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  1. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    Right, but the U.S. also spends more on military than any other country. We spend more than China, Japan, GB, India, Saudi Arabia, Germany (there are 8 but can't remember all without looking up) all combined. If we are to support this military we also need to collect more in tax. I imagine that...
  2. F

    (ISIS) and US...

    This is getting quite interesting. Sturd is correct. To understand many of the laws of our constitution you first have to understand the time in which they were written. I hear many say "that is not what our forefathers had in mind for us" however when all that was written it was under a...
  3. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    You are referring of course to the workers demanding 15 an hour not to the proposed min wage increase. There are some areas that they already receive pay of 15 an hour but those are areas of the country where the cost of living demands it and or can support it. I suppose they are asking for 15...
  4. F

    (ISIS) and US...

    If you look hard enough you can find information via the internet to support opinions and arguments on both sides of the issue. We all have our opinions and reasons for them.
  5. F

    (ISIS) and US...

    I'm sorry, how does any of what you said relate to what I was talking about. All Muslims do not teach their offspring in this manner. You must understand that ISIS and terrorists alike are not the norm. They are radicals and extremists. I suggest you also look up what true capitalism is. Not...
  6. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    Perhaps but it would not amount to that much and I doubt it would effect their sales. My cousin in England told me that they have a separate min. wage for teenagers. That has it's draw backs however.
  7. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    I'm sorry I did not mean to imply that BK had record profits only that on the whole large corporations are and we all realize this in the fact that Wall Street is doing well. That is a good thing for those of us who have investments. That being said, Wall Street can remain healthy and still...
  8. F

    (ISIS) and US...

    Sorry, you're right. The Christian religion is predominant in the U.S. How many are truly Christian is debatable.
  9. F

    (ISIS) and US...

    I don't think anyone in any shape or form is stating a justification for their actions by discussing Gitmo. It merely came up in our discussion as to the justification in the eyes of ISIS and as to why they are dressed in orange. As a nation of Christians we should be above that. The guy from...
  10. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    That may be true but as I said all that could have been avoided if Congress had crossed all their T's and dotted all their I's prior to shutting the government down. It was poorly planned and it bit them in the butt. Although the government has shut down before it seems it has never really boded...
  11. F

    (ISIS) and US...

    It has always been a naval base and perhaps they temporarily held people there but what I read is they did not become an actual detention center till 2002 which makes sense being that is when we really began a serious assault on terrorists because of Sept. ll. I am sure however we never hear the...
  12. F

    (ISIS) and US...

    Gitmo has only been a detention center since Jan. of 2002. The Bush years.
  13. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    Awhile back someone on here posted a comment (steel city thread I believe) on here in regards to be careful who you vote for. Democrat or Republican should really not make a difference in some situations. What brought this to my attention was, as many may know, Eric Cantor who was second to...
  14. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    This happened because normally before a shut down Congress would put in place exceptions,so to speak, as to what would be shut down. Some parts of government are automatically protected others are not. Since they did not do this many parts were unintentionally shut down...Obama stuck to his guns...
  15. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    The first time I heard about the story was in an interview with Sherrod Brown..does that answer your question. That being said others, including some Republicans have voiced the same. I have made it no secret that during the day, while working, I listen to Morning Joe on MSNBC, who is a...
  16. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    Sorry was in serious mode and did not see the joke as intended!
  17. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    There have been numerous calls for banning the eating of whoppers even by Republicans. Do you ever watch the news? But the deal is not yet set in stone..who knows perhaps just the threat will make them think twice. Thus far BK has denied they are going to move their corporate headquarters from...
  18. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    No not at all. In fact Ohio gave corporations a big break in 2013. It was the first time I received a sizable return on our Ohio tax. What Dave said is absolutely true but they do talk about it if you listen. It is our trade deals that kill us and in fact they recently were working another trade...
  19. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    Duh...who do you think picks all that fruit and vegetables you may eat? You don't honestly believe that Americans would stoop so low as to do those jobs. It is not the immigrants who are hurting the middle class you silly bean. › 2013/09/20 › by-the-numbers-the-incre... Cached...
  20. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    The poll numbers I have seen indicate otherwise. I do understand economics and I disagree that raising minimum wage would hurt the economy. Wages should and must be raised in order to keep up with inflation. At present all wages are at a stand still while corporations and the referred to 1% are...