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  1. Original44

    Sunday practices

    Your wrong, running on top of each other definitely hurts. It's killing local races. In north eastern Ohio it seems like one track is racing and three are practicing on the same weekend. It dilutes the racing.
  2. Original44

    Sunday practices

    True, Vet riders are their own breed.
  3. Original44

    OIR Benefit and Rider Appreciation Day - Oct. 12

    Sorry for hijacking this thread. I made a new thread so carry-on.
  4. Original44

    Sunday practices

    Is Sunday practice killing race turnouts? To me it a big part of why we don't have large turnouts today. It cost more to race so turnouts for races are down already. But practices on Sunday also hurts racing. I'm not talking about qualifiers, regionals, battle races, or pro day races. I'm talk...
  5. Original44

    OIR Benefit and Rider Appreciation Day - Oct. 12

    It is a great cause. But it's going to hurt Malvern. Every year there's three or four post about the low attendance at races Sunday practice is the number one reason why we have low turnouts today.
  6. Original44

    OIR Benefit and Rider Appreciation Day - Oct. 12

    That's true, but it most likely will hurt Malvern more than it will help them. It seems like the OMA is constantly shooting itself in the foot. Practices on top of races just don't understand it.
  7. Original44

    Changes coming to the LL Vet classes?

    It looks like DC wants the +25, +35, + 45 and +50 classes to stay the same (with ex-pros). The +30 and +40 classes will change. If you had a pro license you can't run +30 and +40. So it will include A, B, and C riders. Just not ex-pros who had a pro license.
  8. Original44

    OIR Benefit and Rider Appreciation Day - Oct. 12

    I hate Sunday practice. It's killing racing in Ohio. But thank you guys for supporting a good cause.
  9. Original44

    Changes coming to the LL Vet classes?

    He followed it up with this. I left out +50 because that class will not change -- it will be open to all. But I can see a structure where there is something like what Alex from the AMA mentioned, where "A" riders are fine (it won't hurt guys who race every weekend and reach A locally but were...
  10. Original44

    Changes coming to the LL Vet classes?

    This I found on Vital. This is what Davey Coombs wrote. We had a big meeting on Wednesday -- the OEMs, the AMA, MX Sports -- and talked about a lot of different ideas. While I personally believe Robbie Reynard and Trampas Parker and James Povolny are all amateurs now, they do make it nearly...
  11. Original44

    2014 LL Race Reports and Pictures

    What a great day of racing. Jeremy Hand had a solid ride in Schoolboy2 and finished 11th. Karl Scott and Sam Yannitelli in the Plus 35 finished 7th and 11th. How about Jake Masterpool finishing 3rd in the Schoolboy2 class riding a YZ-125. I think he's the only one on a 125 and that class is...
  12. Original44

    2014 LL Race Reports and Pictures

    Chris, that's Ronnie Renner's younger brother that won Plus 25.
  13. Original44

    2014 LL Race Reports and Pictures

    Marc, sorry I original put Plus 25, he was in Plus 35. I can't believe he's that old.
  14. Original44

    2014 LL Race Reports and Pictures

    WTG Rich! Jeremy Hand took 11th in the Schoolboy 1 and 20th in Schoolboy 2. The Schoolboy classes are stacked. Former Buckeye Karl Scott took 12th in the Plus 35.
  15. Original44

    Racing and to keep the ones you have in the sport!

    Are you making a threat? Sure sounds like a threat to me. You sure aren't helping his case with threats.
  16. Original44

    Washougal (spoiler)

    Ryan Dungey dedicated this race to his grandfather who passed away this week from cancer. He talked about it on the podium and it was a very touching moment.
  17. Original44

    MXON, who's your pick?

    From all that I have read it looks like Canard, Tomac and Martin. Ryan Dungey is getting married.
  18. Original44

    LL National roster is up!!

    I remember when they started the C class at LL. in 1986. We were at the ranch and the top 5 in the C class were turn lap times that would place them in the top 10 in B class. It's always been that way. One kid running C class this year is from England and lives at MTF.
  19. Original44

    Rough riding at Apple Cabin MX track.

    I was there Thursday. My son was riding a supermini on the big track. I believe I know who your son is. There's no reason for him to be on the big track yet. I'm sorry, but I really believe he would do better on the mini track. He needs to build his confidence up. The mini track is where my son...
  20. Original44

    Racing and to keep the ones you have in the sport!

    I was there, and he started the whole thing. It was a kid (17) that beat his a$$. Blooded his nose. Then the dad wanted to beat his a$$. Then the cops came.