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  1. S

    Extremely Disappointed

    The folks at WR work their butts off to make things happen and it's really all, as far as I can tell, for love of the sport. Yea, they are a largely a bunch of old pharts and don't smile and blow smoke up your butt but don't take that for not wanting to be there. My wife makes that mistake...
  2. S

    Apparently I'm the luckiest old guy in the whole wide room

    Boy tried to toss himself to the moon on the rock pile in the rain today. Not cleared by the doc to ride yet. I had to give him a talking to that will have no effect. Schedule for Trials Inc here
  3. S

    Bathroom Laws

    If republifucks think this is important enough to make a stand, I say more power to them. One more nail in the coffin. Or they could do what everybody else has been doing and go to the bathroom when they need to.
  4. S

    Bathroom Laws

    Not my intent. If you think this young lady using the same bathroom is OK, I'm OK with that.
  5. S

    Apparently I'm the luckiest old guy in the whole wide room

    Since this is my own personal braggadocio central... The boy came home for the weekend and cleared/moved big rocks/made trials sections. Last few days after work have been excruciating figuring out how bad I really am at this. We may need another bike so we can follow each other instead of...
  6. S

    Bathroom Laws

    You're good with her using the loo while your daughter is in there. That's weird but your daughter I guess.
  7. S

    Bathroom Laws

    Not a germophobe but that makes more sense than most of the rest of the spew here. Mine included.
  8. S

    Bathroom Laws

    What the idiots in NC have done is make it illegal for this women (says so on the birth certificate) to use the men's room:
  9. S

    Trump daddy

    I hesitated to put this here as the republican party needs to be buried but those of you that can still look at other views and decide for yourselves should read Bret Stephens column in the WSJ today. sorry I can't figure out a working link. You may need go find paper or be a subscriber.
  10. S

    Bathroom Laws

    The only persons I don't want in my son's bathroom are republifuck congresscritters.
  11. S

    WTF is wrong with this country???

    WTF is wrong with the good 'ole usofa? That's easy. But depends on your political outlook.
  12. S

    Canadian Nationals

    If any of my northern friends are listening, my thoughts are with the families of Fort McMurray. MX will be here tommorrow, hope you are all safe.
  13. S

    Trump daddy

    Dancing the happy dance. Senate majority a real possibility. As long as republifucks keep control of lower house, best of all possible outcomes. We get supremos that can actually read and understand the constitution and nothing much else gets done to impede those of us that know how to make...
  14. S

    Apparently I'm the luckiest old guy in the whole wide room

    2nd in +60. My buddy hit a cow and knocked it out. I had little drama beyond getting used to a cr500 again. Twenty five mile loop, half sand, half rocks, half whoops (not sure if that adds up). Off to install telescope enclosures......
  15. S

    Apparently I'm the luckiest old guy in the whole wide room

    It was pretty awesome. TI did a great job. I'd been to the facility for an AHRMA cross country a few years ago, helped make the trail for that and some of the loop was still the AHRMA CC trail. They've made more improvements since then but they need more than a one-seater restroom if they're...
  16. S

    Apparently I'm the luckiest old guy in the whole wide room

    Not WORCS, just the New Mexico series.
  17. S

    Apparently I'm the luckiest old guy in the whole wide room

    Flat track last Saturday. Lightweight vintage and +50 (pimped Falasco and Forbush by not running +60) Trials Inc Sunday. First time in 10 years, got better every loop. But first loop kept me off the podium. On a big aluminum bird Friday to get PAID to race NMDRC desert race in Las Cruces...
  18. S

    Trump daddy

    Dad! Thanks for posting his pic.
  19. S

    Patellar tendon rupture

    One big issue during rehab is tendonitis. Try to get a recommendation on physical therapists. Don't let your doc tell you you can't choose. Then don't do anything that your PT says not to do. Do everything that they say to do. If you're in Lake county, ask me for a recommendation.
  20. S

    Trump daddy

    FYI, in 38 states ex-felons automatically gain the right to vote upon the completion of their sentence. Ohio is included in that. McAuliffe's decree requires ex-felons to complete their sentence and any parole before granting them the right to vote. Whether McAuliffe's decision was political...