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  1. TimSr90

    Wayne Co. Sheriff looking for owner of recovered bike

    Padlocked sprocket, no other details. They want owner to identify.
  2. TimSr90

    Growing our Sport ?

    Nobody was bashing BC or any othe promoter, and the things I pointed out are problems with the industry in general. Nobody is telling you how to run your business. This thread is not about BC. It is about the sport of MX. BC may be the entire MX world on these days, but other...
  3. TimSr90

    Growing our Sport ?

    I guess I'm supposed to reply as one of the "cheap ass geniuses". "Growth of the sport in Ohio" is the total number of active MX racers in Ohio this year as compared to last which should not be confused with growth of turnout at BC events. How many of these were first time racers? That's...
  4. TimSr90

    Smith Road's Annual Memorial Day Race 5-25-15

    We had a great time as always. We ran 4 laps first moto, 3 laps 2nd moto. 3 kids on mini trikes, first time racer on mini quad, and two first time racers on big trikes. Weather looked like rain, which never came, leaving things drier than usual. I do miss when they used to water the parking...
  5. TimSr90

    Trails to Ride

    Lightning! $10 day. Except they are running a HS on Sunday.
  6. TimSr90

    Growing our Sport ?

    I give up too! LOL! Hence my reluctance to post anything. We need to grow the sport by having existing racers with sufficient income to have more babies as that is the only option left open. People need to be content with the way things are if they are unwilling to make changes. You...
  7. TimSr90

    Growing our Sport ?

    Psycho, I think he is saying that if you are going to justify the charge based on track prep, then either prep the peewee track, or charge for an unprepped one.
  8. TimSr90

    Growing our Sport ?

    Hershey, thats pretty much why I haven't chimed in. Most of the Pitracer clique does not have the ability to see beyond the race track, to all those people who have bikes and quads who don't ride on one. To them, the only source for racers is from the practice track, or somebody else's track...
  9. TimSr90

    Growing our Sport ?

    This topic has gone round and round, and the general consensus on this board is that MX is a great value but very expensive, and those who are not familiar with it or interested or curious enough to see it as a great value, and willing to pony up the big bucks and totally commit yourself before...
  10. TimSr90

    C class struggles.

    Funny how the two most active threads on PR right now are really about the exact same thing. Has anyone ever considered the possibility that the skill level in "beginner" classes have an effect on whether or not somebody who rides but does not race will find the nerve to ever get on the track...
  11. TimSr90

    Where to find Race Gas in NE Ohio?!

    Barberton BP at Barber Rd and 261 has Cam 2.
  12. TimSr90

    George Singlers surprise visit!

    I was so bummed I was unable to make it. George has always been hero, setting a great example for us guys who are feeling their age.
  13. TimSr90

    Smith Road's Annual Memorial Day Race 5-25-15

    Attn: Kids racing Mini 3 Wheelers! For this event, the Ohio Trike Crew will pay your entry fee from our OTC First Time Racer Scholarship Fund. This promotion is from the OTC Racing group, so please do not bug Smith Rd staff or signup people. Details are at our forum for how to sign up for this...
  14. TimSr90

    Smith Road's Annual Memorial Day Race 5-25-15

    I always enjoy the laid back, race for fun atmosphere at Smith Rd. and look forward to this one like any other. Can't believe its my 17th season racing there without a miss. Bring on the 3 wheelers! We have big gate to fill. They also have one of the best setups for the really little guy and...
  15. TimSr90

    Growing our Sport ?

    Fees are not limiting growth. Stick and ball sports being cheaper are a factor. I can't reconcile these two factors.
  16. TimSr90

    C class struggles.

    If you are out there and not doing the big jumps, and riding with guys who are, your greatest fear is that those who are jumping big will land on you. It's a realistic fear. Restricting jumps for these beginner classes make everybody safer. It may not make sandbaggers advance, but it will reduce...
  17. TimSr90

    Headlong to a life of crime and juvenile delinquency.

    If he were 14 and it was a teacher it would be okay.
  18. TimSr90

    states "Religious Freedom" Bills

    I remember when "discrininating" used to mean being "selective", and had nothing to do with race or gender confusion.
  19. TimSr90

    Track etiquette where have you gone????

    How about some pit ettiquette while we're at it?
  20. TimSr90

    states "Religious Freedom" Bills

    Should the Amish or Quakers have been forced to serve in combat in WWII? Should Catholic hospital be forced to offer abortions? Should a gay caterer be forced to cater a Westboro Baptist church lunchean. Should a Jewish baker be forced to make a cake honoring the birthday of Hitler for a...