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  1. TimSr90

    Presidential Election 2016

    Okay, we wants to keep prosecution of state crimes in states courts, where they have been for as long as we have had states? That does sound pretty EXTREME. He voted against increasing the government credit limit every time they max it out? That sounds pretty EXTREME. You have unquestionable...
  2. TimSr90

    double sanctioning

    I guess the other potential mistake a promoter could make would be to make business decisions based on an assumption that one loud mouth in a cliquie message forum speaks for his entire ridership. I'm sure if they've been in business a while they can easily distinguish a message forum...
  3. TimSr90

    Presidential Election 2016

    I'd also like to hear the answer to this question. I noticed Sturd acknowledged the question and then skipped over any specific answers, and parroted the media talking points. I'd like to hear an example or two of "extremist" positions Cruz has taken.
  4. TimSr90

    double sanctioning

    Great example as to why promoters should not make business decisions based on suggestions from a tiny pool of riders on the internet whose goals are personal convenience and not the overall financial success of the event. Do worry. While we enjoyed riding Briarcliff, we would not be able to...
  5. TimSr90

    Panic Rev - Local Riders that Follow?

    Westboro Baptist Church is neither Baptist nor Christian. It was founded by extreme liberal, anti-war lawyers for the sole purpose of drumming up hate, and besmirching Christianity. But just for kicks, let's say they are "Christian extremists". When was the last time they beheaded killed, or...
  6. TimSr90

    Disturbing find

    Obama listed it right before the Tea Party, and right after Christians.
  7. TimSr90

    double sanctioning

    ...and yet our gates are usually full.
  8. TimSr90

    double sanctioning

    Thought you were talking about me 'til I got to the last sentence.
  9. TimSr90

    Panic Rev - Local Riders that Follow?

    If I don't share in another person's beliefs, I am indifferent. I've never understood hostility and hatred towards something someone believes does not exist. Other's religious expressions do not offend me. I am respectful because it's important to them, and its the polite and classy way to deal...
  10. TimSr90

    double sanctioning

    Emulating an organization that folded sounds like a recipe for growth and success.
  11. TimSr90

    Presidential Election 2016

    You cannot make money by spending money. You can make money by investing money. You can also lose money by investing money. You can also make money by investing your time and labor. Investing comes with understood risks. This is a free market principle on which capitalism is based. It has worked...
  12. TimSr90

    double sanctioning

    Double sanctioning doubles the odds that a non racing rider will never put his foot in the door.
  13. TimSr90

    Presidential Election 2016

    Awful early for this. Its takes most voters about 6 years to become educted on who they voted for in the previous elections. I've figured out a few things, though. Anybody over 30 who thinks that another Bush-Clinton race would be nostalgic in a good way should have their head examined. If...
  14. TimSr90

    Summit Indoors

    Have raced every one starting in 1998. Its a great feeling to see a guy like Bobby taking over in a way that you hardly notice the difference from what Wayne spent so many years building. I'm so grateful that it continues to be the same great event that is always has been.
  15. TimSr90

    CRA Summit Indoor MX - Rd. 2 Feb. 26-28

    I had a great time as I always do. I wasn't very fond of the whoop section. I'm sure it was great for bikes. Spacing was all wrong for 3 or 4. I race whatever they put in front of me. We go for teh event, the spectators, and because of the warm welcome, and the class act that this events always...
  16. TimSr90

    CRA Summit Indoor MX - Rd. 2 Feb. 26-28

    Hopefully temp will be a little better than last time! At least two full gates of 3 wheeler action. Several first timers. Bring out your 3 wheeler and join the fun!
  17. TimSr90

    CRA Banquet Info

    We sure left with a full trunk again, but we were able to get it closed this time. Thanks to Peggy and all the CRA people and promoters for the way you have always welcomed and treated the OTC gang! That's why we keep coming back. Man that place is starting to get really crowded, and more every...
  18. TimSr90

    Summit indoors review

    In spite of the cold temps it was still a pretty impressive turnout. Didn't seem to affect the spectator turnout nearly as much as the number of riders. Most of them seemed to hang around to the very end. Was actually warmer inside than usual, because the lack of riders allowed all of us to pit...
  19. TimSr90

    CRA Summit Indoor MX Jan. 8,9,10

    In spite of the cold temps it was still a pretty impressive turnout. Didn't seem to affect the spectator turnout nearly as much as the number of riders. Most of them seemed to hang around to the very end. Was actually warmer inside than usual, because the lack of riders allowed all of us to pit...
  20. TimSr90

    You can keep your Teacher! You can keep your grants...

    The only difference between democrats and establishment republicans is that republicans buy votes with corporate money, while democrats buy them with your own tax dollars.