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  1. S

    It's official

    Least its better than having possible corporate sabotage, If Dungey wouldnt have had bike problems in both SX and MX this year he would've more than likely had the points lead. I read awhile ago, that last year Suzuki was way behind on paying Dungey because they did not anticipate him to win...
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    Youtube, To:Pitracer Admin

    Why don't we have a Youtube forum for local races, helmet cams, video's, etc. Just to keep people up to date on tracks, and so its easier to find, sometimes its just hard to find on Youtube because people use weird tags, descriptions, etc. or there are alot of other keywords that get picked up...
  3. S

    CRA. Why no 125 class and no utility quad class?

    I miss when i started riding back in like 06 or 07? and there was 125, 250, and Open A,B,C
  4. S

    This video is just sickk...

    This video is just sweet, makes me miss my 250 2 smoker. Way funner than a thumper any day. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. S

    STOLEN bikes in Stow - 07 KX450f & 09 Husky WR250. Along with electronics.

    Whoever it is must've known you, or come to look at the bikes or lives in the area, to scope out and know you had some pretty high priced items, and to get them quick... No ordinary person would take the time to look at glasses or some goofy apple looking thing, unless they knew you had it, and...
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    STOLEN bikes in Stow - 07 KX450f & 09 Husky WR250. Along with electronics.

    unfortunately it wont, it's a vehicle with a title, and homeowners doesnt cover it? at least ours doesn't. If it were stolen being transported in a truck or trailer, its considered cargo, and i think the car insurance will cover it, but unless he had insurance on his dirt scooters, he's SOL...
  7. S

    What bike is better?

    Yeah but also if you get a 125 2 stroke it will teach you to corner alot better in my personal opinion, you cant be lazy and just grab some throttle like the 4 strokes, you have to carry your speed and momentum. Just a goons take on it all. And who doesnt just love the sound and smell of a 2...
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    BC 5-14 & Monster Energy Day 5-15

    I get the feeling thats a huge understatement lol
  9. S

    Another Rider Lost this year already, Unfortunate

    I'm surprised no one posted this sooner but here it is unfortunately, I loved watching the Ox ride he was one sick dude for sure, Today while riding with friends and family outside of San Felipe, Baja, Mexico, Jeff “Ox” Kargola crashed while riding his dirt bike. Jeff was attended to by...
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    Malware Help

    I'd download an F-secure disc, run it, if that doesnt work, try a system restore, and if all else fails pull the files you need and reload windows
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    Briarcliff Reloads 4-9 & 4-10 says 10% for sat and sun. it should be perfect
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    Briarcliff Mx 4-2 & 4-3

    I see a Vurb feature for briarcliff in the future.....
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    Briarcliff Mx 4-2 & 4-3

    you could make a section like at the JS7 compound, and some white sand, that'd be sick but hard to maintain....
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    Briarcliff Mx 4-2 & 4-3

    I like his, idea, mulch in the track would be sick, just a thought....or we could throw in a split wood section just to mix things up a bit....
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    Briarcliff Mx 4-2 & 4-3

    Sick, yea I remembered thats how you used to have it, thats why i said something, can't wait to see it though, even if i cant make it out to ride before work, imma cruise out and take a look
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    Briarcliff Mx 4-2 & 4-3

    I wish the track map described the jumps, I think I may be more excited to see and ride the new Cliff layout more than I was anticipating A1. I'm getting butterflies just thinking about pulling back down that long driveway to the Cliff!!!
  17. S

    Bubba's move a take out or just racing...deja vu

    James was blitzing the whoops, he had way more momentum, where Villopoto wasn't really skimming them too well, and then Villopoto was trying to turn down underneath those two slower guys, but he missed James being on the inside, it was Villopoto's fault for turning down on them slower riders...
  18. S

    Only a week away

    The Cliff is coming!! The Cliff is coming to a town near you!!!..okay not really, you have to drive there, but its worth it!! In only one week the Cliff opens, who isn't stoked!!!! JO I think you should open at 10:00 so I can fill my addiction of the cliff just an hour longer before work
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    To bore, or not to bore...that is the question.

    Honestly, it'd probably be easier to sell it to someone with a kid that needs a 125 and buy a 250 2 stroke, since your allowed to run in the same class its like cheating but no really and its kinda like a 450 with more speed and sounds alot cooler when your bouncing around a corner 3rd gear...
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    Front Flip

    <object width="384" height="216" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="ESPN_VIDEO" data="" allowScriptAccess="always" allowNetworking="all"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="allowFullScreen"...