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  1. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    Yes, well there you go...our Congress is so broken they can not even take issue with what the majority of the people support. Such as minimum wage, immigration reform, and gun control via gun registration laws.
  2. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    I don't think so...I am just more open to listening to both sides and see problems on both.
  3. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    Good vid until they put Rush and Hannity in there. I can agree with both sides and somewhere in the middle is the answer. True Capitalism does not work any better than Socialism. We know this from history. One thing I will never understand is why we borrow money from China and then give aid to...
  4. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    Yes, I read that also. Do they also pay taxes in Germany? If so, not really worth being in business! More than just tax reform...many parts of the government need an over haul. Like the EPA. We need them it is true but there are so many when really all we need is persons to monitor the laws that...
  5. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    I did some investigating..Burger Kings effective tax rate in 2013 was 27.5 and Tim Horton's in Canada was 26.8. While our tax rate is higher (different state to state because each state is different and these rates reflect state and federal tax together) our tax laws offer exemptions. In order...
  6. F

    (ISIS) and US...

    Perhaps not but this time they got caught and it was highly publicized. Apparently other prisoners said that the ISIS and other groups like them talk about what happened during the Bush years quite a bit. We just added fuel to fire. You could say it is Tit for Tat but I would like to think we...
  7. F

    (ISIS) and US...

    I think Cheiny (sp) had more to do with it than Bush. I saw a documentary on the Bush years and the two did not get along too well the last few years. Bush thought Cheiny was too pushy, too much in control like he thought he was President and not vise. He, Cheiny, sure likes to get out there and...
  8. F

    (ISIS) and US...

    What area do you work? My brother is a retired officer working first in Peninsula and ending up in Orrville. He still lives in Orville.
  9. F

    (ISIS) and US...

    Heard last night that they discovered that while in captivity the recently beheaded was also water boarded..and dressed in orange in retaliation to what our government did during the Bush years at Guantomino. Our sins have come back to haunt us.
  10. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    I don't eat that crap either but it isn't just Burger King, it is our whole system that is corrupt and out of wack. The middle class has being shrinking considerably since the 1960's and it has not always been in the control of the Democrats or liberals. The Republicans have had their turn also...
  11. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    Better look further...I am not certain of Burger King but I know McDonald's has had record profits. But what I said about supporting them because of low wages is a fact. You are right these used to be teenager jobs but no more. I agree they are partly to blame themselves (the employees) because...
  12. F

    (ISIS) and US...

    You are both right...all we can do is try to keep them somewhat contained. What has probably allowed them to grow as much as they have as of late is the social media...internet. As in the Bible prophesy...we will travel to and fro. How easy is it in todays world for evil to proliferate and...
  13. F

    (ISIS) and US...

    Growing up slinging s**t out of stalls, tossing hay bales, splitting logs with my brothers will do a lot for your arm strength. I earned a little extra cash and free drinks arm wrestling guys at the bar!! Mind you that was in my much younger days!! But at 63 I still walk in the pits....don't...
  14. F

    (ISIS) and US...

    It is a very good thing that you gave ample warning as to the content of that vid. I learned how to eat my lunch while observing and studying graphic sites on surgeries. Being the only female in a clinical setting I received much criticism from the female secretarial staff whom I often shared...
  15. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    Much, much more overseas. They have not been reinvesting in the U.S. for quite a long time now and have created this economic mess. They get greedy, as is human nature unfortunately, and rape the country. They use this country and depend on us as consumers and then hoard their money elsewhere...
  16. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    There is another way to avoid paying more in tax...reinvest. Invest in the company, invest in the country, invest in your workers....but is that not "trickle down"? I realize that I am small potatoes, smaller yet than small potatoes but I have lived by that in the 17 years I have been in...
  17. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    Is that not because they have single pay insurance? Their corporate tax is lower. My neighbor is Canadian..I shall have to ask her what she thinks. That is exactly the answer but how do we get there? No one in government wants to work together anymore about anything. I am not a fan either so no...
  18. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    I did not state that they, Burger King, paid 0 taxes. I stated that 1 in 4 corporations (large) pay 0 or near 0 taxes. I agree that we desperately need tax reform. You are right this is a bipartisan issue so why are they not addressing it is my question. That being said, as it is, many of...
  19. F

    Battle Series Wrap up

    Just how many more A riders are you trying to entice? Looking at the results almost half of the riders are there to get their pro am points. Do you really need more National level riders? Just a thought.
  20. F

    Stop eating Whoppers

    Our local government is asking us to stop supporting Burger King. From what I understand they are merging with a Canadian fast food facility and moving their corporate headquarters to Canada to avoid paying taxes. I understand that many of you are Republicans and perhaps will feel this is OK but...