OMA X classes

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A, B, C are skill level divisions. There should not be time restraints on how long you can race a skill division if you are in fact still that skill level. Taking a slow C rider and putting them in B after two seasons just because they raced for two years is a danger to that rider along with the other riders on the track.

The sandbagging issue, etc all works itself out in the end.

Maybe they should run 25+ or 30+ or Vet Sport once there two years as a true novice are up. In my mind, if you promote the idea that you cant run C forever, that it does have an expiration on it, you will have less guys sandbagging. And your A and B gates will be fuller.

Motocross isnt for everyone either. Thats why we have Gp's.
So if you have a 17 year old novice racer that enjoys racing MX but still doesn't have very good riding skills after two years, you want to essentially kick them out of the sanction until they are +30 and can run Vet Sport? That's eleven years of income the tracks could be collecting.

You can say what you want, but riders between 17 and 30 with true novice skills constitute a huge rider base and it doesn't matter how many years they have been riding or racing.
So if you have a 17 year old novice racer that enjoys racing MX but still doesn't have very good riding skills after two years, you want to essentially kick them out of the sanction until they are +30 and can run Vet Sport? That's eleven years of income the tracks could be collecting.

You can say what you want, but riders between 17 and 30 with true novice skills constitute a huge rider base and it doesn't matter how many years they have been riding or racing.

No. There are other age divisions; 16-24 and 25+. C should be a place for beginners to get their feet wet before entering the amateur ranks of B. Its shouldnt be a place for kids to jump triples and show off how fast they are. I think there needs to to be a certain number of years, whether it be 2 years or 5 years. And, if you are not ready for B class, run the age divisions, there is one for every age.
No. There are other age divisions; 16-24 and 25+. C should be a place for beginners to get their feet wet before entering the amateur ranks of B. Its shouldnt be a place for kids to jump triples and show off how fast they are. I think there needs to to be a certain number of years, whether it be 2 years or 5 years. And, if you are not ready for B class, run the age divisions, there is one for every age.

I'm with PitRacer.

If you don't want sandbaggers, police it. You've got an organization now and sure, you don't need another
task, but that's what it takes. Some people will never be a B rider and some people will
never move themselves out of C (or B) when they should.

As somebody who got booted up by a grading committee (I wasn't sandbagging! Honest!) it sucks
but if you're going to run graded classes, you need to grade. Or not grade at all.
I have a good friend who Ive know for 6-7 years now. He is a C rider his entire riding career ( 10 -15 years ) He will never be a B rider. He wont race the vet class because he feels they are too fast. He wont race anything besides 250C. I also agree with Pit and Sturd, some people will never be B riders or above. The best way is by top 5 placings I think....
No. There are other age divisions; 16-24 and 25+. C should be a place for beginners to get their feet wet before entering the amateur ranks of B. Its shouldnt be a place for kids to jump triples and show off how fast they are. I think there needs to to be a certain number of years, whether it be 2 years or 5 years. And, if you are not ready for B class, run the age divisions, there is one for every age.

I am not for adding a bunch of classes, by no means. BUT...pit is correct. There are some people that are forever C riders that should not be getting lapped and be in the way on a B track with extremely fast guys jumping everything.

As for placing them in the age classes......that is even worse. Ever watch 16-24? Another extremely fast class, and a true novice does not belong in there. In my opinion, there should be a TRUE beginner class. It could be any size big bike 125 and up, and you MUST have a 1 or 2 on your AMA or OMA card to race it, depending on what the sanction would want, either one year or two years. This is a NO POINTS class. Once you surpass that you can go to C class or B. This would put the fast guys that are quick learners in the B class at the earliest in the third year. If they are still not very skilled, then they stay a novice, not an intermidate.

The C class is dangerous if your 30+ riding it. I would MUCH rather run 30+ B/C or 40+ than the C class. Yeah there are fast guys, but usually the only banging that goes on is between riders of like skills. VERY seldom would a VET rider go into a corner and muscle himself into a slower VET need. Now if two VET riders of like skills are battling, sure there might be some bar banging. But for the most part the VETs are very safe guys to ride around.
OMA, Was wondering if sometime in the future, there could be a MX vet day, non points race, on one of the off race days, ( not when the vet ntl. race, like mt. morris or red bud ). there are alot of vet riders still racing, +25,30,40,50, maybe 55 or 60, and maybe a bomber class, 2 stroke class. To me this looks like a full race day. Everyone wins, the promoter and riders. OIR would be a good draw. Does this seem like a bad thing? Just my thoughts.
Argggggh the humanity.......not @ vet day, in response to the C class thing. I guess we will use RPV, and as long as you aren't busting out a top five average per races run, then you can stay in C class forever!!!!!!!
Got to throw in my two cents.... Take a look at the posting of the old Honda hills newspaper clipping... 9 total classes... That means only 9 dudes got to impress there pit tootsie... OMG... How unfair...
How about one C class, Average finish of top 5 (with more then <st1:metricconverter w:st="on" ProductID="15 in">15 in</st1:metricconverter> the class) advance to the next class be it C to B or B to A. If you want to sandbag just to win a trophy then I say settle it the way they use to... Kick his butt.
John hit the nail on the head. If you are concerned about safety then the C class should be your LAST option and not your first.

Let’s not forget... If you are chasing the LL dream (I am all for it) the OMA is considered "outlaw" in the eyes of the AMA and will not interfere with your classification when dealing with that group.

Let’s not forget... If you are chasing the LL dream (I am all for it) the OMA is considered "outlaw" in the eyes of the AMA and will not interfere with your classification when dealing with that group.

Sorry but that is 100% incorrect.
Pit, So if you and a couple buddies go in the back yard and race around for $20 each, are you a Pro?
There is no difference. AMA uses AMA rules for AMA events. This is from Joe Safreed AMA pro referee for 30 years.
4. Participation in, or advancement to, a higher class in any
AMA or non-AMA activity by any rider will result in
permanent advancement to that higher class (in like
activity) in all AMA-sanctioned competition. (Like activity =
MX to MX or Enduro to Enduro, etc.)
haha, you beat me to it...
Yes that is true but it must be proven... And how do you prove that is the same person??? This game has been played for years and it will never go away
In your backyard? You can't prove it. But with a sanction such as AHRMA, OMA, CRA, MRA etc that post online results and such, it's not too hard to prove. Ask all the guys that got tossed out of Vet B/C in 2012.
Im all for one C class. That would make more people move up a class and tell them thy can't triple, they get no trophy and no points. That will get people to move out. Or the winner gets a bag of sand.

In order for this to work every track in the America has to do it.
Im all for one C class. That would make more people move up a class and tell them thy can't triple, they get no trophy and no points. That will get people to move out. Or the winner gets a bag of sand.

In order for this to work every track in the America has to do it.

No Triple in C class for sure.

And why do we need 250C/450C 250B/450B anyways? Why not just have Open A, Open B and Open C? Everyone can still race an age class and a skill class plus a 2-Stroke class. Seems un-necessary.
No Triple in C class for sure.

And why do we need 250C/450C 250B/450B anyways? Why not just have Open A, Open B and Open C? Everyone can still race an age class and a skill class plus a 2-Stroke class. Seems un-necessary.

+1 for one C class. would probably get bigger gates in some other classes then too because some guys may run +25 or collegeboy or something too if they could only race the 1 C class.. a beginner is going to go about the same speed regarddless of their bike. Even on the start its not a horrible disadvantage. A decent rider on a 250f could probably still overcome a beginner on a 450 on a holeshot...
In your backyard? You can't prove it. But with a sanction such as AHRMA, OMA, CRA, MRA etc that post online results and such, it's not too hard to prove. Ask all the guys that got tossed out of Vet B/C in 2012.

Sure you can see on line that a guy named Chris Knox ran the Pro class, but I can show you another site that shows a Chris Knox that ran the C class. How would the AMA know who was who... The answer is they dont and cant. I dont want people to race under assumed names but NOTHING can be proven and therefore what grounds would LL have to remove anyone from the class?

One more thing since we are on it... Lets lose the whole "A" "B" and "C" thing anyway... New organization can do anything you want right? Go to beginner, amature and Pro... or Heck why not strawberry shortcakes, wanta be's and megatron? anything but the same old letters... We all know C stands for crash anyways
No not really, he has talked about trying this year in super mini but not sure yet. Although I realize super may be one of the toughest classes down there. With some good fortune (no bad luck) I think he has the speed but who knows. Maybe down the road sometime in B or schoolboy. All the years I raced I never once signed up for a qualifier. It just seemed like a waiste of money to me, but I started riding when I was 19 and money was kind of tight.
Holy crap Jason you didnt start til 19? I always rmember you as fast if your son is anything like yourself, he will achieve whatever he decides. I too never went to LL. I did do a couple of the are qualifiers around here. But as a teen on a budget with little to no family backing its almost impossible.
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