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  1. F


    T-Rex is a meat eater....meat carries EBOLA so I prefer to be a vegetarian! I think what they did with the nurse coming back into New York is deplorable. I would think they could find better arrangements then a tent!! Shameful.
  2. F

    Anyone else sitting at work on this beautiful day with a hangover?

    How about the young man (15) who shot his friends and then himself. I am not against guns and in my younger days enjoyed target shooting with my brothers but I sometimes wonder why and how these young people are able to get their hands on a gun so easily. Such a waste of life.
  3. F

    Todd Krieg needs all your prayers

    Hate to see this. So what happened?
  4. F


    Another case in New York and Fox news is screaming "The sky is falling"! Wish they would stop that. I am more concerned over the hatchet man attacking the police officers then the EBOLA. The crazies are loose! I see Canada is revisiting their policies on the known nut cases. They knew about the...
  5. F


    Ann Coulter is not a politician but a right wing commentator. She is often featured on Hannity and says a lot of outlandish things. Hannity seems to like her and her views. She is the female version of Rush. They both hurt the Republican party rather than help it.
  6. F


    I didn't hear that one but there has been quite a bit of fear mongering trying to connect EBOLA to the immigration across our southern border.
  7. F


    No it's not and I wish I could remember the name of the politician. I don't even think he was in one of the bordering states but rather one on the East coast.
  8. F


    Come on now...there are politicians out there campaigning on the fact that there is going to be ISIS infected with EBOLA crossing our southern borders.
  9. F


    If I am to be viewed as small and ignorant I am glad that it is over one small improperly used word to describe guns then a whole slew of words that in the end make no sense. Glad you enjoyed the rest of my rant.
  10. F


    You make no sense....just what party line would that be?
  11. F


    There is a great piece on facebook written by the chief of police in Brimfield about the EBOLA situation. In it he criticizes the federal government for not being totally truthful...but he states this has been going on for over 200 years. Not Democrat..not Republican...federal government. I like...
  12. F


    I can not believe sometimes how silly (to put it mildly) you guys can be. He doesn't need a medical background. You are right we have the CDC for that. What we do need however is someone who can organize and coordinate and basically get their s**t together so that everyone is on the same page...
  13. F


    They said if they restrict them from coming in from West Africa they would possibly route through a different country making it easier to slip in undetected. If they come in directly supposedly we are better able to track them once they are here. I am not sure I buy all that but that is their...
  14. F


    Don't know him but they said he was chosen because of his abilities to organize and coordinate which is sadly needed at the moment. It wouldn't make any difference because no matter who Obama chose he would be criticized for choosing that person.
  15. F


  16. F


    Heard yesterday that her symptoms were perhaps more severe at the time of her departure then we have been led to believe. Now that's comforting!
  17. F


    I listened to the hearing today and what is most worrisome is knowing that 100 to 150 people a day fly in from West Africa. I hear all there excuses but still don't understand why they can't stop people from coming here.
  18. F

    (ISIS) and US...

    I have heard that said about something that was written long before the Constitution...The Bible!
  19. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    Is that what home health aids demand? We opted out of doing Medicare Diabetic foot orthotics because it paid so low. On top of it all the paper work and restrictions are outrageous. A lot of companies did. Medicaid pays a little better. We also stayed clear of patient care because insurance is...