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  1. ck1racerx

    Levels of competition

    Georgies normal view… from behind. it’s okay, you can just ask me for an autograph. Don’t have to sneak around and take pictures in the pits.
  2. ck1racerx

    Rona in SX for '22

    Georgie don’t you have the back of a school bus to patrol? Run along now, the men are talking.
  3. ck1racerx

    Supercross 2022

    So how does a mid to back of the pack privateer start and support an entire team? Asking for a friend?
  4. ck1racerx

    Supercross 2022

    If your on any Suzuki your on 2017 equipment
  5. ck1racerx

    Rona in SX for '22

    Right now I couldn’t qualify for 50 jr.
  6. ck1racerx

    Rona in SX for '22

    I think you have to KNOW several people now to get the real story form a racers view. Coombs makes up the rest. Its far easier to just make up the "truth". Then if you moto career doesn't work out you can always get a job at CNN. My new years resolution was to try to end every post with a jab...
  7. ck1racerx

    Rona in SX for '22

    Thankfully i'm not a screaming, tree hugger, liberal that believes in censorship.
  8. ck1racerx

    Pulp Mx Fantasy 2022 - Let's Go

    Real cliffsNotes... Just pick the opposite of who i do and you will win every week.
  9. ck1racerx

    Rona in SX for '22

    I have never wanted to take down a topic until today. Thanks Scoob, Now I know how Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg feel.
  10. ck1racerx

    Supercross 2022

    Real question is who is H.E.P. and BarX? I cant find either one on them interwebs. Do they actually make/sell something? Probably rich kids spending daddy's money
  11. ck1racerx

    Supercross 2022

    HEP is the factory 450 team and BarX is the factory 250 team. Twisted Tea is owned by Boston Brewing co. The guy that owns that.... Cant remember his name. He does all the commercials. That guy is from Cincinnati.
  12. ck1racerx

    Rona in SX for '22

    You have to have been something to be washed up. Gate fillers don't get washed up, they get faster with age.
  13. ck1racerx

    Supercross 2022

    1. Sexton 2. Ferrandis 3. Roczen 4. AP 5. Mookie AC takes out Webb and Toesmack on the first lap. New gen is taking over.
  14. ck1racerx

    Rona in SX for '22

    I regret starting this... I figured we could move on from bickering and talk about something interesting, but i guess not. Please, lets go back and forth for another 8 pages that only three people give a crap about. In the mean time I am going to buy a neck brace, a new electric bike and race...
  15. ck1racerx

    Rona in SX for '22

    No more shot or not debate. That is played out more then neckbraces and C class combined. Team sports just pull another dude off the bench. Wonder what will happen in moto? I don’t follow the “scared of right hand turns” NASCAR, but did any of them miss a race for the Rona?
  16. ck1racerx

    Rona in SX for '22

    With five of the first six rounds of SX being behind the Iron curtain of the US and the numbers of Rona skyrocketing, will we get a full season before Adolf Fauci shuts down the country again? College football teams not going to bowl games. Some cities and states mandating the useless masks...
  17. ck1racerx

    2022 Battle for Ohio State Championship Series!

    So let me get this right. You not going to the Ohio state championship because it does not pay local points? So I guess I need to ask the company next door to pay me a salary also because I work in the same city. You guys have lost your damn minds on this points crap. Just let it go
  18. ck1racerx

    2022 Battle for Ohio State Championship Series!

    Stump. Right and wrong. Yes the main problem is we now have 4700 classes so little Jimmy can get a participation trophy. That is why we only get 4 laps. Wrong in the tracks were not rough. “As rough as they are now” is not a fair comparison. Square edge hard holes on an ‘88 500 is much worse...
  19. ck1racerx

    One that Knox might appreciate

    Sad but true.
  20. ck1racerx

    2022 Battle for Ohio State Championship Series!

    I wish I could, but I have a hard enough time walking. I get winded just typing this stuff. Hey, all the fast guys have old, in shape, ex pro's as riding coaches. I guess an old, fat, field filler, pro can be a riding coach for the slow dudes. Your welcome.