Check it out one of Ohio's own!!!!


PR Member
It Cory Buttrick!! dudes fast as heck, ran a GP and he was on the same gate drop, dude lapped me like 5 times before the race was over and i was in like 5th in my class lol



PR Member
Yea he's a pretty down to earth kid. A lot of fun to be around. Didn't recognize him without his signature orange helmet.


PR Addict
No offense to who posted this but I have no clue what the hell you are talking about. And is Cory a gncc rider? I recgonginze the name and know he's a good rider but can't remember what Series he rides exactly.


PR Addict
Ok cool that's who I thought he was. and i got it now. I was wathing this post from my iphone and the video was not showing at all so i had no clue what this was about lol now i see it