3.5 Billion for immigration?

If it is paying for a fence to keep all illegals out it may be worth it. Otherwise, complete waste of money.
Actually it will mostly be used to accomodate the currecnt influx, so we can more efficiently receive more of them.

We could feed them, treat their diseases and parasites, clean them up and cloth them, and send them all home on a plane for Millions rather than Billions, and it would discourage more of them from paying coyotes money they don't have in order to jutst be returned after they get here.
I am not sure I understand this....in order to qualify for Medicaid you must have a social security number. Is there another form of free insurance that I am unaware of? I once worked in the Food Stamp division in Ravenna, Oh but it has been more than 25 yrs. ago so perhaps there have been changes that I am unaware of.

I doubt that 3.5 million will be approved in Congress but they do need to make some changes so that these children can be processed under our laws. Obama has been accused of not implementing laws...in this case it would seem they would rather he not!! Can't pick and choose to suit one faction or party in our government.

I hate to see this going on but one look at those children's faces...difficult to think of what they went through to even get here. What would Jesus do?
As everybody is aware, our immigration policies and implementation thereof are failures. Why congress can't
fix that is pure politics, mostly right wing wackos but nobody in congress is innocent.

And that Ben Stein quote is pure BS and not true.
How to get free medcal care 101:

Hospital emergeny room check in.


Paco Lopez.

Do you have insurance?


Address for billing purposes?

I'll on the Johnson farm for the next two weeks.

SS# ?

Randon 9 digit number.

Okay Mr. Lopez, we will mail your bill to the Johnson Farm so you can pay it right away. The doctor will see you now.

Si. Gracios!
Someone's pants are on fire! Sorry, Dave all is not true.
I will agree that the healthcare law certainly needs some work but what it does is help curb the uninsured going to the ER seeking medical care. Did you know that teaching hospitals such as Summa cannot refuse someone for their inability to pay. Who pays for that service? We do. When I worked for a full care orthopedic facility and we went in and fit, let's say 150.00 corset, that is then placed on the patient's hospital bill to the tune of around 800.00. That is done so that the hospital can collect as much as possible from the patient's who are insured which in turn helps to cover those who are not able to pay. Guess what happens to our insurance rates to help cover that? DUH, we do. I have been in the medical business for many, many years and although I have my gravest concerns on what the healthcare law will and will not do, I know that something needed to be done. I have yet to see the Republican plan.....still waiting, waiting, waiting.
Walking into an emergency room and getting medical care that you can then not pay
for is not insurance.

The Republican plan is to ban abortion.
How did the abortion issue arise here? Being a woman I can tell you I am pro choice but only because I feel that is a personal decision on a woman's part not because I think abortion is the right way to go. There are very few men out there that understand how difficult it is to be left to raise a child alone. Notice I did not say NO MEN, just few. I think if the women (not all but most) are supported and loved they would not choose abortion. The break down of the family in our society is the root of much evil.


Here you go, unbiased site. Straight from the Gov.

No federal coverage.

  • Not allowed to purchase private health insurance at full cost in state insurance exchange(s).
  • Not eligible for premium tax credits or lower copayments.
  • Exempt from individual mandate.
  • Not eligible for Medicare, nonemergency Medicaid, or CHIP.
  • Remain eligible for emergency care under federal law.
  • Eligible for Emergency Medicaid if low-income.
  • Citizen or lawfully present children of undocumented parents are eligible:
    • To purchase from the state insurance exchange.
    • For premium tax credits and lower copayments.
    • For Medicaid or CHIP.
  • May seek nonemergency health services at community health centers or safety-net hospitals."
Under certain circumstances they get FREE stuff that YOU AND I pay for. I dont care if they get $10 of free s**t. Its OUR $10 not theirs. I am no more disgusted by this than I am about free loading US citizens who are capable of working but are to effing lazy getting the money I work hard for. The ACA has doubled my premiums and cut my benefits by 75% for every one in my company. ------ all so some lazy free loading people can sit at home and live on our dime.

Here you go, unbiased site. Straight from the Gov.

No federal coverage.

  • Not allowed to purchase private health insurance at full cost in state insurance exchange(s).
  • Not eligible for premium tax credits or lower copayments.
  • Exempt from individual mandate.
  • Not eligible for Medicare, nonemergency Medicaid, or CHIP.
  • Remain eligible for emergency care under federal law.
  • Eligible for Emergency Medicaid if low-income.
  • Citizen or lawfully present children of undocumented parents are eligible:
    • To purchase from the state insurance exchange.
    • For premium tax credits and lower copayments.
    • For Medicaid or CHIP.
  • May seek nonemergency health services at community health centers or safety-net hospitals."

Confirming that what Ben Stein supposedly said is pure BS and not true.
Confirming that what Ben Stein supposedly said is pure BS and not true.

Are you a MORON???? You cant read????? In that statement the OP showed us ( If Ben Stein even said it) he doesnt say all, he says most. Maybe not most will get free insurance but MANY will according to the gov guide line I posted. Medicaid IS insurance.
Dave, I don't know where you purchase your insurance but like you I am a small business, probably smaller than you. Our broker kept us in the same plan as we have been in for years now. He told us not to change plans until ACA has had time to work out the bugs. Our rates only rose slightly, which happens irregardless of the effect of ACA. Perhaps because we had a premier plan to begin with. Being my employees are also family members I probably carry better insurance plans then most. So far what I have seen offered by ACA falls short of the benefits we currently have so we are sitting tight. My brother, who is in CA told me his rates rotes quite a bit. He is self employed but also a small fish politician.
The immigration problem could be partially solved if Congress would get off it's duff and do something about it. If we gave them a path to citizenship they would be forced to comply, pay taxes ect.
Did anyone of you know that the dog whisperer was an illegal immigrant? Not now of course, but he came here illegally.
I had a cadillac plan before the ACA was passed. The first renewal they tried raising the rates 80% which is the state limit. We droped coverage and still ended up 40% higher in rates. My broker told me that the smallest increase he saw at that renewal was 30%. Maybe he was full of it but I shopped around and he was still the best deal I could find. I have gone to insurance meetings trying to figure this stuff out and get the costs down but the answer you get....even from the insurance companies.... is the rates are up because of the people they are required to insure by the ACA are lowering their profit margine and they need to raise the rates on PAYING clients to cover the loss.

I too am still not on ACA and kept with Anthem but the rates are rising every year 10-20% and the coverage to keep the rate increase lower is diminishing.
We were on Kaiser which is now called Healthspan. I don't always like some things about Kaiser but we have been with them for years and at first we were unable to switch because my granddaughter was diagnosed with diabetes. Even when we could have switched after the first part of ACA was implemented, the cost to switch was high so we stayed with Kaiser. ACA was good for Chris and my older granddaughter because they can stay on their parents plan for now. Rates naturally go up year after year even without ACA and when they first implemented the first part (children staying on parents insurance till 26 and no longer being able to discriminate for pre-existing conditions) rates did take a jump. According to my broker, rates should begin to drop or at least stabilize after the ACA has had time to be fully implemented. Medical costs should also stabilize after it is fully implemented. As I stated, medical costs go through the roof simply to cover those who either cannot afford insurance or those who think they can get by without or with junk plans. A lot of people would rather spend their money on big TV's, guns, toys and yes even dirt bikes rather than take care of the important things in life. Right now ACA has a lot of problems that need attention and I would rather see our politicians trying to address those problems instead of wasting their time holding 50 odd votes trying to repeal it. It was a waste of time because even if they had passed the repeal it would never have made it past the President's desk.
I shudder to think how Chris would have gotten by without insurance for this last ACL surgery. I venture to say the total cost was over 50,000.00 when you include follow up, physical therapy, ect.
Not all is the fault of our government but lies rather in the cut throat business of insurance. Yes, I can understand not wanting lose money via profit margins but let's face it...insurance companies have been gouging us for years. Years ago when insurance companies began requiring medical facilities to contract with them and bid our medical care began to go down hill. Medical facilities had to lower their standards and cut corners to be able to bid and win contracts. I saw patient care take a serious hit even in the O&P field. Hospitals often kick you out too early and many times this causes patients to relapse. Bad business but what can you do. It is, what it is.