T-shirts to benefit Keegan Mcdade

Team MMR

PR Addict
hey guys I am getting shirt made and selling to help Mike Mcdades boy Keegan.
Keegan McDade is the son of Mike McDade and Cetta DeLeone. He is an incredibly sweet, fun-loving boy who loves dirt bike riding and dreams of becoming a professional arena cross rider like his dad. He will celebrate his third birthday on July 18th, 2014.
After an ongoing fever, Keegan visited his pediatrician on June 5, 2014, where blood work was performed, and results showed his white blood cell count and hemoglobin levels were low. He was immediately admitted to Pittsburgh Children's Hospital, and on June 6th he received a blood transfusion and bone marrow tap.
On June 7th, 2014 Keegan was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. He starts chemotherapy Monday, June 9th. He is such a loving and strong little boy and has been very brave throughout this process.
I ask you to please donate to his fund to help with his medical expenses and travel expenses for his family. Anything helps. Please keep him and his family in your prayers. His family greatly appreciates all the love and support!

so if you would like a shirt please email or txt me to get on the order list. I will also try to take extra shirts to local tracks and sell them as well
my name is Jordan
Cell # 330-323-8558
Email: Scoob1991@aol.com


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Jordan, when you get organized hit me up. We can add these to our shopping cart at no charge. It may help with distribution and payments.
email me or text me sizes and i can put you on list, i go to almost every OMA race, i will be at high point tomorrow collecting money if people are there that ordered shirts, putting first order in sunday nnight so Bullet Proof clothing can start printing them on monday, also if you wish to order straight from his site that will work also www.wearbpc.com and yes either of us can ship them