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  1. M

    Anyway, lets forget the Cavs and talk about REEEEDDDDD BUUUUUDDD!!

    Seely is out with a broken pinky.
  2. M

    7 minute moto. If your lucky or slow

    The only downside to 7 minute moto's is it won't be possible to do Geico sponsorship announcements!!!!
  3. M

    Glen Helen Track

    Jody Weisel has no respect for today's rider. His whole goal is to show Glen Helen is the most demanding track on the circuit. This way he can make fun of all the other tracks and riders of being sissies. To him Glen Helen is the motocross standard. Anything outside of Southern California is a...
  4. M

    Malvern Mx Track Layout Changes

    Amazing where this stuff goes and how blown out of proportion it is. The original observation wasn't about the size of the triple or not being able to do it. It was just a safety concern that Jason has said he was going to do something about. Keep up the good work Jason. Malvern is a great place...
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    Malvern Mx Track Layout Changes

    I don't see where Hershey said anything about conquering the triple. His concern was for the short landing area for people that want to double, before smashing into the face of the triple if over jumped. I don't see an issue with bringing it up. It is funny how the people that are clearing the...
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    Atlanta #2 Retro Weekend

    I have more of a problem with the guy using St. Jude to make himself look like he is doing a good deed.
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    Apple Cabin

    I remember going out the cabin any day of the week. If you showed up early enough you could help water the track. Dragging those fire hoses around sucked, but getting to ride made it better.
  8. M

    REED, what a scumbag!!!

    I thought the move wasn't the smartest thing to do. But I watched the Greatest Supercross races ever thing on CBS sunday. RJ was trying to knock Baily down most of the race at Anaheim '86. People overreact today because you don't see it as much, but moves like that are part of the history of...