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  1. Hause#0

    Nice article Vurbmoto about local pro

    Good job Jeramy! Cool article!
  2. Hause#0


    Congratulations Brutha! You two are great people and you will be even better parents! For your sake I hope that kid wants to be a cuz if that kids anything like you he will jump anything! ! Really happy for you both. Oh yeah... thanks for trying to pull me over the table to...
  3. Hause#0

    Good 4 Strokes

    Just my 2cents..... I rode 4 strokes for 10 years. Too expensive! !! When they need rebuilt or god forbid blow up... you need to take out a 2nd mortgage! ! I finally went back to 2strokes this season and it's the best decision I could've made. Unless you are doing sum serious racing. .. 2stroke...
  4. Hause#0

    Some love for Beans & local riders.

    Are you open this weekend BJ?
  5. Hause#0

    Big Game Pro Day Sept. 7th

    Is this a cra race? Membership required?
  6. Hause#0

    chris Grubbs update?

    Wow. Man, that was a nasty crash! Im glad it wasnt worse. Heal up quick Bro!
  7. Hause#0

    chris Grubbs update?

    Chris went down pretty hard at Malvern last night. Anyone know how he's doing?
  8. Hause#0

    Beans 8/30&8/31

    See you in the morning BJ. WEATHER PERMITTING
  9. Hause#0

    After Battle Review

    I had a great time at all 3 rounds! Great times with great friends! Wish my starts were better...but whata u gonna do! Thanks to everyone involved in making these events happen! Thank you to my wife for letting me be Me and racing the last round on our 1st anniversary! ! Thanks Rupert and Joe...
  10. Hause#0

    Beans 8/16&8/17

    See ya in the morning
  11. Hause#0

    And.....that's a wrap!!

    Thanks for everything! You all did a fantastic job! What a great event!
  12. Hause#0

    Beans 8/2&8/3

    Track was amazing today! Beautiful day!! Thanks for being open!
  13. Hause#0

    Beans 8/2&8/3

    I think you're gonna have a busy day today BJ. See ya in a bit!
  14. Hause#0

    Bc August Practice 8-2 & 8-3

    Yesssss! If u cancel can I just come down and drink on the observation deck?
  15. Hause#0

    2014 LL Race Reports and Pictures

    Chris ran local A about 10 yrs ago. Someone must've protested because he was kicked outa b/c. Rediculous.
  16. Hause#0

    Bc August Practice 8-2 & 8-3

    Gonna be perfect tomorrow. ?... right Jeremy!
  17. Hause#0

    Racing and to keep the ones you have in the sport!

    Any man who abuses a child is no man. He can show his face if he wants but he will get no respect. If he knows whats good for him he will get some counseling and stay the F away from the track.
  18. Hause#0

    OIR open this Sunday 7/27

  19. Hause#0

    BC July Ride - 7-12 & 7-13

    See u there! Its a long drive from Cincy! Ha ha I mean Massillon