Track owners?

I think the whole point of this thread is to basically just say if its muddy. People plan a lot around going to the track. I live about 1hr min from any track in ohio... thats a lot of investment into riding. Gas, bike, time, and when you actually commit to going somewhere based off of the track owners word you hope its what he said it was. If I had a wife and kids and loaded up coolers and gas and got there are my kids bikes couldnt go on the track i would be pissed. I would rather save that money for another day. I have been to places where they say its perfect and the had sections under water.

In the end for the owner is it worth it to get my 20 dollars once or my 20 dollars 10 times. If its muddy say its muddy if its dry say its dry.... everyone like something different... who knows maybe youll get more riders on a muddy day than you think.

It comes down to being HONEST.... Funny how things all revolve around that...
Holy crap.... Whining crybabies. Ride or don't ride... but STFU about track conditions.... If you are able to ride your bike- hooray. If not... stay home.

That's the point, you base your decision ( to stay home or go ride) on what information is given to you. I don't think its about splitting hairs here. Its purely based on ones perception. One persons peception of "not too bad" may be another persons "nightmare".

But if the track is a freak'n swamp (lets say like Daytona SX 2008), and you are told it is not too bad??? Then you load up all your sh!t drive there, it's like WTF? This is the scenario. Not that a storm rolled in as you were driving there, No one is going to hold anyone responsible for things out of your control.
Many times I have been mislead about track conditions and too me, it is repulsive, honestly just to get 20 bucks.
The comment about a live web feed must be a joke right??? The costs are crazy and then to say as a track owner we are trying to hide the truth??? Seriously? How many cameras would you like? Around the entire track? Any thing I've seen wouldn't give the true perspective any way. It could look sweet from that tiny, far away shot, only to find it being wet in reality. Or dry under the damp top layer.

I think everyone is overreacting. If it sucks, dont ride, or cancel, if your not sure go with your gut. You cant be right all the time. I think to discuss it it is wasting way much time.
I think everyone is overreacting. If it sucks, dont ride, or cancel, if your not sure go with your gut. You cant be right all the time. I think to discuss it it is wasting way much time.

Easy for you to say, your already at the track.
No contest! Extremely less expensive and disappointing to discuss it on hear than wasting time gas and cash from Misleading Information!