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  1. flyin polack

    Gun control

    So they are saying "its Ok to be raped but just don't defend yourself"? This stuff makes me so mad I've got a vein the size of RT77 popped out on my forehead!!! WHERE DO THESE IDIOTS COME FROM?
  2. flyin polack

    GeorgiePorgie - Your inbox is full.

    Being a celebrity comes with a price doesn't it? lol
  3. flyin polack

    Gun control

    ...The mind is a terrible place to play.
  4. flyin polack

    Gun control

    I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6. There are plenty of concealed carry permit holders in the cemetary. It only works if you carry, and are proficient.
  5. flyin polack

    SPEAKING of TAXES Heading towards the *FISCAL CLIFF*

    Now they are saying its all Bush's fault...
  6. flyin polack

    Gun control

    I wondered...but since youre such a nice guy...I let it go. Good one! lol
  7. flyin polack

    What did ya get for Christmas!

    Got a Golden Retreiver puppy for duck hunting next year. Also got training classes coming up next week to start him off right. [ATTACH=CONFIG]7368
  8. flyin polack

    property taxes?

    Boy was I fortunate! $1800 a year for house on 5 acres in country. 1 mile from Fin and 2 miles from Wallyworld. Best of both worlds...freedom close to town!
  9. flyin polack

    Deer hunting thread 2012-13

    Nice job Mike
  10. flyin polack

    4 stroke oil

    8 hours!? If mine goes 2 hours I get nervous! lol No wonder I'm broke...buying too much oil!
  11. flyin polack

    Looking back 2012 Supercross

    Seems like most of JS7's wrecks happen in deep long ruts...He must not practice at Da'Cliff much.....
  12. flyin polack

    old school rm build

    lookin good
  13. flyin polack

    Obamacare, and health insurance for racers.... get ready for some B.S. M-- F***ers!!!

    wait until people figure out there is a 3% tax to support the wonder care plan when you sell your house.....
  14. flyin polack

    Ok... What did you do to your bike today??

    I walked by mine, ignored them, and hopped on the 4 wheeler to go deer hunting. They'll probably repay me in the spring by throwing my a$$ on the
  15. flyin polack

    BC 11-10 & 11-11 Last Ride?

    Sounds Cliff-a-licous! Too bad I put the bike up for the winter today. Too many things to do from here on out until spring. See ya next year.
  16. flyin polack

    alright where are we all riding?

    Just called Crow Canyon. They said that it is wet in some areas but should shape up pretty nice as the day goes on...
  17. flyin polack

    Beans 11/10 11/11

    I'm 45 minutes north west and it rained all night.... crazy weather! What'd you get BJ?
  18. flyin polack

    BC 11-10 & 11-11 Last Ride?

    Headed up Saturday!
  19. flyin polack

    Deer hunting thread 2012-13

    All kinds of activity tonight! It looked like a Nascar race with all the deer zooming around chasing each other. Missed an opportunity at a doe that snuck in on me without my bow in my hand. Pretty small anyway...
  20. flyin polack

    Deer hunting thread 2012-13

    The elk herd I hunt in Montana used to number 16,000 head. 2 years ago it was down to 5000 and this year the FWP warden I spoke to said it is now at 3500. This is all due to the introduction of the wolf... Its hard to spend the cash on an elk tag with the numbers changing so radically.