OMA X classes

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No Triple in C class for sure.

And why do we need 250C/450C 250B/450B anyways? Why not just have Open A, Open B and Open C? Everyone can still race an age class and a skill class plus a 2-Stroke class. Seems un-necessary.

I dig the open ABC idea........that would eliminate two classes. While were at it what about this 25+ class??? Why not 16-29? I remember feeling quite invinceable all the way to 30. Then the wheels started to fall off. Let the crying begin.....
Now JO and OMA are heading the right direction.......ELIMINATING classes. I am all for it. WAY too many classes. Lets shorten the day or add track time, I dont care either way. But little johnny doesnt need the 65 extra, 85 extra, two schoolboy classes, the 16-24 class did not exist until a few years ago. Go to one beginner class for big bikes. I seriously think that you could do some drastic class restructuring, and most people would not be upset. If the facitlity and track are great, they will show up and race a class that they fit in.......Too many people think that they need a million classes to please everyone......I dont. do away with 40+.....ok, I will ride 30+, do away with both of them, I will ride 25+........honestly, your only adding a few different people. Most of the 40+ guys are in 30+ etc. Like I said, if the track is great, people will find a class and race.

If I finish 5th or 15th, really does not matter. I dont pick up trophies alot of time anyway (unless its a gas card or something really cool like the Battle of Ohio).
If you're not going to do anything about the sand baggers in the C class, then merging 250C and 450C into one will create a nightmare for true beginners. The fast riders in 250C are intimidating enough, and most of 450C is just as fast as or faster than the top 10 250C riders.

I still think a D class, a single one, would be the best solution. If you've ever raced B, you're not eligible. No tripling. You can D class for your first year only, or three top 3 moves you up to C.
For the big bikes. Open D open C open B. Vet classes 25+ 30+ 40+ All one class but two different levels A and B/C and one 50+

Thats only 6 classes
For the big bikes. Open D open C open B. Vet classes 25+ 30+ 40+ All one class but two different levels A and B/C and one 50+

Thats only 6 classes

I would almost consider an Open D if we are giving up 250B, 250C. So no 16-24????? Wow. Can o worms opened........if we add the A and B/C divisions its actually nine classes, correct?
I would almost consider an Open D if we are giving up 250B, 250C. So no 16-24????? Wow. Can o worms opened........if we add the A and B/C divisions its actually nine classes, correct?

open D =1 open C=2 open B=3 open A=4 25 30 40 A=5 25 30 40 B=6 +50=7 classes lol
Expert (A)
Intermediate (B)
Sport (C)
Beginner (D)
Junior (16-29)
Junior Sport (16-29 C)
Vet 30+
Vet 40+
Vet Sport (30+ C)
open D =1 open C=2 open B=3 open A=4 25 30 40 A=5 25 30 40 B=6 +50=7 classes lol

Me thinks your being funny here, but im not sure.

How about we just line em up and run them till were out of gas, most laps completed without a crash is the winner. If you crash, you're out. Last man standing. We will score you into classes as you fall out of the race. First ones out are 40+, then C class, then b then A. Ha.
+25 is kind of a unique class, I think it needs to stay... the 16-24 class is pretty damn fast. still kids in school not paying for stuff, that spend a lot of time riding their dirt bikes.. 25+ is more of a reasonable class for either people just getting back into riding after college, or at least ppl tryihng to afford to get their lives started, not just riding dirt bikes every day. if that makes any sense but im sure you can kinda get my point. in simpler terms, top 3 guys in +25 are probably mid pack collegeboy.. = no fun / hard to compete against them
Expert (A)
Intermediate (B)
Sport (C)
Beginner (D)
Junior (16-29)
Junior Sport (16-29 C)
Vet 30+
Vet 40+
Vet Sport (30+ C)

I totally agree with this guy! Kill the A,B,and C. I also like the idea of combining 250s with 450s into Open Classes. Seems like most of the guys I see on 250s can run with 450s anyhow.
Brilliant idea: rename A, B, and C to Advanced, Intermediate, and Beginner. Who wants to be champion of the Beginner Class?!?! Or, then better yet, absolutely forbid any kind of points or series award for the beginner class (trophies are always nice for new riders). Gives sandbaggers no real desire to race it.

I agree, B class also has sandbaggers, for the same reason C does. Problem is that there is hardly anyone in the local A class to compete against at the current average tracks. But then even if they move up, now they are stuck in the A class everywhere they go, when other A riders from other areas might blow them away.

RPV system needs to be utilized for sure!

Other good idea I saw was that abolish the A, B, C structure. Make more bike/age specific classes. Like Schoolboy and College boys with a 2/4 stroke designation etc. Keep the Money (A) class for those super fast guys who could put it on their resumes. Schoolboy 2-stroke up to 249cc, " 249cc+. etc.

Small class specific series are a wonderful idea, yet for me personally I can't manage to make all of the Sunoco series, let alone a women's series. Dates overlap, unable to make it for other reasons, weather, convincing people etc.

Oh, and top 5 minimum should advance. Maybe the promoter advancing on site would work, somehow if like 3 different promotors vote on it.

By the way, T shirts are a must for awards. Maybe like a OMA district X combined with the track on a shirt. Series dates, year (especially), and other dates that track hosts. That and track/sanction bucks.
Is it ever gonna change???

Did I hear someone say "Moto Revolution" ???

We are District-X ya know...
Is it ever gonna change???

Did I hear someone say "Moto Revolution" ???

We are District-X ya know...


Make the changes, you started with the intentions of making something completely new. Don't be afraid of completely turning things upside down!

Make the changes, you started with the intentions of making something completely new. Don't be afraid of completely turning things upside down!

So far I really like 16-29 (in lieu of 16-24 and 25+), and making a combined B and C class (instead of both Open B Open C & 250 B & 250C). Possibly the D class, not sold on it though. I do like the idea of no series points for D class. Gotta talk this stuff over with the rest of the gang.
Mathematics needs to be taken in consideration regarding total number of classes. Keep in mind the objective is to have full gates, but still have room for all the riders to sign up without having to qualify. Full gates equals less total gates which equals a shorter program.

25 motos with 25 riders in each moto is a 625 rider turnout.

More realistic would be 20 motos with 20 riders is a 400 rider turnout. Thats atleast 20 classes.

25 motos with 15 riders in each moto is 375 riders.

(Total rider count is total number of entrees, not total number of actual riders)

Now add-in riders racing 2 classes along with classes that have enough sign-ups for 2 motos which would be about 2 classes that could potentially do that (Bike and Quad C) which makes 4 motos.

The running order is a hard thing to produce, and these variables can bind up a running order.

Math makes it look simple, but everything else makes it hard.

It would be helpful to divide classes also by taking into consideration how they can mesh together in a running order to best consolidate the number of motos in a running order. How many times do you see 10 or 15 riders in a single moto due to so many class choices? Which leads to more conflict when making up the running order on race day while still trying to give the majority of riders the option to race a second class.

Just imagine, the scoring girls who have to make a new running order each race custom suited to rider turnout.

what about seperate quad classes for those who have twist throttles and and those who have thumb throttles? A,B and C classes respectively for each of course. on a serious note, i could see this topic being drug out until opening day. i would like to hear something about promoting the competition (actual people) rather than the track, the classes, and/or the organization.
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