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  1. flyin polack

    Crow Canyon MX Track Preview 2013

    trying to decide...laundry, garden, house work...or....ride? lol
  2. flyin polack

    Gas prices

    hmmmmm...which president is in the union...? lol jk
  3. flyin polack

    Gas prices

    When Bush was president the media was all over him when gas got to $2.00/gal. Now that Ovoit owns the liberal media...we won't hear a peep from them. Ahhhh politics!
  4. flyin polack

    1985 suzuki alt 125 bogging and low power problem?

    sounds like it isnt getting fuel for one reason or another. check the fuel pump and hoses (if its vacuum operated) and the pilot jet, possibly a larger one.
  5. flyin polack

    Installing new plastic

    you can get a whole bolt set on Ebay for about $29. It includes all the bolts, spacers, and washers for all the plastic. Makes a nice box to take to the track for those peskey bolts that fall out occaisonally...
  6. flyin polack

    Bike shopping!

    I'd be careful with any bolt on big bore kit. Porting to match is key to getting the most out of your CC's.
  7. flyin polack

    Beans 5/26, 5/27

    Bring your skills to the hills...I like it! New slogan!
  8. flyin polack

    Bike shopping!

    You is all about timing... I am 47.2354% faster on a 450 than my 144. Last week at Beans I was catching a 450 and having the time of my life. The challenge was in my mind...not in the mind of others. It was simply awesome to hold that zinger wide open on a few curves and catch...
  9. flyin polack

    Turkey 2013

    Had the same experience elk hunting one time. The second year of my elk hunting career I ran into a hunter and we shared stories. He told me he had heard me calling for a while. I asked him how I was doing and he kinda shrugged off the topic. oops! lol Well, later that week, I was calling on the...
  10. flyin polack

    Hangtown MX Classic - National Rd 01

    Mad props to Stephen! Great job on the updates. I missed that during the SX season. Thanks!!!
  11. flyin polack

    Practice sessions......

    And you're doing a fine job of it! Before you go all postal and get nasty, possibly you could read the post. A question was posed for discussion not a demand of a solution. I was the person flagging on the triple in the bottom section where your son's bike stalled because the choke was...
  12. flyin polack

    Practice sessions......

    Crow has a seperate mini track...why not spruce that up a little so that they can be on a more challenging track all day and leave the big track for big bikes and quads. Maybe even throw a 15 minute session on the big track in the middle of the day for little guys? I remember going to larger...
  13. flyin polack

    Motocross getting soft

    ummmm...maybe it has to do with business. A track needs money to survive and pay its bills. Tracks spend thousands on fuel and equipment to prepare a track. Holding an event that would ruin all that work and investment is not good business. Especially when the crowd that would have shown up...
  14. flyin polack

    Malvern Mx open practice Wednesday May 8th

    Mikki and Jonny always make fun of me for all extra the stuff I carry like tubes, tools, cables...etc. Its like if you carry them you don't need them...if you don't have them you'll break down every time! lol
  15. flyin polack

    BC 5-4 New Big Track Round II

    Track was its normal awesomeness on Sunday. Just the right amount of riders on the A track where a vet rider could try to get a little faster. I have to disagree on the step off. At first didn't bother me a bit and just ran straight off the lip knowing I would land
  16. flyin polack

    The Vern - 3/30 - Photos - OHIO ACTION PHOTO

    Jonny, you need to change your avatar to the picture he took Saturday!
  17. flyin polack

    Turkey 2013

    I've been seeing 20-25 birds the past 2 weeks. The problem is that the neighbors get all giddy and go out and call at them the week before season and they don't put up with it. Calling too much and scouting can do as mush harm as help if not done right and educating the birds and they...
  18. flyin polack

    Summer Sunday Practice?

    Just a stupid question that is probably anwered in the other threads but I cant find it. With the start up of the OMA, where is a guy to go that doesn't race on Sundays when we're used to going to their tracks? Will any of the OMA tracks hold Sunday practice?
  19. flyin polack

    Practice Safety?

    When I broke my arm at Smith Road in 06 the hospital asked how it happened. When I told them riding a dirtbike the questions turned to where and what track. Next thing I knew there was a sherrif in the hospital room asking the same questions! After a few irritating minutes I told them I wasn't...
  20. flyin polack

    Best tracks in the southern GA or Northern FLA areas??

    He sure made the jumps look easy! Let off the gas at the base of each jump. Must be because of the yellow plastic...