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  1. TimSr90

    You can keep your Teacher! You can keep your grants...

    The new congress was only sworn in last week. That was the source of the controversy. It was the old congress that passed this stupid bill, many of whom were fired in the last election, which is not to take the blame from those who campaigned with one message, and did the opposite.
  2. TimSr90

    You can keep your Teacher! You can keep your grants...

    They still can't figure out that the more you subsidize something, the higher the price goes up. I know it's an outdated concept, but in the olden days, we took out student loans at 7% interest (from a bank, not a government office), selected courses that were actually useful in producing...
  3. TimSr90

    CRA Summit Indoor MX Jan. 8,9,10

    Jarrett, Glad you enjoyed the mug. The big red OTC truck is down right now, so I won't be brewing any hot chocolate or coffee in the front of my Dodge Dakota this time around!
  4. TimSr90

    EBAY is dead to me...

    Several years back I supported myself for about 18 months with an ebay business instead of getting on the government dole. I didn't think I was loser.
  5. TimSr90

    CRA Summit Indoor MX Jan. 8,9,10

    We always enjoy racing there, and are looking at an even larger turnout this year.
  6. TimSr90

    CRA Banquet Info

    The key to winning is taking a vehicle that is too small to bring it home in!
  7. TimSr90

    Cromnibus passes

    This is a perfect example of that "bipartisanship, and working togther to get things done" that everybody has been complaining was lacking. The only difference this time was that the fringe left actually joined those "tea "party of no" kooks" to attempt to create the "gridlock" that everybody...
  8. TimSr90

    Government regulation of the internet:

    They've done such a fine job with a single website that still doesn't work, and for slightly less than a billion dollars, that I would trust them to bring down costs and improve operation of ALL websites. I'm sure it would expand fairness like in other agencies, such as the IRS. After all, what...
  9. TimSr90


    And when they spend it on something stupid, they always answer "that money is from a different fund". Of course my favorite is the last superintendant in Rittman who said "It was paid for with a state grant. It didn't cost the taxpayers a dime".
  10. TimSr90

    Deer thread 2014

    Nice! from the photo that look slike a big bodied deer all the headgear is mounted on. Should be able to have steak with every meal for a couple of months. :)
  11. TimSr90


    It was a shame the way they picked on Typhoid Mary too.
  12. TimSr90


    Taking off the political lenses if that is possible, and using your common sense, if ebola breaks out in any country south of the Rio Grande, what effect do you believe it will have on illegal border crossings through Mexico? If you lived in one of those countries and were exposed, would you...
  13. TimSr90


    The only thing I know for sure is that every single government appointed "expert" who has spoken on this topic about preparedness and the "facts" as they know them leaves me with very little confidence that they are either prepared or know the facts. The most astounding comments were from the...
  14. TimSr90

    Do you have a favorite Promoter? Past or present?

    George Singler - One of a kind, been around forever, and did things HIS way. Wayne Phillips - Answered the phone when I made that fateful call in 1998, and said the words "Sure, you can race it! We don't have a 3 wheeler class but if you bring it, we'll find a class to put you in." The long...
  15. TimSr90

    Lightning Raceway fall series CRA MX 10/5/14

    You guys should ride one of those ATC70's with a 140cc or 125cc on it! A couple of those were in there. We had 3 kids in there to really make us look slow.
  16. TimSr90

    Anyone Looking for a Job?

    What a person does outside of work is their own business? Seesm to me that when you engage in illegal activity, whether at home or work, it would still make you a criminal at either place. Separating the two is like telling a 13 year old student's parents that his teacher only does underage...
  17. TimSr90

    Lightning Raceway fall series CRA MX 10/5/14

    Thanks to Lightning and crew for hosting our 7th annual OTC Jamboree at Lightning Raceway! Your warm welcome and reception keeps us coming back. It was super classy of you to give 3 wheeler plaques to the kids who ran the mini trike exhibition. They will never forget it.
  18. TimSr90

    Lightning Raceway fall series CRA MX 10/5/14

    Day was cool, track was NICE!