Chillitown MX Opening Day Success!

Chilli Town MX

PR Addict
Thursday ,April 14th, was our very first open practice here at the new track! Over 300 people including riders, event staff & spectators came through the gates yesterday! We had over 70 riders who came out to practice in the beautiful weather, and Corkey Que set up shop and provided us with some great smoked BBQ throughout the day! Among all the people at the track were a few of our sponsors, Valero, Monster, Chris Scott Motors, Custom Power Sports to name a few, all were impressed with the progress of the track, and we greatly appreciate the support they have given to us. On that note, I would also like to personally thank all of our family and friends for all the hard work they have put in to help make this dream a reality! We could not do it without the support!

Thanks to our sponsors we have a bunch of giveaways yesterday at the track thoughout the day. All you had to do was fill out your name and email address and you were entered into the drawings! Some of our items were hats and shirts provided by Monster, Cincinnatti reds tickets provided by WKKJ, and of course Chillitown tshirts, weekend gate pass and some Chilli-cash!

The day went pretty smooth, our staff learned alot, anxious riders finally got to try out the track, we even got to test our gate drop and irrigation system!! I have to say my heart was pounding when the gate dropped and all those bikes took off, it was amazing to hear that roar of the engines as they raced down to the corner! Although it definately wasn't a mandatory holeshot these boys took it serious, and they were fast!!! I could see the excitement in all the spectators leaning on the fence and perched in the bleachers watching as the bikes headed to the first turn and hit the finish line jump! I cannot wait to see what this season of racing has in store for us here at Chillitown MX!

Come out and join us for the next open practice on Thursday, April 21st our gates will open at noon and Corkey Que will be there with the smoker around 2:00, we will have giveaways again all day! Thanks again to the Staff and Supporters!!

Chilli Town MX

PR Addict
Thanks! We are trying really hard to do this right, but we need input. We are getting new and great ideas all the time but we need more. We want to know what people want. We want to break the mold.


PR Addict
Well, we will be down for a weekend for sure. We were actually going to haul the camper down to Crow and stay 10-6 but there were too many problems.


PR Founding Father
Cool. Can you post pictures of the track? On the practice day do you have a seperate practice for 50s?


PR Addict
Track looks really fun, cool jumps, good work guys. How wide is it generally? In the video it looks pretty narrow with not alot of line options, is the video playing eye tricks on me?

Chilli Town MX

PR Addict
No...practices are not ran like races. We were testing out our gates and letting our staff practice as well. A lot of the riders liked the gate drops so we kept doing it. It was not mandatory to line up and do a start if you did not want to.


PR Addict
Do you guys ever let anyone use the gate system during practice? I know those things must be thousands but just an idea...

Chilli Town MX

PR Addict
Yes a matter of fact we did a gate drop just about every 15-20 minutes last Thursday. We will continue to do this if that is what everyone wants. It was well received by the riders...most placed don't do gate drops during practice.


PR Founding Father
Most of the time, you dont want to drop a gate during practice. That switches your insurance from open riding to competition in a heart beat. I have heard horror stories of insurances dropping places for doing that, and also trying to duck out of covering a claim, because the starting gate was being used. Just a heads up, nothing more, nothing less. Definitely check with your insurer.


PR Addict
Well, if you can I'd think alot of guys would really like that. Presonally I wish more tracks did so, dropping a handful of rocks isn't quite the same. You could use the gate or get on after they go out. I really wish Malvern did the same thing.

Chilli Town MX

PR Addict
Most of the time, you dont want to drop a gate during practice. That switches your insurance from open riding to competition in a heart beat. I have heard horror stories of insurances dropping places for doing that, and also trying to duck out of covering a claim, because the starting gate was being used. Just a heads up, nothing more, nothing less. Definitely check with your insurer.

Thanks for the tip. I will definately check into that.

Chilli Town MX

PR Addict
Most of the time, you dont want to drop a gate during practice. That switches your insurance from open riding to competition in a heart beat. I have heard horror stories of insurances dropping places for doing that, and also trying to duck out of covering a claim, because the starting gate was being used. Just a heads up, nothing more, nothing less. Definitely check with your insurer.

I checked with the insurer and we got the green light for gate drops. Thanks for the heads up. That could have been a bad rookie mistake. Thanks again.