How was opening day at OIR? worth the wait?

Yesterday was a joke from the beginning..practice was dusty and jumps with to many sketchy take offs and landings.People working track looking confused...We were signed up in 2 classes and only let him ride 1 Moto of 1 class way to dangerous wasn't gonna let that place bust him up..If I was the guy running that place I wouldn't be telling anyone they had 40 years experience..It looked more like 40 Hours..I usually don't bash tracks but this place deserves getting bashed..They should be embarrassed for taking hard earnedoney from people!What a joke!
Its becoming apparent who hondarjw is.. How about the full scoop?

Or maybe a post from OIR?

I am sure they are all good people that were involved, just way under estimated running a smooth event (or how much water to apply).. Hate to see something like this even happen in the NE Ohio MX scene..

CBB, if you would have been there, you may understand that nothing is being said that is not the complete truth.

There was really one simple issue.

Lack of PROPER watering BEFORE (days before) the event.

To make lemonade out of lemons, there were so many things that could have been done involving H20 which would have atleast salvaged 3/4 of the motos for riders..

For example, to save the day you could have:

The tankers could have watered the first half of the start during motos. Then they could have watered the rest of the straight all the way to the uphill in a few short minutes with about 2 passes just to "control" some dust as soon as the Checkers came out from the previous moto. When they did lay a sprinkle down on the start straight, it was enough to keep the dust at bay for THAT moto. Same could have been done in the back sections with a little radio (or cell phone even) communication. Every where around the pond and water tank before the finish line, there should have been someone there ALL day with a hose during the races and when there werent a flock of riders, the dust could have been knocked down..

Now obviously this isnt the best method, but as a last ditch save the day, it would have worked just fine and I bet 75% of the riders that left, woulda atleast stayed and marked it off as a rough day in the Ohio drought. One thing they would have recognized was atleast an EFFORT.

The pro deal..

If I called my boss and said im not coming back to work after lunch (the second moto) because the roads are really slippery and its really snowy (dusty), but I want paid... What do you think he would say?
It takes more work than most can comprehend or can execute. Unfortunately, given the decision to wait until now to try to get the moisture game happening proved fatal. I don't think that I would have attempted this unless I had a week off leading to Saturday. Then practice on Saturday to proof it to see how far off we are. Either way its fat too easy to play Monday morning quarterback.
Worst day ever, I agree. All I can do is say sorry and move on. I know thats not even close to making up for it. Im not going to say anything negative or attack or defened myself. Just simply put I blew the whole thing.
I tried something new, hoped you all would love. I should have cancelled due to the extremely dry conditions, but I didnt. Sunday was horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to Wiseco, and all who worked with me and gave all they had all day. Thats all I have, back to work. Wish I could say more but truely work cant fix this. Time and hard work thats all. I'll get back there someday. Thanks to everyone who came. Chris Mosher
I almost hate to get on here and say anything since the last time I got in big trouble over bashing the a promoter for how we were treated at the Crow qualifier however I guess like everyone I have an opinion.
I tried to get Chris to go to OIR but no go. He refused because of the track prep from last year. (of course he got hurt first moto out at Malvern so it was a moot point anyway). We really miss OIR terribly. It was one our most favorite tracks when the Hands ran it and the worst part is there just aren't any really good tracks left around here. I think Malvern is doing a much better job lately but really what else is there.
The only thing I can say is it would seem that greed won out. I'm sure had not greed forced the Hand's out they would still be there. No more to be said , it is the way of the world today and it is why we are in such a sad fix in every aspect.
You can only speculate your greed comment. None of know, neither will any of us. Give the guy a chance, Chris has no problems with his attitude. I don't get where people get that from.
Get real. Just why do you think the Hands pulled out? I'm sorry I really don't want to get into this.
It is just a shame that what happened - happened. It's upsetting to see such a wonderful track go in the dumpster in a little more than a season. I don't even know who Chris is.Is he the property owners relative?
interesting, im suprised randy salamon would jepordize his oppurtunity at racing vet 30 b/c at lorettas next year by racing an A class!
Chris has no problems with his attitude. I don't get where people get that from.

I said that he did with the experience I had that day after practice. At the end of practice when I talked to him he felt they had done a great job so far and that he would keep it under control. He was clear in stating that he knew what he was doing and everything would be fine. That type of attitude on a day with those poor conditions shows he doesnt want to take constructive criticism and learn how to properly do the job. That is the main reason I will not be back.
interesting, im suprised randy salamon would jepordize his oppurtunity at racing vet 30 b/c at lorettas next year by racing an A class!

He was already thrown out at this years LL NC regional for his results 2 years ago. He was classified as an A rider by the AMA 2 weeks ago. Nothing to lose and cash to gain.
Get real. Just why do you think the Hands pulled out? I'm sorry I really don't want to get into this.
It is just a shame that what happened - happened. It's upsetting to see such a wonderful track go in the dumpster in a little more than a season. I don't even know who Chris is.Is he the property owners relative?

Anybody that was at OIR: Was it worse than Big Game last year at the Triathalon last August? If it was worse, then I am so sorry. I didn't think it would get any worse than Big Game last year.