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  1. Original44

    Any One Want to Race a 125????

    We just added this to the garage on Saturday. Love the idea of running a 125 class at Malvern. The best part about this bike is I can ride it.
  2. Original44

    Jeremy Hand

    I want to give a big congrats to Jeremy Hand for winning a championship in the schoolboy 2 at the Baja Brawl. Jeremy beat some stiff competition including Austin Forkner and Jayce Pennington. He followed up the weekend by taking 2nd in the 250B class and 4th in the Schoolboy 1. Way to represent...
  3. Original44

    So, what's the Quad Excuse THIS week?

    Thanks Jason!
  4. Original44


    I was thinking more along this lines:
  5. Original44


    I think you are more the alpha male type. LOL!
  6. Original44

    So, what's the Quad Excuse THIS week?

    So you are the OMA? Only you.
  7. Original44

    So, what's the Quad Excuse THIS week?

    That's all I was trying to say.
  8. Original44

    So, what's the Quad Excuse THIS week?

    I would have no problem. But my wife would divorce me.
  9. Original44

    So, what's the Quad Excuse THIS week?

    How about done by 430. With two practices in the morning, five laps per practice. Four laps per motos sounds about right.
  10. Original44

    So, what's the Quad Excuse THIS week?

    I hope you are right. I don't want to see you guys disappear. Just some concerns. That's all this is.
  11. Original44

    So, what's the Quad Excuse THIS week?

    All I said was that school will be starting and I don't want to be home at midnight. Tina, I personally track Jason down and shook his hand and said he could've worked any harder than he did. I also thanked each staff member that I come across and told them that they worked extremely hard. I...
  12. Original44

    So, what's the Quad Excuse THIS week?

    You can't promise what time we will be done. If you don't want to listen what people's concerns are then OMA will become just like district 12. Sorry, but that the truth. OMA was supposed to be bigger and better. No practice on Sunday, waiting all day to run 3 lap Motos is not my idea of...
  13. Original44

    So, what's the Quad Excuse THIS week?

    The last set of Moto's got done after 8:30. They had to drop the second Moto to three laps. Some people skipped their second Moto so they could get home for work. Sadly we will have to skip BC's round do to it being a school night. Can't take a chance on getting done after eight.
  14. Original44

    So, what's the Quad Excuse THIS week?

    Quads were the first Motos of the day, then track prep then start of the first bike Motos. One Quad class had only 3 Quads. My son's moto was the last Moto. His first Moto end at 4:40pm. Then there was consolations and then back to the start of the second Moto. Long day.
  15. Original44

    Sunday practices

    Most of the old guys that I rode with just practice now. So I get it. Not trying to stop anybody from practicing on Sunday. Just wanted a good debate on how we can all work together instead of on top of one another and siphon riders from one another. Race schedules are put out at the beginning...
  16. Original44

    OIR Benefit and Rider Appreciation Day - Oct. 12

    I was told that they were practicing on Saturday. I don't know, maybe not. The guys I talked to said instead of practicing Saturday they would just go Sunday to OIR.
  17. Original44

    OIR Benefit and Rider Appreciation Day - Oct. 12

    Group of around 20 were going to Malvern to practice but now are going to OIR. Closer and for a good cause. It sucks everyone piles dates up on top of another. Good Luck to OIR. I wish only the best.
  18. Original44

    Sunday practices

    So you are saying that practice on Sunday is hurting local race turnout, thank you. If things keep going the way they are we could end up losing a couple really good promoters in the next few years.
  19. Original44

    Sunday practices

    Yes, yes I did. LOL! I know district12 never ran practice on Sundays, because it hurt race turnout.
  20. Original44

    Sunday practices

    Sure we are friends, alls good on my end. Look at the benefit practice at OIR on August 31. Malvern racing Saturday and TV land is racing Sunday, so don't tell me it not going to hurt both turnouts. Not trying to make this OMA vs CRA. This seem the norm today to practice on top of races that...