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  1. S

    Trump daddy

    Donations made AFTER the media asked where the donations went. This guy is more of a lying sack of feces than Mittens was. Hard to believe that is possible.
  2. S

    Bathroom Laws

    Show me that a law was made to do that, prior to NC's law. I don't seem to be able to find one.
  3. S

    Trump daddy

    Bernie says Drumpf has agreed to a debate with him. THAT sounds like some entertainment.
  4. S

    Trump daddy

    I'm still wondering what proof came out today. Can't seem to find it and would like to see it.
  5. S

    Bathroom Laws

    Until republifuck state poons started making laws against it.
  6. S

    Bathroom Laws

    Gender dysphoria doesn't necessarily depend on genes. As the article made clear. It didn't mention transcription factors that can change the epigenetics of a person and not be easy to discern by a genetic test. In any case, it's a small number of people we are talking about banning from the...
  7. S

    Trump daddy

    What evidence is that? So far I've not seen any evidence come out that it was a terror attack, no matter that it seems likely. The fact that nobody has claimed responsibility, something they've done in hours in other cases, is odd. Trump speaking out of ignorance is typical though.
  8. S

    Bathroom Laws

    From a baptist minister who decided he needed to understand the issue better:
  9. S

    Trump daddy

    Obama didn't start that fight. Dimbulb republifuck state guys did. I'm sure it was working just fine before Brown vs. Bd of Education too.
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    Trump daddy

  11. S

    Pre-Register for Vintage Motorcycle Days

    Say what? For real? What the hell is an "Oval TT"? Tempting to let the boy go race in Canada by himself.
  12. S

    Trump daddy

    Here's all you need to know, reasoned better than I could put together. Endorsed by my buddy Pat, the Irish middle east scholar: Some can be argued. Putting my son's, who is draft age, future in jeopardy so...
  13. S

    Track owner ideas

    Big difference is those guys get spectators. So even the guys with 4 banger Camrys in the dork class take home money, not a trophy. Good luck trying that with bikes. Good way to make a small fortune. From a large fortune.
  14. S

    Trump daddy

    23 Years ago today the supreme court unanimously decided Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. That would never happen today, scalia or locked up supreme court, they'd have 4 votes max. Oh, and an article in the WSJ today about the transgender 'problem' vis-a-vis the military. They studied...
  15. S

    Bathroom Laws

    Since when do Unions go to the wrong bathroom?
  16. S

    Bathroom Laws

    From the Joint Economic Committee of the US Congress. Private sector jobs created since Dec 2007 Jan 2009 Indiana 69,400 209,900 Ohio 91,900 307,000 Data through March 2016. Where did you get your numbers? Looks like Ohio...
  17. S

    Trump daddy

  18. S

    Apparently I'm the luckiest old guy in the whole wide room

    Aaaaand.... Today it snowed. So I worked on the BSA that sucked dirt last race and the boy, with no suggestion/intervention by me, figured out that there was a brand new rear for the trials bike on the vintage trials bike and put it on the Gas-gas. This is a very cool new phase of our...
  19. S

    Anyone make it up to Delta's AHRMA regional race this weekend?

    AHRMA. Put a fork in it. It's done.
  20. S

    Trump daddy

    Best part of this is that now it's guaranteed that we won't have another Catholic Supremo. I'd lay even odds that Drumpf will nominate as liberal Supremos as Hillary might. He's said as much though that changes as quick as his synapses fire.