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  1. Woody

    4th Day of OMA Christmas!

  2. Woody

    Tracks with elevation change.

    When's opening day?
  3. Woody

    Anaheim 1.

    Oh yeah, you have to remember I'M old and forget a lot of stuff!
  4. Woody

    Anaheim 1.

  5. Woody

    Anaheim 1.

    Canard will fly off the side of the tunnel and take out the riders on the gate.
  6. Woody

    New Series Name?

    Track # 7 is the BC LLAQ
  7. Woody

    New Series Name?

    Track #10 is the Malvern Battle.....
  8. Woody

    OMA 2016 News and Updates!!!

    As long as camping is permitted we are in. Love the "Battle" format, I think most everyone does. I watched some helmet cam footage, the tracks looks a little tight for quads in spots but it really looks like a fun layout.
  9. Woody

    2016 LL Classes and Rules

    NOOOOOOO!!!!! Winter is just starting, where will my entertainment come from?
  10. Woody

    3 years ago

    Route 62 joins the OMA and BAM.... Lonnie goes all J.O. on pitracer!!!! What a day!!!
  11. Woody

    2015 By the numbers

    In case you haven't noticed, there are WAY more "smaller and informal events" than there are "500 racer events". If the idea of ol' boy running his local fair race once a year is growing the sport, then i just don't follow. Sure getting new people into the sport by trying a fair race is...
  12. Woody

    Whos got "rhythm"?

    Perfect chance for a real life MX vs. ATV challenge!
  13. Woody

    2015 By the numbers

    Bingo! How many entries do you think CTMX would pull in if they had 12 races a year? Numbers would not be 500 per event like Honda Hills used to racing every other weekend. Just look at Malverns numbers of the Spring series, Battle, and LLAQ versus the other how many other races they held...
  14. Woody

    2015 By the numbers

    I know this goes against the core fabric of PitRacer, but why not focus on what is working, like the battle series (a known fact) rather than throwing crap at a wall and seeing what sticks (i.e. most of the ideas in this thread) So why is the Battle series successful? is it because it's cheap...
  15. Woody

    2015 By the numbers

    You mean their numbers are over inflated since, you know, way more bikes show up when it's bike only.
  16. Woody

    5th annual Moto Mayhem

    There must have been a glitch in scoring if I ran a 1:36.1 (even if it was only for a lap)
  17. Woody

    As the season comes to an end, something the promoters need to think about.

    Something that you are missing is that even in a perfect world where you got the exact same seat time on a race day as a practice day (what you are asking for in more laps/less classes...) it is still going to cost you $100+/- for a race day versus $25 on a practice day. Those same guys are...
  18. Woody

    5th annual Moto Mayhem

    I'm not against that at all, but from a promoter's standpoint you lose the $25 per quad rider that comes for the open practice. I'm not saying there needs to be radical change, i just don't see it getting in with starting at 5:00 like previous events. BTW no where on the flier does it say...
  19. Woody

    5th annual Moto Mayhem

    I love the idea of racing quads on Saturday, but i think it may be a stretch getting the moto's in by dark. Forecast calls for sunset to be at 6:53 PM. If everything is ran like the previous races it's going to be really close even without any minor hiccups. Heck the BC battle race went off...