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  1. P

    BC Opening Day April 6th!

    Nice, nice. Pumped for the weekend!
  2. P

    BC Opening Day April 6th!

    Were you able to make any major changes to the track with the dry weather?
  3. P

    BC Opening Day April 6th!

  4. P

    Friday at the Cliff????

    Briar Briar Briar!!!
  5. P

    The End of the BC Calendar!

    Track was amazing today. Thanks again for another great weekend. Those ruts were crazy at the end of the day. There may have been more than last weekend, and they were DEEP. Hoping Friday works out as well...
  6. P

    Skip work Monday?????

    If the weather changes you should open up the Friday after Thanksgiving. I know you were talking about it earlier in this thread. 3-4 of us would come up from Cincinnati. Hell, we have been the last 3 weekends anyways, might as well continue the streak!
  7. P

    Bc 11-3 & 11-4

    Props to Briarcliff for another great weekend. A group of 4 of us made the 3 hour trek from Cincinnati and it was well worth it. Every time we have been there we have all had an absolute blast. Might I add, we were there on Saturday lol and the track was epic. Sounds like Sunday was even better...
  8. P

    Bc 11-3 & 11-4

    Best news I have heard all week!
  9. P

    Bc 11-3 & 11-4

    Weather for tomorrow at Briarcliff: High of 50 and 0% chance of rain! Hoping the track looks good to ride!? I have a group of about 4-6 that are for sure coming out if you're open!!!
  10. P

    Bc 11-3 & 11-4

    Us riders appreciate your commitment. I have been dieing to ride there for the past month. Screw indoors lol