OMA-X GP's or Fall Mx?


PR Founding Father
Question here. Looking for feedback. Let me preface this by saying that I think we are going to have some regular moto races in the fall anyway, but in addition to that we want to have a fall series of sorts. Now if you could choose, would it be a GP series or an Mx series. Keep in mind, we already are having 3 Mx series prior to this with a few other regular races mixed in there.

I like the GP idea but I'll admit that its a bit out of our experience range. It can be done, i'm sure. Heck I ran a foot race this year. Just not sure whether we want to stick to what we know, or venture off into the great unknown. What do you think?


PR Founding Father
Fall GP's for sure. Something different to look forward to at the end of the moto season.


PR Elite
As long as you have moto's still I say go for the GP's...They are fun but for some reason most moto heads wont try them.


PR Addict
My vote is for GP's in the fall. They are a shorter day for the riders with plenty of seatime. With less daylight that time of year it seems to work good. It is also nice when the kids are in school to have a sorter race day and get back home at a decent hour.


PR Addict
My vote is for GP's, after riding them for several years, I can't make myself set through a full day of MX anymore.


PR Addict
I would go with gp for sure, it would be cool to throw that in the mix next fall and still be able to moto.


PR Founding Father
I think if you advertise people will try. It's not like an all out harescramble. The majority of the course is wide and marked.....


PR Founding Father
Things to think about:

  • D-11 had a GP Series before and dropped it right? Why?
  • CRA also had a GP Series and dropped it...
  • Trevor continued with GPs at TVLand and also expanded to Pine!
  • Action Sports seems to do ok with their GP Series
  • Fasttrax? I've heard they run them but don't really ever see any info.

I would love to see a GP series, they are just plain fun. But, keep in mind that it may not get the greatest support, keep it simple and possibly lower cost for the promoters so it can build a following.


PR Addict
District 11 appears to be on life support. Action Sports and Fast Traxx were their 2 big GP promotors and they both left the district for various reasons.

Fast Traxx seems to run more GP's than MX/SX, and it looks like GP's have the better turn outs for them. Best way to find info on them is on their website.


PR Addict
FWIW, I like the idea of a GP series although I would be lucky if I had enough time to dedicate for one
By end of a moto year for the people who race motocross, GP's would be a nice change and new test of skills...

flyin polack

PR Addict
To be honest I love the idea of a new MX organization with great tracks and prep, but realisticially I probably wouldn't go to any of the races. Too much time spent doing nothing the whole day. That isn't a reflection of the tracks or promoter or anything other than little free time available and too much to accomplish on the weekend. I'd rather practice for 2-3 hours and leave. Cant do that at a race...

I would however entertain a GP. The schedule allows for you to still get something out of the day either before or after the race. On top of that, the tracks appear more tame than a straight MX track. Easier on the old body.


PR Elite
District 11 appears to be on life support. Action Sports and Fast Traxx were their 2 big GP promotors and they both left the district for various reasons.

Fast Traxx seems to run more GP's than MX/SX, and it looks like GP's have the better turn outs for them. Best way to find info on them is on their website.

COCR and Hocking Valley MC club schedules and runs GP's as well. Not sure on their turn outs.

COCR has one scheduled for this Sunday.

Interesting side note is that some of the Hare scrambles and GP races have a pretty good following and get decent turnouts, but not sure how many of those racers follow Pitracer forum. I do know there are other websights and forum sights that they do communicate on.


PR Elite
COCR has one scheduled for this Sunday.

Maybe scratch that. I'm not sure but they may have cancelled or rescheduled this?
It was on my district11 schedule at home, and it's still listed on COCR's website, but it's not in District 11's website schedule. And I just seen they are running open practices this weekend?

C Hudak

PR Addict
Trevor's GP races at TV land, and Pine lakes were really fun. I think he struggled with turn out because they were not on the CRA schedule or they were the same weekend as a points CRA race. The GP's were really good though, around 45min to an hour of straight racing. He has a little of everything, some motox sections, some fast trail sections, grass track, and even some TT track. The best part is it doesn't have to take up the whole day. I think alot of riders would like these races if they tryed a few.


PR Addict
I think the key is figuring out what your target crown is going to be. Are you trying to draw the MX crown or the GNCC crowd?

If you're going for the MX crowd you have to consider the conditions like wide, groomed, minimal mud, less technical (consider the biggest complaints in MX are always track conditions)

The GNCC guys dont seem to be bothered by this stuff, most I know prefer the technical, narrow, big hills, and arent scared by the threat of mud.

The easy answer is somewhere in the middle, but is that realistic?