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  1. Woods&Water

    Todd Krieg needs all your prayers

    Hey everyone, Todd here. I just seen this thread. Thank you all so much for the support! A little update: i had both clavicals plated and screwed so I could start therapy sooner. I am currently in Cleveland starting rehab, and it's going good. I started lifting weights on Tuesday, and that makes...
  2. Woods&Water

    red bull straight rhythm.. quote from stewart.

    Travis once said he has made a living off of being unprepared, and idk how many of you guys have seen Travis hit a whoop section... I wouldn't be surprised if he was in the final race. I don't think he will win, but he will do better than you think!
  3. Woods&Water

    Battle Series Wrap up

    Thanks Jeremy. Looking forward to seeing these positive changes! JB, with how open the corners were, i was able to pull 3rd in most corners. Easy to click up twice. And I about got smacked by a few kids on pitbikes this weekend. And this weekend wasnt so bad, but Malvern was horrible...
  4. Woods&Water

    Battle Series Wrap up

    #1 for all tracks: NO PIT VEHICLES. #2 for all tracks: NUKE THE QUADS. Ok just kidding about the quads (not really) but I wish Briarcliff would have sepparated quad and bike motos. Was unhappy with the track this weekend. No dust was nice, but no ruts or bumps wasn't nice. I also think...
  5. Woods&Water

    After Battle Review

    Hahahaha go Kelly! :D
  6. Woods&Water

    After Battle Review

    Oh and details on the drama! Haha i guess the women were lined up ready to take off and they pulled them off the line to run the vet guys. Heard a lot of vet riders saying bad things about the girls, name calling, etc...
  7. Woods&Water

    After Battle Review

    I did enjoy the sawdust berms, fun to blast! Like I said, my only complaint was the track. No ruts make for no sepparation. Bad starts got me this weekend, and no matter how wide the track was, if me and someone entered a corner at 40 mph, there was no passing. I think OMA needs to ban...
  8. Woods&Water

    After Battle Review

    Am i the only person who was very let down by the track? There literally wasn't a single rut on the track for the second set of motos. Perfect quad track tho, i think its sad that the drive way was rougher than the track was! I talked to a few people who have never been to the track, and they...
  9. Woods&Water

    Huntington Bank Battle Week is Here!

    Good looking schedule. Excited for the weekend! Anyone say how big the pro-purse is? And is this weekend a pro-am as well? P.s. I think we should bring back the 85 pro race... ;)
  10. Woods&Water

    Where's Bubba? Is he done?

    Mookie was extemely dehydrated and it started doing damage to his kidneys. He caught it at the right time, i guess things coulda went south for him if we woulda let it go for longer...
  11. Woods&Water

    Smith Road 4-dark, bikes only

    Have Larry rip it nice and deep today!
  12. Woods&Water

    And.....that's a wrap!!

    Woody, i thought the same thing.. No practice friday, two rounds of quad practice in the AM saturday, la dee da. Unless Jason wants to use friday to make a little extra cash, then i'd understand. Definitely excited for the future of OMA, glad everyone is trying their best to better everything!
  13. Woods&Water

    So, what's the Quad Excuse THIS week?

    Why is having two days of racing more expensive than having one day of practice and one day of racing? Im sure there's more to it than what meets the eye, but practice is cheaper, yet the same amount of staff is on hand, right? Still doing track prep for both practice and races too. Do you...
  14. Woods&Water

    And.....that's a wrap!!

    Awesome weekend, if anyone didn't make it out, they missed out on a great time! And another thing, how about Gallo's pizza?!?!
  15. Woods&Water

    So, what's the Quad Excuse THIS week?

    Jason and Tina, and the rest of the crew did a great job yesterday with what was all on their plate. Thank you guys. But, i'm chiming in on the quad vs. bike drama. What successful track/race has bikes and quads race on the same day? None that i've been to. Me personally, i'm all for...
  16. Woods&Water

    What to do on Tuesdays?

    Yeah Jeremy I can understand that. But what about the tracks that already prep during the week and have a crowd that comes to EVERY practice? I mean Smith road gets around 100 riders a week, and i'd say 75% of them come every week. I think it would be a huge benefit if a track opened tuesday...
  17. Woods&Water

    What to do on Tuesdays?

    Hey guys, i'm sure i'm not the only one wondering this, but how come there are no practice tracks open on tuesday? I mean I can understand no places open on Monday (which it would be nice to have at least one place to practice each day of the week), but I feel like the gap from Sunday (or...
  18. Woods&Water

    OIR Pro Day June 22nd!!

    Awesome job Chet & Nick. Great turnout and the track was awesome too. Couldn't believe I was riding in ruts in Ohio! That was the best i've seen an Ohio track in years. Everyone who didn't come out missed out for sure.
  19. Woods&Water

    Can MX be made safer?

    *Stating opinions, to be taken as constructive critisizm, not insults/complains.* as an A rider, i think both Briarcliff and Malvern are very fast, too fast in my opinion. Especially for their soil, loamy in areas, hard backed underneath. I loved Briarcliff back in like 2009-2010 when it had all...
  20. Woods&Water

    The John Penton Story

    I was there too, AWESOME movie. When this comes to DVD, i suggest EVERYONE on here buy it. It's sad that John had such a huge impact on so many brands today, and very few people know who he is. I am very fortunate to know John and to be his neighbor, 6 or 7 houses down the road from me. And the...