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  1. Abie Loebich

    Amherst 8-21

    Heres a couple of pictures from Amherst on Sunday!! It was awesome to see a good turn out!! Amherst has got awesome people behind it, so lucky to call it my home track!! And cut me some slack, I am still learning how to use my new lenses!
  2. Abie Loebich

    Smith Road's Annual 4th of July Race

    Bob was the only person I saw taking pictures, running around like a mad man!!! Any word on the guy that wrecked hard on that tabletop right after the down hill? I think his name was Jake. I wont lie, I said a couple of swear words when I saw him go down!
  3. Abie Loebich

    Amherst July 3 Race, 4' TROPHY Day

    A couple goodies from Amherst July 3rd!! Awesome job guys!!! Its always so much fun coming to visit with all the staff!!
  4. Abie Loebich

    Smith Road's Annual 4th of July Race

    I'll flag for you guys!! Ill ask my little brother if he wants to flag with me! ill see ya on Monday! what time?!
  5. Abie Loebich

    Smith Road's Annual 4th of July Race

    Let me know if you guys need flaggers!!!!
  6. Abie Loebich

    Big Decisions to Be Made at Malvern

    In all honesty, this breaks my heart. My first race was at Malvern on an XR 70 before CRA even had a womens class. Yeah, way back when. But I can still remember going up to the line with the trail bike class.... It was a night race, I was so tired, it was way past my bed time. I always loved...
  7. Abie Loebich

    Amherst Racer Reward Classes for MX race 6.5.16

    Here are a couple of pictures from the race!!! Sorry for the delay, I got picture happy Sunday..... had to go through all 528 and pick the good ones!
  8. Abie Loebich

    Battle for Ohio 2016

    Awesome job Malvern!!!! Check out to see all the pictures!!!
  9. Abie Loebich

    Amherst Meadowlarks OMA MX Race May 8

    I'll be there taking pictures!!! I can't wait to visit with all the familiar faces and catch up with all my flagger friends!! And I am so pumped for you guys now that you are OMA!!! Keep up the good work Amherst! Ain't nothing like spending mothers day at your home track!!!!
  10. Abie Loebich

    Malvern's Area Qualifier

    Here is a couple that I got! I know, they aren't awesome sauce but I'm workin on it!!! The track was in prime condition!!! awesome job Malvern!!!
  11. Abie Loebich

    Malvern's Area Qualifier

    I'm so excited!!! I'll hopefully be there taking pictures of all yall!! If the temp can stay above 40, I've been sick and just had eye surgery...... Don't want to be a freezing pirate! Arrrrrrr
  12. Abie Loebich

    Austin Stroupe Arrested

    woah dude! 2 of my brothers are recovering drug addicts. You are right and wrong at the same time. It all comes down to the person. If you have that addictive personality in your blood, your best bet is to just stay away from everything.... a blunt leads to a line of blow. you need the next...
  13. Abie Loebich


    sittin and picin!!!! whoop whoop!!
  14. Abie Loebich


    A nurse, your so wise georgieporgie. Can't wait to see ya at the track in your scrubs! My aunt has been a nurse for over 30 years.... She's got some crazy stories! With my Tbi, I spent 2 months in the hospital.... I don't remember any of it but I was told I said a lot of inappropriate stuff...
  15. Abie Loebich


    NP school?
  16. Abie Loebich

    Loretta Lynn's Experience Costs

    this could go on for years guys, I think it comes down to the rider. I've raced big races and always chocked at qualifiers. Lorettas was all I ever wanted and I couldn't figure out how to get out of my head at regionals. I got a lot of seat time in before the season even started and spent more...
  17. Abie Loebich

    Loretta Lynn's Experience Costs

    1. you need an AMA card- $50. 2. it depends on what tracks you want to race for qualifiers, you will most likely have to buy a district card for those races- $40 (that's for 2 districts) 3. At area qualifiers you will pay the gate fee around $20, Mxsports fee $10, Race fee $20. 4. Transponders...
  18. Abie Loebich

    Barney Barnett injured

    Relax, go to metro, and let the doctors take the wheel. Everything will be okay
  19. Abie Loebich

    Barney Barnett injured

    Bleeding in the brain.... Get to metro ASAP
  20. Abie Loebich

    Barney Barnett injured

    Thanks for the update!! Have they done a mri? What is their current diagnosis? If he is still struggling with responding, I highly recommend you transfer him to Metro Health. I am sure Akron is a wonderful hospital, but Metro is the trauma hub and will be able to start giving you answers and...