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  1. Abie Loebich

    Smith Road!

    I'll be at Amherst Meadowlarks this weekend for the race taking pictures! I hope to see ya'll there!!
  2. Abie Loebich

    Smith Road!

    I didn't get any of you guys... I was only there from 2-3:30 and I went through all my pictures yesterday and deleted any that came out blurry. I'm sorry! I need to figure out how to make a website so I can just upload all of the pictures I take and you guys can go through them all and find ones...
  3. Abie Loebich

    Smith Road!

    Track was in nice shape and they had a pretty decent turn out! Not to mention.... THE WEATHER WAS FLIPPING AWESOME!!! Here are some pictures! Let me know if you were there and want some pictures!
  4. Abie Loebich

    How to make motocross safer?

    Hey Ya'll. I was just getting on pitracer to share some of the pictures I took today at Smith Road and what do ya know, ya'll are having a conversation about mx being unsafe. After reading some of the posts my jaw dropped and I can't help myself. My name is Abie Loebich, I grew up racing Moto. I...
  5. Abie Loebich

    Malvern Ride for Todd day

  6. Abie Loebich

    Malvern Ride for Todd day

    Hello all!!! What an amazing day of riding yesterday was!! It was a little on the cool side but at least the rain held out! Here are some of the pictures from yesterday.... I took over 300, so if you think I may have got a couple of cool pictures of you riding, please e-mail me at...
  7. Abie Loebich

    Malvern MX-ride for Toddy!

  8. Abie Loebich

    Malvern MX-ride for Toddy!

    Super awesome day of riding!!! Was so nice to meet Jordan and her family, super nice people! What an amazing moto community we have here in Ohio!!!