What if you could start over new?

One Race a weekend....ONE is the key

First Year No membership..Get the series off the ground bring in NEW racers

I agree with one race a weekend. I've noticed most people stick to racing one or two tracks, so it's always the same (sometimes small) group of people racing a class aside from like 250C and Supermini. It is kind of nice having two races to choose from if your work schedule varies from week to week. But, if all the tracks are picked out and dates set up then people shouldn't have a problem requesting off those days they wanted to race.

Another point I completely agree with. Maybe even make it a constant fee forever. How about bumping the race fee to $30 instead of $25, then take put take that $5 instead of charging for a membership? Don't advertise it as $25+$5. Just say it's a flat $30 to race each race with no yearly membership fees, and advertise it as free membership. I know that extra $5 wouldn't scare me away. Plus, who doesn't get excited when they see the word "free?"

MalvernMX said:
When it comes to the membership fee. That is where the bulk of the money comes from for the awards party and part of the awards. The other part is sponsorship material.

Just gonna continue on about my idea of bumping up the fee of each race.

If you have someone that only wants to race a couple races a year, they end up paying $10 in "membership fees." That'll make them happy that didn't have to spend $25 to race only one or two races.

Then you have the people who race as many races as the can make it too. If they're that committed they shouldn't mind an extra $5 a race. Let's say they race 12 races in the year, that's $60 in "membership fees" vs the normal $25.

To me, that's a win-win. I'm basing this idea on the assumption that there are more people who race more than 5 times a year than those who are don't. If this isn't the case, than my idea would be counter productive.
14 races. 2 per month, April through October. Limit the number of classes!!
50 Oil injected / multi speed (no points)
50 Jr / Sr (always one gate, score seperate, double gate)
65 7-11
85 Jr
125-450 beginner (no points)
250 B
250 A
450 B
450 A
14 races, only 9 count for points, plus the season ending final race at BC. So 10 races total. Find a class from that list and ride it.

Notice the elimination of the "extra" classes (why did these start besides for johnny to race another class). No 65x, 85x, women, 25+, collegeboy (think there are two of them now), schoolboy is one class, not two, no C class. Just a beginner class any size bike with large wheels. We have just added way too many classes these days. WAY too many.
$30 per class, sounds good to me.....Dont know how Rocket feels about that???? He would be buying lots o memberships.
no C class. Just a beginner class any size bike with large wheels. We have just added way too many classes these days. WAY too many.

I think 250C and 450C need to stay, but be turned into true beginner classes. Nothing bothers me more than the sandbaggers in those classes that need to move up. They don't belong in those classes and can be intimidating to new riders. Require all the riders who finish top 3 more than 5+ times to move up to B for the next year.
defenitely one race per weekend would be great and not every weekend. we used to race 30 times a year in the cra and still couldnt keep up with the kids racing 2 sometimes 3 per weekend. racing that often along with bike maintenance becomes overwhelming. also the racing should continue after september but the points should end at the end of august with maybe the top ten in each class qualifying for a series ending championship of some sorts (possibly like a regional format with practice friday and 2 motos saturday and 1 on sunday to decide the championship with everyone watching). if your kid plays football or hockey which starts in the fall, they are essentially out of the points race because the motocross overlaps these other sports.
i also like the practice saturday race sunday which gives you two days of riding(plus a fun camp out) with the same fuel costs to get to the track. if people choose to practice saturday and leave or just race sunday whats the difference?
I like the idea of an open beginner, one less class and at the c level anyone can be competitive on any big bike imo
I like the idea of an open beginner, one less class and at the c level anyone can be competitive on any big bike imo

only issue with this it that the C classes are usually the largest ones there... that brings in more $$. Track owners need to make money or they will leave...
I raced go carts for a couple of years and the clubs had rules that if the class did not have X number of carts, you ran in the next most suitable class. Determine what a good number is and stick to it. 5 bikes? 6 Bikes? For example, if 40+ has 3 guys, they must run the 30+ class, if those 2 combined classes don't have 5 or 6 guys (whatever the minimum is) they have the option to run the class of the bike size, 250, 450 or not race. The idea being bigger class, or no class, period.
Just another idea, trackside assistance some how or some way. Not every race ,but maybe like Ktm day or Honda day. On a race day.
I raced go carts for a couple of years and the clubs had rules that if the class did not have X number of carts, you ran in the next most suitable class. Determine what a good number is and stick to it. 5 bikes? 6 Bikes? For example, if 40+ has 3 guys, they must run the 30+ class, if those 2 combined classes don't have 5 or 6 guys (whatever the minimum is) they have the option to run the class of the bike size, 250, 450 or not race. The idea being bigger class, or no class, period.

not a bad idea either. will still bring in the $ one way or another and get bigger gates, and cut down on overall time on the day. nothing is more annoying than watching 3 guys go a full moto alone. usually doesnt happen as it gets staggered, BUT I have seen it.
I think a nice thing would be to have races at certain times of the day, almost like Loretta Lynns. That way, when a friend or family member asks "What time is your race?" You can give them an actual time, instead of saying "well, racing starts at 10, but i don't know when I'll race." Much more organized.
This is a sweet thread. This idea has been swirling around in the minds of the riders for sometime. and I am thinking this does not involve harescrambles. From my perspective. A dream series would be dream leadership. Everything rises or falls on leadership right??? Look at our presidential election, most of us, or atleast me has little to none faith in the men we have to choose from. Our leadership is corrupt and we don't even want to listen to them because we don't trust them. They spend more time bashing each other than accomplishing any real work. Thank God for our constitution, which is the only binding document we have that holds our leaders and its people accountable. These are generalities and how i feel. No matter what sanctioning body is in place or could be in place, i care about leadership, everything afterwards would follow.

The class structures, rules & ordinances, membership fees (which is needed), race tracks, race date, structure, organization, operations, promotions, track prep would all be accounted for under sound leadership that is formatted for checks and balances, just like our government. Even though we gripe about our government, I believe we have the best structured or "idea" of government.

Before I even give a hoot about how a sanctioning body would operate, I would first ask about leadership and the direction they would lead. For this circumstance, the person and board members must love motocross. They must be of pure intention, not for self gain, but for the people. Yes, a promoter is to make money, but why!!! They must be willing to be held accountable and must hold each other accountable. Honesty must prevail in this leadership. They must have the sense and resources to do such a thing. They must have compassion towards the people involved for who is being lead. Leaders would also serve terms, and something of this matter would be up to private election amongst board members. Some sort of declaration or constitution must be made up that outwieghs any one or all board members to protect the purity, intention and direction of the leadership just like our constition. And finally follow through. From what ohio has, this is possible with current and/or future sanctioning bodies. If the people in charge know whats going on and cares about whats going on, being able to set aside all personal emotions to see clearly, then take all things into consideration, would be able to devise the best series that anyone could ask for. These leaders must be willing to endure each other, the issues and obstacle they will face. This would also be non-profit so no on will get slated by money unless it grew enough that it required full time positions in just leadership. A leader must be selfless. It would probably start off with track promoters but would also need accredited outside public-role models or business owners to be apart of leadership for a more more balanced perspective kinda like our three branches of government. All leaders must be willing to make sacrifice.

As for a name, I have often thought of this...I haven't really come up with anything...but would love it to be bold and to the point, that represents our local mx community and its purpose and simple.

Some ideas...

Ohio Motocross Association
Ohio Motocross Promotions
Ohio Motocross Series
Buckeye Motocross Series
Buckeye Amatuer Motocross
Ohio Champions of Motocross
Ohio Motocross of Champions
American Motocross of Ohio
Victory Motocross Association

I don't think the name is important compared to how the sanctioning body performs and follows through.

A slogan - Where Victory Happens
Allow quads to help with turnouts and have a race order where the track is still good for the bikes
What if you took the whole day a split it in half. Ran a morning and an afternoon format/program. Not really a new innovation, but it sounds to me like the real reason people dont like all the classes is the amount of time spent at the track. The GP schedule is where its at because the actually time spent there can be minimal, it doesnt have to be. The same with a split program, it would allow people to leave if they chose to, but they could stay if they wanted to as well. I would say kids, quads, vets in the morning to early afternoon. Then ABC's, 16-24, schoolboy's, 25+, 2 stroke in afternoon to evening.

Morning session roughly from 9:30 til 1:30 roughly, then stop re-prep. And begin the other session practice, and start the other program motos at 3:30 be done by 7:30. At least then you could hit it first thing in the morning and be out by 2:00, or sleep in, roll into the track at 1:00 to sign up, and ride later in the day. Either way you hit the optimum mythical 6-7 hour window that everyone dreams about.

Or possibly one group on Saturday, one group on Sunday, and run open practice after their program.
$30 per class, sounds good to me.....Dont know how Rocket feels about that???? He would be buying lots o memberships.

I'll say to keep the membership. As it goes for year end awards. The day they buy the membership let them race the first class for $20 and the second class for $10. (no additional $$ out of pocket on membership day.)

I like that beginner open class. Perhaps more will race b.

25+/ collegeboy can stagger. Add schoolboy if the gate isn't full.
85jr/sr can stagger ( I still say eliminate jr/sr tho)
Keep the gates filled up for each moto and the day will be over faster. I hate watching 3 different beginner peewee races (quads, bikes) in their own moto. Unless you give them a beginner track. OR finish them at intermission. Once they're done prep. (although BC gets so rough iono if they would get around)
I'll say to keep the membership. As it goes for year end awards. The day they buy the membership let them race the first class for $20 and the second class for $10. (no additional $$ out of pocket on membership day.)

I like that beginner open class. Perhaps more will race b.

25+/ collegeboy can stagger. Add schoolboy if the gate isn't full.
85jr/sr can stagger ( I still say eliminate jr/sr tho)
Keep the gates filled up for each moto and the day will be over faster. I hate watching 3 different beginner peewee races (quads, bikes) in their own moto. Unless you give them a beginner track. OR finish them at intermission. Once they're done prep. (although BC gets so rough iono if they would get around)

For adult classes you gotta have 5 to make a class, kids classes you work around it. You cant leave out the kids. Quite honestly with all the work that goes into building an upper level facility, a facility that cares about its prep, schedule, program, the way it conducts business, its insulting to get less than 5 for a class. That rule will be in effect at the Battle 2013. So if you had less than 5 in your class this year, and you want to see that class happen this year, better talk to friends and other racing buddies about signing up.
Or possibly one group on Saturday, one group on Sunday, and run open practice after their program.

Thats a good idea but are all promoters going to want to double prep for a race weekend.

If you do the split schedule thing you could definitely pick the race order at the beginning of the year and assign them to time blocks on race day.
Or possibly one group on Saturday, one group on Sunday, and run open practice after their program.

Thats a good idea but are all promoters going to want to double prep for a race weekend.

If you do the split schedule thing you could definitely pick the race order at the beginning of the year and assign them to time blocks on race day.

Its no different then running a two day practice or a two day racing style event. Its takes the nearly the exact same time to prep. Most of your time is spent getting the moisture level right, which is not dictated by racing or practice. Its dictated by recent rain fall, amount time since the track was last worked, and outside temperature. Or did you mean are the promotors wanting to run two day events?

I agree on the time blocks deal. It would be nice to do a couple orders so the same class isn't always last or first.
What if you took the whole day a split it in half. Ran a morning and an afternoon format/program. Not really a new innovation, but it sounds to me like the real reason people dont like all the classes is the amount of time spent at the track. The GP schedule is where its at because the actually time spent there can be minimal, it doesnt have to be. The same with a split program, it would allow people to leave if they chose to, but they could stay if they wanted to as well. I would say kids, quads, vets in the morning to early afternoon. Then ABC's, 16-24, schoolboy's, 25+, 2 stroke in afternoon to evening.

Morning session roughly from 9:30 til 1:30 roughly, then stop re-prep. And begin the other session practice, and start the other program motos at 3:30 be done by 7:30. At least then you could hit it first thing in the morning and be out by 2:00, or sleep in, roll into the track at 1:00 to sign up, and ride later in the day. Either way you hit the optimum mythical 6-7 hour window that everyone dreams about.

Or possibly one group on Saturday, one group on Sunday, and run open practice after their program.

This is another key, split the day in half, make a race schedule for the entire year, flip flopping the little guys with the big guys, so everybody knows what time they have to be at the track, if you want to show up at 7 and stay the whole day you can. If your race is late afternoon, you know you can show up at 1.

I imagine I am in the minority, but I have a son that races 65 and I am racing as well. I am not doing a Saturday race for the boy and then coming back on Sunday for me. Won't happen, we will just race the boy.

Race order is also key. Nothing like running the D11 fair races and having the 50 and 65 kids go after both 250 and 450 classes with no track prep! Those ruts swallowed the little bikes. Tough to work on basic corning skills when they ride around the outside of every corner to avoid the 12" deeps ruts!
NNWhen Scenic first opened they had this idea....they had all pee wee in the morning and all big bike classes started in the afternoon...This was way back in the day before the were even d12.