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  1. RobinsonRacing

    Anybody wanna ride a new track?

    Yeh no kidding!!!! If your going to get mad at COCR for having a PRACTICE day vs. DMC's race day then blast all the other tracks that are running practices this weekend around D11!!! They're trying to better there track for us and our district, dont stand in the way.
  2. RobinsonRacing

    Fight at Fast Traxx

    Tom, i dont want to throw the guy under the bus becuase i did not personally see him drink alcohol, but i did hear that he was. Sorry for the confusion! - C class story teller! ha
  3. RobinsonRacing

    Anybody wanna ride a new track?

    Ive heard this song and dance before! Hopefully someone will actually do something about it. If not, your digging your own grave, as well as the Districts.
  4. RobinsonRacing

    Fight at Fast Traxx

    I dont know if the guy racing was drinking, but it seemed like all his buddies that were with him were.
  5. RobinsonRacing

    Fight at Fast Traxx

    That guy definitley rode like an idiot! He does every time he's there. Him and his buddies were pitted next to us and were all getting hammered! We went up to watch that 2nd moto just because we knew something would happen! I think he took out like 3-4 guys. At the end of the race Custard...
  6. RobinsonRacing

    "Amatuer" Nationals

    We would own that class!!!
  7. RobinsonRacing

    How a LL title was lost 30+ b/c 1-1-dnf video

    There must be a 1-1 curse at LL in 30+ B. In 93 my dad went 1-1 in the first 2 motos. Then in the 3rd moto he was running 5th and we thought he had the O/A but he ended up with a 1-1-5 and the other guys went 2-3-2. The guy did like a kamikaze ghost ride at the finish line to give him 2nd in the...
  8. RobinsonRacing

    Why is it that no one is racing in District 11?

    The 25+/30+/40+ have been the biggest gates at most D11 races this year. I think some better class structure needs to take place, but it will never happen.
  9. RobinsonRacing

    another rider arrested.

    Isnt' Ricky DietriCH the Pro riders name!?!?
  10. RobinsonRacing

    Why is it that no one is racing in District 11?

    Ok... Here's my $.02 There's a few problems(that can be fixed) with District 11. 1: The Tracks - We(District 11) are in Southern Ohio. So most tracks are on flat grounds. So there is only so much they can do, which i understand. Its all about TRACK PREP!!! Other than Chillitown and DMC(when...
  11. RobinsonRacing

    BC 6-25 & Monster Energy 6-26

    What happened to the Tuesday night practices? I switched my night of bartending to monday this year just for the cliff!! :(
  12. RobinsonRacing


    Thanks for rubbin' it in Glen!!!!!
  13. RobinsonRacing

    Broken Collarbone.... advice?

    Best thing you can do is keep it in the sling and let it heal. Oh, and enjoy the cool a$$ bump you will have! haha Took me about 6 weeks before riding again. The figure 8 sling is what i used.
  14. RobinsonRacing

    Dirt country- d11 oswmxs opener

    Forecast is looking good this week/weekend. Any word on the shape of the track!?!?
  15. RobinsonRacing

    Daytona Amateur SX Helmet Cams

    It was tamed down probably a little bit too much. But dont let the helmet cams fool you, the track got WAYYYY rough!!!! It got really one lined which made it hard to pass, especially if u got a bad start on that really short start. they made some small additions to the track for RCU on monday...
  16. RobinsonRacing

    Circle T indoor motorcross big changes

    Awesome!!!! any pics?