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  1. Jon16

    RIP Paul Fox

    Such a bummer. I always loved catching up with him. Such a great guy. He will be missed for sure.
  2. Jon16

    Favorite track section in Ohio

    Redbud and WW are probably tied for 2nd with me. WW might have the advantage for me over Redbud.
  3. Jon16

    Favorite track section in Ohio

    Scenic! I always felt like it flowed so good. I loved going there. Thanks for the vid John. I haven't seen that in YEARS!
  4. Jon16

    Best Neck Brace for C class rider????

    All I'll add, like Smith said, I would NEVER wear one that rests on your spine. I learned everything I needed to know from testing after my buddy got paralyzed. I got rid of mine right away. NO clue about the newer ones, but I'm against them.
  5. Jon16

    Tracks of Yester-Year

    I sure miss Scenic :-(
  6. Jon16

    Malvern, 4/06: 11a-5p

    Track was great yesterday. The place was packed! I heard 340!
  7. Jon16

    Ripping Presidents Weekend 2019

    Glad you guys had a great time! Randy on Red?!?!
  8. Jon16

    SoCal Moto rentals

    I've wanted to do this for years. Nice to hear a local personal experience.
  9. Jon16

    So are we all using “no toil” now?

    Lol. That's what I did. I just felt like I had better coverage spraying it. Wanted to see if there is some easier way out there. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Tapatalk
  10. Jon16

    So are we all using “no toil” now?

    How are you guys oiling your filters? I used to put my oil into a spray bottle, but it doesn't want to spray this no toil oil.
  11. Jon16

    Christmas Florida Trip

    How old is he? I had my son on my 110 (hes 16 months) while we were in FL. I created a monster!
  12. Jon16

    Holiday Holeshots

    Weather was badass this year. I made it 3 sessions into my first day at WW with Sharc and MX955 before decided I wanted to check out the local hospital. We camped a couple more days, then headed to my in laws in southern FL for the rest of the trip. WW was PERFECT for the time I got to ride...
  13. Jon16

    So are we all using “no toil” now?

    Tried No toil for the first time a couple months ago. I can't believe I didn't try it sooner. Cleans WAY easier. I think I read somewhere that they recommend using they're filters b/c the alcohol in the oil will eat the glues of other filters.
  14. Jon16

    What ever happend to....

    If its Tom Poling your talking about, Hes on FB. I don't think he rides anymore, Has a couple kids I think.
  15. Jon16

    Lit-Pro vs. Sports Watch vs. GPS vs. Auto Lap time

    Found it.
  16. Jon16

    Lit-Pro vs. Sports Watch vs. GPS vs. Auto Lap time

    I can't remember the name of it, but I have one that is older. It was actually what Mike Katin used. There is a IR light or laser that mounts on the side of the track. Then there is a receiver that straps on your front fender. It will record lap times and such, but it also has a red and green...
  17. Jon16

    Neck-Brace Effectiveness

    I have absolutely no knowledge on the newer designs. What independent test results I know of for the first neck brace out there.....I would NOT wear one. I ditched mine years ago.
  18. Jon16

    Official Loretta’s update thread!

    Looks like Delbaso DNFed, and Scott Darling took 26th in Moto 1 of +30.
  19. Jon16

    Montana Dual Sport Ride

    So cool!