Motocross getting soft

If u wanted to ride today, shoulda went to outlaw, it was sicckkk with minumal mud. And i agree with costs of equipment thats y i stopped trail ridin n racein harescrambles. Money money money!!!!
Come on JO.....that wasn't rain that was a flood. The whole place was under 5' of water!

And people trust your judgement on a day to day basis?????? LOL. "when I get home Im gonna punch yo momma in the mouth"

Well if everyone was so damn tough then why couldnt Don just whip a new national track in the parking lot.....Im mean everyone is getting soft, nobody here is as hardcore as back then. Or perhaps they were soft then too, we have to go back another ten years when everyone was hardass. (being a smartass here, no offense to Don)

Are we really getting soft or are we finally getting smart. Evolution isnt always about weak and strong, sometimes its about learning from your mistakes and moving forward from them. They make events for this perceived hardassery, its called gncc. Go for it, they have a full schedule. One bad weekend and everyone needs a damn midol........ridickerous.
I am just happy it stopped raining long enough for me to get my grass cut today! It was about 4 days behind.

Now I do want to race next week, so please stop raining and lets have some decent weather.
I am a sissy. How was the track today? How many riders showed up. It was raining here at my house this morning.
Its pretty easy to reach a large mass of people when canceling a race nowadays too. a simple post on any social media website and the word will spread. back in the day i remember calling the track and waitiing for a message on an answering machine to see if there was going to be a race or not. but then again, it was pretty much understood that of there werent any lightning then the race was on.
So can we all agree that money controls everything we do and every choice we make in life lol. Even with the love of the sport and gettin dirty
I find it refreshing. Alot better than the promoter saying come on out its not that bad, just to get your money. Then you show up and it's mud hole.
I don`t want to hear the "mud hole" crap! Back when we raced Kenworthy`s, if you didn`t use 35 gallons of water to wash your bike after 5 laps of practice it wasn`t watered enough. Unless you`ve done morning practice at a Pro-National, you don`t know what mud is or even what a rough track is.
I don't agree with that last statement. I have not raced a pro national, however, I have ridden some crazy muddy and rough tracks.

Blowing up your 2 stroke was much easier and cheaper to fix than blowing up a 450 from holding her licked all the way around the track. Specially since we are talking local level races here. Not pro nationals.
I had an awesome Kenworthy mudd race. Sharc and I were there. What a mess and a blast. Clean up sucked though.
Great post by John 250 on page 1 a 4 stroke engine failure these days is a major hot to the wallet!!!

my mud days gone too, my dad hated fixing everything me and my brother james would use up in a mud race

bent bars, cooked motors, etc, etc
My son races for fun and is never going to LL. I am self employed with a wife, 2 kids and big piece of property to take care of. We love motocross and will ride or race when time permits. If it is not going to be fun weather wise, I have a million other things to do. Spending time at a track in 50 degree rainy weather sucks. I have a buddy who worked for an Indy car team, he summed it up best when it comes to racing in the rain. "It sucked when I got paid to do it, I am sure as hell ain't doing it for free!"
I don`t want to hear the "mud hole" crap! Back when we raced Kenworthy`s, if you didn`t use 35 gallons of water to wash your bike after 5 laps of practice it wasn`t watered enough. Unless you`ve done morning practice at a Pro-National, you don`t know what mud is or even what a rough track is.

Raced Kenwortys plenty of times. One of the toughest races in my life was a mud race at Kenwortys but I'm not 20 years old anymore and don't enjoy riding in it or cleaning it up.
I was the King of late practice at Kenworthy's. Go out in regular practice, and you would get 5 laps of sliding around in slop, that sucked. If you waited until late practice (like I always did), you got 4 good laps, all the lines cut in, and you could jump everything. Always worked great for me.

Thanks to all you guys over the years that couldn't wait to get out there in first practice and work the track in for the rest of us.
Thanks to all you guys over the years that couldn't wait to get out there in first practice and work the track in for the rest of us.

That would be me! Not at Kenworthy's but I always loved first practice, especially at OIR when Dave Sefara (sp?) ran it. It was muddy and you could pin it every where. Loved it, plus it never got dusty later in the day.
lets see, college student on a very tight budget.. will never race LL.. will never race professionally.. hates racing in the mud (and not because I'm a sissy, I'll do it if I HAVE to, but I don't like it) I live about 2 hours away from all the tracks. so if I'm going to make the long drive to the track, spend all the money on gas and food and bike parts, whatever, then I don't want it to be a sloppy mudhole. if I wanna ride in the mud, I'll ride on my own track. mud racing is NOT fun for me, call me what you want, but I've never enjoyed it, and never will. doesn't mean I'm not a "true mx racer" or whatever. just means I don't want to waste my time when I won't enjoy it. and I'm glad that promoters are not telling us "eh track is fine come on out" just to get our money. OIR did that with the other owner two years ago. he said "track is perfect!!!" made the two hour trip there, was a complete mudhole and I was so pissed that I wasted time and money for it. so again, if I'm already there and then it starts raining and gets muddy, I'll race just because I'm there. but I'm not gonna make a special trip to the track just to race in the mud, when I can ride my own track if I realllllly wanna ride in the mud. no thanks. and as someone who also has their own track, I know what it's like to prep the track and so on... I know the damage it can do with bad weather, and how bad it will tear up the track when people ride on it muddy. not worth it! we are the same way, we don't even allow people on our track when it's muddy because it tears everything up. not worth it. so no, we're not turning into a bunch of "sissys" we're just getting smart about our money!