One week to malvern pro day and Ohio pro weekend

No rain last night and just a couple sprinkles this morning. A little rain could have saved me some diesel fuel. Oh well. I will have the track peeerfect!! Gotta love this cooler temps. Jason
First two motos complete.. all mcdade with the roman candle not too far behind.. guys are goin good!
Mcdade show all 4 motos.. roman battled some iffy starts and even fell in the 2nd 450 moto first turn. Perfect track all night (some dust if they used wide lines but otherwise perfect).. about 10 minutes in they were all pretty gapped out besides roman haulin ass workin through the pack..

Same guys plus willard here at oir today.. super hott out and they're fighting mother natures drought.. had a hold up for a bit during track prep due to some kids playing with fireworks lighting the field on fire which required the use of the water that was supposed to be getting layed on the track.

Mcdade suffered on the starts both motos here today but was able to reel them all in while being patient.. I know I'm glad I'm not out there for 15 laps today!
Really, I saw a whole different pro weekend. Dust bowl city, he'll it was so dusty at oir they only ran 1 moot in the 450, and 250 pro classes causes the riders couldn't see five feet in front of them. As far as malvern goes, I haven't been there in ten years, (sorry Jason I know your working on it) but it hasn't changed a bit. The layout is nice but the dirt sucks, no quads this weekend and still no lines formed in the corners. If your gonna hype up a pro weekend then the racing should be at briar cliff. Nuff said! Although I will give Jason the benefit of the doubt he is working on trying to get some fresh needed dirt in there.
I thought Jason and crew did a great job,it's been 3 weeks since we have had any real rain.Mother nature had the blow dryer on full blast yesterday hot, dry and windy.I saw decent berms in the corners where i was and looked like decent traction all over the track.GOOD JOB JASON!
Oir, yeah.

Malvern, your pretty blind if you don't don't see any changes. Or just don't have a very good memory of how the track was 10 years ago. The prep, the program, all of that is better. The track will continue to get better too with the addition of fresh dirt (still north east ohio dirt, not much you can do about it on the drop of a hat).

I have several more that I will post when I get time, but heres a few lines from last night just before dark.

i thought jason and crew did a great job,it's been 3 weeks since we have had any real rain.mother nature had the blow dryer on full blast yesterday hot, dry and windy.i saw decent berms in the corners where i was and looked like decent traction all over the track.good job jason!

x 2 !!!
The track was in great shape for the lack of rain we've been having. Sure, some turns lacked a rut or two but you could still get plenty of traction.

I've heard practice is canceled for next Wed(11th)?
I thought Melvern turned out good had a great time dispite the bike problems and the practice mishap that got ugly. For being so hot thought track prep was great. We will be back for sure.
Hello Pit Racers,
We also had a great time at Malvern! We knew it was going to be hot and actually thought it would be dustier than it was.

I raced the 40+ class. What a blast! It was my second race in twelve years. I just moved back up to a 450 and really need to work on my fitness. (I'm not giving up chicken wings and beer though!) I don't think I used my front brake once during the second moto..... :D I'm starting to recognize some #'s and faces. Hi, my name is Bill and I ride a #5 KTM.

My son is racing in the 65cc class, he just started racing and there are some really fast kids in that class! We were both excited because he passed someone in the second moto. (I was cheering him on like he was in the lead of course!)

My older brother raced in the 50+ class. I have to give major props to him just for the fact that he is almost 51 and this was only his second race! Here's a funny little story....I guess his group was put with the 450C class. They called his number and he lined up at a gate. He had no idea that there was going to ba a stagger start. The 450C class was supposed to go first and he went with them and not the 50+ class! Someone in his class thought he was cheating and was yelling at him during the moto when they caught up to him. He had no idea that he went off with the wrong gate! So, to the person/people he may have upset, he wasn't trying to get a huge head start on you guys. Now, this is not the story I'm telling to our friends and family. I'm telling them that he went with the group ahead of him on purpose just to make sure he got a good lead before his race even started! HAHA! We're going to have some laughs at his expense....

Sorry to ramble, but I'm excited and can't wait to go back!
Thanks for the good times and thanks for getting rid of the concrete start pad! :D
#5 KTM 450 Special Edition?

Yup, I'm just one of the few #5's around. Wrong thread, but man I love this bike. It's got 4.7 hours on the hour meter, but I bet I have 3.5 hrs. just starring at it in my garage......haha!
I musta seen it the first time you brought it to Malvern.. I love those bikes! I was hoping one of my buddies would buy one so I could see how she felt.. I have a feeling it would be a bad idea and I would be in bike debt again though! lol
Yeah, I know about bike debt now..... Next time you see me, stop on by and say hello!

One more thing about Malvern, I really like that new jump before the big table to table. It has a nice takeoff and landing.