Why is it that no one is racing in District 11?


PR Addict
I just got back from Chillitown MX`s race today. First time there and these people have a super great facility. They ran an awesome program but not many riders showed up. WHERE IS EVERYONE!!!!!!! I see the same group of riders at every race. SO, WHERE IS EVERYONE ELSE? Sooner or later there aren`t going to be any tracks to race at. So, let`s here it!
I agree, Chilli Town is set up to host 400+ riders and the turn out was weak. Where are the D11 riders?
Ohio motocross racing is DEAD. We have taken one of the most historically rich motocross states and diluted ourselves to the point of racing extinction.

I can't say that I am helping --- I have raced four times this year and not one time has been in Ohio. I'll be honest, I have absolutely no interest in racing any track in Ohio or any racing series. I will say though that ChilliTown has come the closest to sparking my interest but it's a good 3.5 hour drive for me and at that point I'd probably just add the extra hour in and go to Red Bud instead. The only time I will race in Ohio this year is at Mid Ohio for Vintage Days.

But that is the trend now in Ohio -- tons of tracks to go riding at, but when it comes time to go racing we go elsewhere. It's unfortunate to say, but if we want racing to improve in Ohio we need a bunch of tracks to close so people have less choices. Any given weekend in Ohio there are about 6-8 sanctioned races. Plus a dozen open practice tracks.
I just got back from Hand's Western Reserve race and the track was packed. 22 guys in the pro class for pro day. 20 guys in +40, 36or so in 250c, I thought it was a good day. I am just guessing, but I would say there was 250 or 300 riders there.
Dont look at me, the Cliff was closed this weekend. Although we had several show up in hopes that were open.
I just got back from Hand's Western Reserve race and the track was packed. 22 guys in the pro class for pro day. 20 guys in +40, 36or so in 250c, I thought it was a good day. I am just guessing, but I would say there was 250 or 300 riders there.

I guess I should clarify -- Ohio motocross is dead, save for a couple of events a year that draw in good crowds.
The hand's could draw 300+ at Lake Bailee, just sayin'. Their Pro Day is easily one of the biggest "local" races in Ohio. Not taking anything away from Western reserve, I have raced there, its nice, but Mx Community really likes Hand Promotions. Just think if they had a regional.
D-11 officiating is terrible I know that much. Chillitown has a great facility but the track is way to tight to hold a large race. Loss of district 12 hurt Ohio racing as well.
Ohio is the home of the professional practicer association!!! no one wants to race!
Here is my thing with racing anymore. I wouldn't be surprized if I'm not the only one. I can hardly afford to go anywhere and have fun! With the price of gas, price of equipment, price of entry, blah blah blah, it's hard to go places. I would give anything to be able to race every weekend. This may be a bad thing to say, but American greed is killing fun things to do as well. I love America, so please don't take this the worst way. Use gas as an example. 3.60 something a gallon! And want to charge more for diesel! From what I've been told diesel fuel is actually cheaper to make than unleaded gasoline. Am I wrong? If I am, I apologize for saying that. Maybe I am too young to understand what is going on, but gas was under a dollor for YEARS!!! When I turned 16 in `96 I paid like $1.50 something a gallon. So gas was under a dollor for decades, but since `96 it has more then doubled? American greed? Use lots of things that we have had since 40's, 50's etc... Look at what we charge now for that same thing.

Technology gets us as well. Look at our bikes. Granted the bikes we all race are awesome, but think what you paid for your 2000, and what you pay for your 2011. Granted the bikes are SOOOOO much better, but I doubt I ever get anything other then my `09 I have now. I can't afford to get anything. Look at AMA factory riders. Used to make a killing racing, now a lot of the teams give the riders a bike to ride, equipment, but the money they make is from what they win at the races. Once again I could be wrong, but going off what I've heard.

I know what I said talks about a lot of negative things. I love motocross, I have darn near destroyed myself in April, and look I still got to race on the 4th. I love the sport, but it so hard to afford doing what I love so much!
Where is the "Like" button for "D-11 officiating is terrible".

Guys I race many places in District 11....."offciating is terrible". That's your excuse? Washel and I are out at many tracks, please explain? I dont seem to have issues with District 11, and I have been racing it since the 80's. You make a general statement, and dont back it up with anything. So you dont race D 11 at all anymore because of that?

One thing, D 11 should not schedule two races on the same day in my opinion. Lake Bailee was racing also and that probably kept guys from Cincinnati and Dayton in that area.

As for Chilitown, great facility, and track was good. It is a busy track, a little small, but 6 lap motos. Most guys were dying after 6 laps in the heat today. I am told he has a three year lease with the fair board, and if all goes well, he will get 4 more acres over the hill to expand the track. They have done everything there first class. There are also 1500 spots with electric and water for everyone to use. If he can make it and expand, this place could do a large race without a problem. They had guys going around cleaning port a pots, emptying trash....bike wash area....with pressure washer (free). They have put a great effort out for a first year track with out a doubt.

I think the economy is catching up to some people, but if more people would show up to the races, it would be a lot more fun to have a full gate.
I second Mr. Bliar`s comment!!!! Thank you sir. If you have a bike, that means you have a piece of high dollar racing equipment that you bought, so you can`t throw out the "bad economy" card any more.
Are you racing every D11 scheduled event, and if so are the numbers consistently down everywhere this year?
How are Chillitowns' open practice turnouts?

Don't overreact when I say this but judging by the photos Chillitown has the look of a supercross style track beings it is built on a relatively flat sight. Based on that I would guess that may deter some racers that like traditional natural terrain tracks. No question though, it does look like a first class facility.
Its def first class and running alot of laps makes for long enough motos but its just not really a motocross track. More like a long fair track with some rollers.
MY bike has not been out of my garage since the indoors. I look at my check book account, WOW 6 thousands dollars. I never knew I spent that much racing in the summer. LOL.
I second Mr. Bliar`s comment!!!! Thank you sir. If you have a bike, that means you have a piece of high dollar racing equipment that you bought, so you can`t throw out the "bad economy" card any more.

After I pay my bike payment I hardly have money left to get to the track unfortunately.
MY bike has not been out of my garage since the indoors. I look at my check book account, WOW 6 thousands dollars. I never knew I spent that much racing in the summer. LOL.

Tom, my wife one time suggested we keep track of racing expenses......I put a stop to that, that would not have been a good thing to track.
Here's a list of things that i think killed the motocross scene in the past 10 years

1- overpriced 4 stroke dirtbikes that people pay as much as a car payment for, i remember you used to walk into a dealership and pick up a new 125 for under 5 grand, rip on it and if it blew it was cheap to fix

2- expensive practice fee's, used to practice for $7 now its average $20. and i do understand its not all the track owners faults for rising insurance and fuel

3- rising fuel costs, 10 years ago it was like $1 a gallon?

4- and the last thing i have never cared about is the racers have to pay for parking then have to go pay to race.

all this combined IMO is what killed racing. 10 years ago I would go to broken spokes for a race or even practice and the place was ALWAYS packed. as soon as the 4 strokes came out the turnouts slowely started fading to eventually almost nobody.

On that note the mint rmz I just picked up is for sale in the classifieds or trade for a 125 TWO stroke + cash
Not sure about just district 11 but, I think a lot of people are still hurting financially. Food, house payment and survival will trump racing everytime. I'm just saying. A lot of people that have always had the means $$, still do and thats great. It's that bunch of people in the middle, so to speak, that love the sport as much as anyone just can't afford to continue at this point in time. They, we have jockeyed things around just so we could race on the weekends, but are just not able to continue and do it at this point. Not complaining just a reality check and stating my thoughts.