stove is heating up quickly.

    Was damned by another warrior for creating so i will join I here. Which tracks OMA, which are Race Ohio? When in the phuck are we gonna see some 2018 schedules?
  9. Crash-N-Burn

    2018 Race Ohio Mx

    Race Ohio MX.... Hmm... Website? Interested in learning more about this sanction.
  10. Crash-N-Burn

    The moto hot stove is heating up quickly.

    My annonnymous sources have expressed to me a lack of democracy within the sanction. Owners and promoters may be considered to be part of the group, however their opinions aren't considered within the sanction. More or less, the group's leader is a dictating individual. The idea of a single...
  11. Crash-N-Burn

    The moto hot stove is heating up quickly.

    Hold up. Question. Could anybody possibly agree as to when the sport of Ohio motocross was at its strongest? I feel like 2002 through 2004 seem to operate pretty well. How was districts 11 and districts 12 able to sustain ?
  12. Crash-N-Burn

    2018 OMA Class Changes

    I raced three motocross races and one GNCC in 2017 after a six year hiatus from having a bike. The real world came and a job, a house, a thousand other things became priority. Doing those things allowed me, a 40-60 hour work week employee, to rejoin the sport as a rider. Speed and endurance...
  13. Crash-N-Burn

    2018 OMA Class Changes

    I believe Vet +30 C had the largest total entires in 2017 GNCC AM Bike. One of the largest classes each round.
  14. Crash-N-Burn

    2018 Schedule Release ETA's?

    Haven't attended one yet. Hoped to, didn't happen. Hopefully next year!
  15. Crash-N-Burn

    2018 Schedule Release ETA's?

    So... Anything?
  16. Crash-N-Burn

    Power out

    Indiana was messed up pretty good. Northeast of Indy about an hour had a tornado touch down. Unlike anything I had seen before. We got them all repaired and turned back on within two days though.
  17. Crash-N-Burn

    2018 Schedule Release ETA's?

    I realize the 2017 season just came to a close and there's still a month and a half remaining in the calendar year. However, I was curious to know if any may be able to shed light on the estimated timeframe as to when the 2018 schedules will be available. I'm anticipating much more travel and...
  18. Crash-N-Burn

    Power out

    Be there soon to turn it back on for you!
  19. Crash-N-Burn

    2018 Battle Series

    Leave it as is. 3 rounds. Same weekend schedule. If anything, less classes, more combined classes and staggered starts. Shorter, quicker program without extra classes. I wasn't able to make the final round this year due to storm work, but the second round at CTMX left me frustrated because...