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  1. Original44

    Not bad for old equipment with BNG

    In Europe Yamaha offers a kit for the 125. Would be awesome if they offered that same kit here in the US.
  2. Original44

    CTMX Numbers

    He's from PA.
  3. Original44

    Not bad for old equipment with BNG

    They need to bring back a 125 class at the Pro Nationals!
  4. Original44

    Sunday Creek Youth Regional Video

    Who cares about Sunday Creek. Great video and it was done by Drew Wolfe's oldest son Kyle. Did anyone notice Hannah Hodges in the video. She is ripping this year and actually qualified in the supermini class. Has a real good chance of finishing top 10 in that class at Loretta's.
  5. Original44

    New Honda 2t motor ...

    I was thinking the same thing.
  6. Original44

    Sunday Creek Youth Regional Video

    Gail, the track is packed down, like a quad national track is.
  7. Original44

    Sunday Creek Youth Regional Video

    Way to gut it out Michael. Good luck at Loretta's.
  8. Original44

    Social media experiment for those who say PR is a clique only site

    You obviously haven't been to any other tracks other than two. I agree that the two promoters that you're talking about do an awesome job, but so do a lot more that do post on here. By the way, if you have never been to Chillitown how can you say that there is only two?
  9. Original44

    Social media experiment for those who say PR is a clique only site

    Wrong! There are more than two promoters that post on here who know how to prep and build a track.
  10. Original44

    Chillitown Photos?

    Damn spell check! LOL!
  11. Original44

    Chillitown Photos?

    Just curious, was there anybody taking photos at Chillitown.
  12. Original44

    Chillitown hits a homerun!

    What a great time that my son and I had. Definitely one that we will do next year. Well organized , friendly, and hard-working staff, couldn't ask for more. Thanks Chillitown! The pit bikes are my only complaint. My son just turn 15 and I made him keep his pit bike at home. The rules said you...
  13. Original44

    A very good article..

    Yep! Pretty much spot on.
  14. Original44

    A very good article..

    Chris, I get your point, but even when there's good promoters like the Hands they still have had low turnout for their races. Not too many classes and the quads race on a different track, done by 3. Still think low turnouts have to do with all the tracks practicing on Sunday. Too many options...
  15. Original44

    CTMX Announcement!!!

    Just curious, are you guys having a 125 class at the Battle races? Thanks.
  16. Original44

    Favorite local rider.....

    It's no longer B/C. As long as you never scored a point as a pro you're now eligible for the 30 class at the ranch.
  17. Original44


    That's what I'm seeing at work. All of the guys that belong to the union are saying the same thing, they can't stand Hillary. They are even talking about the Republican candidates with more enthusiasm than they are about Hillary.
  18. Original44


    I'm praying that it won't be Bush or Clinton. This country deserves better.
  19. Original44

    C class struggles.

    Why do I even bother. You guys just keep going at it.
  20. Original44

    C class struggles.

    Wow, did this get off topic quick. Please read in English what this subject was originally wrote about. It wasn't about point fingers or penalizing riders. All George and I talked about was that the local promoters (OMA, CRA or District 11) can no longer bump riders from the class C to the B...