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  1. KingRacing

    Moto news for 2015?

    Yeah, what's up with that?
  2. KingRacing

    Need advice, best tracks to ride in the south???

    Millcreek and Monster. if you want to stay longer and not spend a lot of money, the people at Srubndirt are really great!
  3. KingRacing

    Mini O's

    No pics, but I remember one year when most of the front lot was under water and rain kept coming. Golf carts completely wrapped in saran wrap to stay dry.
  4. KingRacing

    2014 Mini O's

  5. KingRacing

    It's Here. 2015 AMA LLAQ

    Cool! Completely missed that... Same weekend as the Cliff.
  6. KingRacing

    When is enough to much????

    Yeah. 10 years. Could have been a lot worse?? Christy's still racing and she knows the risks. I sure don't have any answers. lol.
  7. KingRacing

    Mini O's

    Not there this year, sadly. We have only missed one or two since we started racing in 2000. The absolute best time a family can have at the track!
  8. KingRacing

    When is enough to much????

    Mr. Lilly, it's not a family thing until you get wife and daughter involved. Get them to the track and then as a family you decide if it's worth it. Yeah. I've watched a lot of people put absolutely everything they own in to motocross and I would never consider that "stupid" because it's not my...
  9. KingRacing

    When is enough to much????

    You got off easy. Count your blessings.
  10. KingRacing

    More injuries?

    Amazing group of people here! Lots of great ideas. Please, please make this sport safer. Will be really hard, maybe impossible, to give it up.
  11. KingRacing

    More injuries?

    This coming from a guy that doesn't ride now. You grew up and found new dreams... so good for you. This is not about big government and no one (not me, at least) is blaming big government... or even the tracks. Motocross is not just a sport. It is a life-style. Once you get started you're...
  12. KingRacing

    More injuries?

    Yeah time to find new dreams. Motocross is way too dangerous Thinking of Toddy too. Really sucks.
  13. KingRacing

    More injuries?

    I don't need the internet to tell me motocross is dangerous lol 4 broken collarbones and Christy figures she should maybe lose the neck brace. First ride out without and she brakes her neck! And then there's Jimmy... Lots of dynamics for sure. Definitely would not blame the tracks.
  14. KingRacing

    Todd Krieg needs all your prayers

    Prayers sent.
  15. KingRacing

    Obituary Information for Matt Miller

    Georgie, if there'd been a race this weekend things might have turned out different. There should be a race Every. Single. Weekend. Racing seems to be the only way to keep our kids safe (Or safer anyway)
  16. KingRacing

    After Battle Review

    Really fun weekend of racing! Oh well, on the 40+ drama. I think the 50 riders may act a little more grown up lol OMA is an amazing organization. You guys listened to the D11 complaints and watched D12 dissolve and actually turned Ohio racing around. And it's only getting better!
  17. KingRacing

    After Battle Review

    ^ And this. You are a very wise man!
  18. KingRacing

    After Battle Review

    ^ This. And some of these guys woulda been lapped!
  19. KingRacing

    Battle race

    Chilitown was a blast. Everything was amazing. You guys have it figured out.