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  1. Matt Mangano

    What would it take to bring you back to RACING

    Now that's something I'd be interested in.
  2. Matt Mangano

    What would it take to bring you back to RACING

    I was upset as well when I heard we were only running 3 laps. I got cleaned out in the first turn and scraped my way from 20th to 10th and I feel if I had 2 more laps I could have pushed into the top 5. But I agree 100% that's not the way to go on race day
  3. Matt Mangano

    What would it take to bring you back to RACING

    I think timed races would be cool. I'd prefer to be on the track for 10 minutes per race rather than 3-5 laps. Timed practices as well. I know smith road still uses timed practices on race days and I can put in a solid 10-12 laps in the allotted time, much better than 5 laps (if you're lucky)...
  4. Matt Mangano

    Summit County Fair Cross Tuesday July 26

    Awesome can't wait to race!
  5. Matt Mangano

    Summit County Fair Cross Tuesday July 26

    Any idea of a track layout? Or does it not get built until the day of?
  6. Matt Mangano

    James Stewart Will Return to Racing This Weekend

    Benny Bloss beat him outright in moto 1.
  7. Matt Mangano

    Are we alienating proven racers?

    When I first got my 250 I went from racing every other weekend to racing 3-4 times a year. C class has just gotten out of hand. I took my buddy to a race last year and he thought C class was B class (this was before the C class jump restrictions took place). At this point I'm contemplating...
  8. Matt Mangano

    Smith Road Memorial Day Race

    Sorry another class question, will there be a 125 class? I know you run CRA classes but I've raced a 125 class there in the past and was just curious if you'll run it monday?
  9. Matt Mangano

    NATIONAL's isn't anybody excited?

    I feel like Forkner is either gonna crash out or completely wax everyone
  10. Matt Mangano


    Thanks! I'll be sure to give updates!!
  11. Matt Mangano


    That's awesome. I'm in the same boat just trying to spend time/make some memories with my dad and have a fun weekend before I leave for college.
  12. Matt Mangano


    This is exactly what I'm getting at.
  13. Matt Mangano


    Sorry for sounding butthurt about it. I totally misunderstood where you were going with the thread. Thank you for clearing that up. I do agree with you regarding the fact that it's a little ridiculous how mx sports handles who can race and who can't (at least for the regional).
  14. Matt Mangano


    That's how it works for Lorettas I believe... in my honest opinion I believe the alternate/power ranking system is messed up. I'm not sure if I'll get my money back if I don't race but I do know that regional registration takes up to 60 riders (at least for C class) I'm attending the regional...
  15. Matt Mangano


    Thanks my man glad you see it from my perspective.
  16. Matt Mangano


    That's me you're talkin about. And I am not in a guaranteed regional spot I registered as an alternate. I probably won't even get to race but my dad gave me the option to sign up and said we could make a weekend out of it and support other local riders if I don't race. It's my last year really...
  17. Matt Mangano

    The Mother of All Qualifiers May 6-7-8

    I agree with you 100%. Raced High Points qualifer last year and the elevation change mixed with the braking bumps make for some grueling motos. Same can be said about Red Bud though.
  18. Matt Mangano

    The Mother of All Qualifiers May 6-7-8

    I think stacked is an understatement lol. Not complaining at all though just out there trying to have fun with my last shot at LL before I go off to college.
  19. Matt Mangano

    The Mother of All Qualifiers May 6-7-8

    Being in 250C I figured there would be a bigger turn out at BC but I got a rude awakening at Pleasure Valley. Had to run qualifying races just to make it into the 2nd moto. I chose PV because the regional is high point. Would much rather race High point than a track I've never rode before that's...
  20. Matt Mangano

    Summit Indoor MX Track Build

    Based on the pictures I'd say this is the most rider friendly track set up I've ever seen! Looks really fun. Great job to everyone who was involved, can't wait to rip tonight!