Where are the Ohio riders at Loretta's?

The CRA is like the amish. the money goes into their circle and all you get is a year end plaque which may pr may not be hand crafted somewhere adjacent to the Sugarcreek area...
wow...guess you have to be OG Pitrace Posse member to actually have an opinion that differs from the hard line here. Bla-ha-ha.....
People don't want to race 4 riders either. You don't get faster wasting 8 hours at a track riding 7 laps. $20 to ride your hearts content is more appealing to guys who do this for fun and want to catch a few races a year.

Gates were full in the 90s. And it was fun to race a bunch of people. There aren't full gates in Ohio anymore.
Georgie you are dead right, it’s a rip off to pay that kind of money to race but speaking form experience from a promoter stand point, the tracks are forced into charging big buck because of the ridiculous price that AMA charges for insurance. And since little Johnny has to get a trophy every time he rides, we are left with the 73 different classes which all have to jammed into a day, and of course with all those classes you get 2 laps of practice and 4 lap motos.
It is a systemic issue but we go into this mess so there has to be a way out. Wonder what the NMA is doing???
#23 thanks for the Male nurse commit, that made my day... Been grumpy since day one and GOD I hope I never change
I remember leaving malvern at 3:30 AM one night after my last moto. Those were the days. Sr. Mini/Super Mini 25-30 riders EVERY weekend.
NMA definitely doesn't have it right anymore either! from what i understand over there they have battling promoters and the turn outs they had from Ponca were the lowest in recent history and most of the factory kids were given the choice to ride it or not. from the looks of the results most chose not.

It will be interesting to see what happens with the Ohio race at The Cliff. I hope that it has a big crowd and works out well. If it does then maybe some of the other promoters will see that people REALLY do want to race if you put the right kind of effort into it. Giving people a good track to ride, holeshot awards, giveaways, nice facilities, i think that is a good start to turning racing in Ohio around.
Are you a male nurse? Kinda grumpy like one that I know

A male nurse on their period at that....big deal u raced the pro scene in the early nineties and finished near back of the pack...doesn't make u the original Moto savior for Ohio. Lots of things different since 1990...race, practice ....who cares...be thankful for anywhere young and older guys can still have fun on a dirtbike. Fast guys will travel alot anyway so pool table or not just be glad places still exist for the average rider ....with being out of shape as u say u are a pool table track might be to ur liking ...just saying ....can't we all just get along!! Lol
Do all of these threads end up being attacks? I started this on how can we get better as a state.. As far as my record, I am very proud of my career. Very few people can say they qualified for a SX main. No that does not make me the savior nor did I ever claim that. I asked what can WE do.
i love how in this thread everyone throws out insults and talks s**t then ends it with "cant we all just get along and ride" but at the same time doesn't really have any input to the question ask except to cut someone down who is talking about getting their kid into riding...thats funny right there!!

oh wait..i have an opinion that differs from most people am i aloud to speak here??

Chris i am glad to see you getting back involved in the sport and i hope that your little guys love it like we did when we were little kids racing the mini jr class back at Dirt Country in the day!! the times we all spend together with our families and friends at the track will always be some of the best of my life!! Now get your fat ass on a bike too so we can bang some bars!!
Do all of these threads end up being attacks? I started this on how can we get better as a state.. As far as my record, I am very proud of my career. Very few people can say they qualified for a SX main. No that does not make me the savior nor did I ever claim that. I asked what can WE do.

Well when Georgie gets involved they end up that way, His opinion is the only opinion that counts here on pitracer, well when he comes out to breath anyways. What ever you do do not bring up National C riders he will pop a gasket. shhhh
Georgie you are dead right, it’s a rip off to pay that kind of money to race but speaking form experience from a promoter stand point, the tracks are forced into charging big buck because of the ridiculous price that AMA charges for insurance. And since little Johnny has to get a trophy every time he rides, we are left with the 73 different classes which all have to jammed into a day, and of course with all those classes you get 2 laps of practice and 4 lap motos.
It is a systemic issue but we go into this mess so there has to be a way out. Wonder what the NMA is doing???
#23 thanks for the Male nurse commit, that made my day... Been grumpy since day one and GOD I hope I never change

I think the problem is the mentality of racing. "big buck"? If you sit back and think about it, it will cost you roughly $100 to come race the Battle for Ohio at BC in august, now im assuming travel cost and so on, etc etc. Ok maybe $150 if you eat allot. How many of your monthly bills are under that price? And do you get shear thrill of racing form that item for which you have the bill. Probably not. I think the reality is that racing is not that much more expensive we just think it is.
The feeling u get when the gate drops and u head for the first turn is unlike anything in sport and I would glady pay a thousand bucks for that. And as Mikey B said the time that u get to spend with ur family and fellow racers are worth far more then u spend to get there. I really do hope money is not the reason because we all can find ways to spend money on everything but motocross.
And for some of u that we're not around in the 80's and 90's. This sport has always been expensive. But we do it because we love it.
Briarcliff know this. I will make the drive from Dayton at the end of the month just to see ur place and to support the good people in our sport. C u then
Marcthewhinnyassbitch must have been taken...
I did not slam the non racers nor the tracks. If being called an idiot or referring to a track as a pool table is a slam then do something about it... Make the tracks better, and in some cases go to school...
And you should know me... I was the fat guy bouncing off your Mom

This quote was on page 6 of this overblown thread so let's get off the "people insult or attack me" BS....I ask you to go back and re-read many of your posts and you might agree they come off more negative and defensive than pro-active at how Ohio can or ever will be relevant again within the motocross world....I'll end this simply by saying "Welcome to Pitracer" and I wish you and your son well as you build some lasting memories together as he enters his journey into the sport we all are addicted to...racer or non-racer
@Notorious t.o.d.

and it continues....smartass answers...WOW the intelligence of this place amazes me. I am starting to think one of the reasons racing used to be better was because there was no internet for couch jockeys!!
10K? I wish. What about everything after bikes or bike maintenance? (On a competitive level anyway)..

Amen! That is exactly what I was thinking. I think to run a nationally competitive, top 10 at LL, B rider for a year would cost more on the order of $30-$50K, perhaps more. You are gonna go through 2 or 3 bikes alone; plus everything else.
Amen! That is exactly what I was thinking. I think to run a nationally competitive, top 10 at LL, B rider for a year would cost more on the order of $30-$50K, perhaps more. You are gonna go through 2 or 3 bikes alone; plus everything else.

Funny thing, i know of a kid who just finished top 10 in a moto today and i am not even sure his parents make 50k a year combined and he has 1 bike. it was the schoolboy class not the B class though so i am sure that makes the difference right??
@Notorious t.o.d.

and it continues....smartass answers...WOW the intelligence of this place amazes me. I am starting to think one of the reasons racing used to be better was because there was no internet for couch jockeys!!

I got smart ass answers if that's what you want, but I am serious as a heart attack with what I said. It takes boatload of money and a ton of time to even race and practice at the local level, let alone regionally or nationally. I used to figure it cost $800-$1000 a month to practice two times a week and race a couple classes at a race on the weekend. And this was in 2004. Gas was not $3.50 a gallon and new bikes didn't cost $8 grand, then either. If you broke something that added to the monthly cost. And there was rarely a month that went by that things on the bike didn't need repaired or replaced. Oh, and if you are a decent rider you will go through 1 or 2 new bikes a year too which adds to the cost.

So, if you want to help find the best prospect you can start putting your money behind them and perhaps some of your time too. I always made sure we tried to give something back to the sport and also help other riders improve just as we had been helped by others in the sport too.
I always made sure we tried to give something back to the sport and also help other riders improve just as we had been helped by others in the sport too.[/QUOTE]

Words we try to live by. Good for you :)