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  1. S

    Trump daddy

    If anybody is interested, still one seat left in the van to DC for inauguration day. We all got our "Not my President" T's but you don't need one.
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    Trump daddy

    If you think he'll be better for the economy, good luck. Hope you're right. I'm pretty sure you've been conned but if they do what they say, my income tax will go down and yours won't (unless they pay nurses REALLY well there) so I'm not too upset in the sort run. More upset for my nephew...
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    Trump daddy

    How 'bout a racist? That's better, right? Stolen from WST - "But earlier in his career, that same committee denied him a position as a lifetime-tenured federal judge after lawyers testified he had used racially insensitive language. Sessions apologized for saying he thought the KKK was OK...
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    Trump daddy

    Right, like they did the last 8 years right? John Boehner's comment on Obama's agenda; “We're going to do everything — and I mean everything we can do — to kill it, stop it, slow it down, whatever we can.” Expect the same from Democrats. A very interesting read for those that want to...
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    People ask why I keep riding, especially at my age

    At wife's annual family get together this past summer, an in-law cousin that I don't know much about and vice versa asked me, "how long are you going to keep racing?" I answered that if I'm not racing anymore, I'm dead. No I'm not going through my list of injuries. But I am 61 and racing...
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    White Wedding

    Have endless and mindless happiness. Marriage is an awesome thing. And remember these words-"yes dear, you're right".
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    Tv land gp this sunday

    Georgie is right about that 6th gear straight. My old roadracer bones love it. Topped out, grab a handful of front brake, and flick the bitch (tm fast eddie). I won't make it. Make up dirt track at WR.
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    If it was just heroin, the problem wouldn't be much worse than it ever has been. The new problem is that it's cut with chinese fentanyl and nobody seems to understand how to use that without killing themselves. Note I'm not saying heroin isn't a problem, it's screwed up too many people that...
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    A couple of new articles on Cleveland Bike Life track

    John Burton Sr used to come into Yam/Suz of Cleveland once a week to buy parts for the"bumblebees" as he called them. A pack of YZ80s with a larger pack of 8-10-12 year olds in tow.
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    Ive been up all night, government healthcare

    Why do they go? Cost. I'm sure nobody that gets a hip replaced in the US gets sepsis, right? Not according to my PT wife.... If there is any data to show comparison of outcomes, including sepsis complications, Thai hospital to US hospital I can't find them. The dental surgeon in La Joya...
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    2016 MXoN

    Gasjer out!
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    Ive been up all night, government healthcare

    And people from Cleveland fly to Thailand for hip replacements and Mexico for dental surgery.
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    Ive been up all night, government healthcare

    Started to respond to all your speculation but that's all it is so not easy to argue. Costs in the USA are the highest in the world: while care is substandard with regards to ANY single payer system. 5400 fewer infant deaths would occur in the US if we had the same infant mortality rate as...
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    Ive been up all night, government healthcare

    That's what cost control looks like. You can have insurance companies doing it (but only for people that can afford insurance with it's extra costs) like us. Or you can do it like the rest of the world and medicare. Where it works to control costs and still provide care.
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    Ive been up all night, government healthcare

    Been working since 1957.
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    Go to a mxgp

    I mentioned friends running Vet MXdN. Here's a video of my buddy Bengt falling in front of, then getting drilled by, Grant Langston. Broken shoulder, wrist, and an amazing hip bruise.
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    Ive been up all night, government healthcare

    Europe consistently develops and approves new medical devices faster than the US. Indeed some jobs we recommend to our customers to start there. Making money when there is a single payer (almost all of Yurp) is no problem. Easier than here IF you are lowering cost or creating better outcomes...
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    Ive been up all night, government healthcare

    Insurance companies have done so much better, eh? No corruption or red tape there..... Do you know anybody that doesn't like "their" medicare? Yes, it can be a pain and the cost containment means you can't have everything. But cost containment is exactly what we are talking about...
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    Ive been up all night, government healthcare

    Change the last word to system and we agree 100%. The sooner we have single payer, the better. Medicare for all.
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    MXdN Teams - who is going to win?

    MAN I wish I could have pulled off timing for Maggiora MXdN. Some great teams. Good Ole USofA is going to have a tough time of it but has a chance. Complete list of teams here: My guesses- 1st Belgium. Strijbos...