RC gets beat


PR Addict
RC got beat at Aonia by a kid who pulled his bike out the back of a van. He still qualified for the Millcreek regional
Come on Pete give RC a break. LOL He got beat by a kid, he has gained some weight and is a little older now and when was the last time he trained for racing. If he continues and keeps training I betcha he will beat that kid at the regional. :)
Come on Pete give RC a break. LOL He got beat by a kid, he has gained some weight and is a little older now and when was the last time he trained for racing. If he continues and keeps training I betcha he will beat that kid at the regional. :)

I want one of the chunky munky shirts. He'd better. There are some really fast riders in the SE
Yeah, sitting next to Ralph and Emig in the booth doesn't do him so well... He def has let himself go a bit. I also bet he wasn't hitting it like her used to. He didn't need to win, just qualify. The armpump dealio is a good possibility as well...
Ricky had no problem at Daytona in the practice running at speed of the Pro's. So what is endurance isn't what it used to be. Im willing to bet he will work hard over next couple months and be ready.
Ricky had no problem at Daytona in the practice running at speed of the Pro's. So what is endurance isn't what it used to be. Im willing to bet he will work hard over next couple months and be ready.

Well if I had the rug pulled from me in the nationwide series, heck yea I'd be qualifying for lorettas.
He should, it would be an awesome story for sure......but if you were the GOAT, the last thing you would ever want to happen is to get beat. So for his own legacy, he is much better off staying off a race track. The guys that go back and race LL are usually the ones that were never at the level of RC.
Jeff Emig came back to Loretta's and got beat by Kevin Walker in the +30 class one year. He was not the same level as RC (No one is), but he did win a SX title and MX outdoor Title in his career, so I'd say he's just as big a former guy as you can get to come back.

I sent an email to Davey Coombs about changing up the age classes to get more contestants and hype for the event. I suggested that they change the Current groups of +25, +30B/c, +35, +40, +45, and +50 (which has one amatuer class and 5 former pro classes essentially) to a new format of:

+25, +30 PRO, +30 B/C, +40 PRO, +40 B/C, and +50. Keep the same # of classes and make two former PRO classes and try to get the guys like RC and others back to the ranch racing again. Would be huge for the sport and kids that are coming up and give older non former pros a place to ride too.
That is a good suggestion. Rumor has it there are many others coming out of retirement this year to qualify for L.L
I fully agree the classes need to be changed, but why would they when theres already too many people trying to qualify. If i remember right, dont they over qualify for everything. Like once you get to the reginal you have to quailify out of 65 not 40? LL is buisness so when theyre making piles of cash nothings gona change. Maybe just make a class for ex pros thats based on how many points they scored during their career. Say if you scored 500 ama points you have to ride former pro class. 499 and under you can ride the age classes. I for one though would love to see ricky ride at LL. Even if it was just a hot lap, its cool he still rides.
you can bet if rc is racing that he is working his ass off. the guy puts 100% into everything. kind of like the champ these days... rv
Does anyone even know what happened if he got beat...maybe he had bike troubles, stalled, small pileup at start, etc....
Why not a +50 pro class also as the old guys still fly also?

+50 with no skill attached to it, is already basically a +50 PRO Class. The reasoning behind MX Sports decision to only have 20 racers in the +50 class and run it staggered behind the +45 class now is that there isn't enough +50 riders to fill a full gate at Loretta Lynns. I don't really think that is as true today as it was in the past, but with only 20 spots available in the +50 Class, each guy is pretty fast that makes it to Loretta's.

I tried to think of what would maximize race entries for classes without adding more classes than they have already. Right now, the top spots in the classes are usually dominated by the same group of guys, and most guys that are racers want to ride 2 classes. But with my proposed classe groupings........... the fast former pros that they would want to attract would mostly have 2 classes to ride........ Younger ones ride +25 and +30 Pro, Older ones Ride +30 Pro and +40 Pro. I'd love to see motos pitting guys like McGrath, RC, Emig, Langston, Ramsey, Hughes, Lamson, Dowd, Ferry, and Ty Davis as well as others against each other as a fan. That would be really cool.